C.C. Reader Editor's note: Here is a space reserved for club news. This section will exist only if clubs submit material. Make the students at Capitol Campus aware of your club's presence. The deadline for submitting Club News is 5 p.m. the Monday prior to publication. SP.S. Scoop Thanks to Claudia, Jack, Bob and George, the Graduate Society of Planning Students is back in action. Thanks also to Kathy and Terry for fight ing fbr a budget last spring. Way to go, People! Karl Huber is being in vestigated! That's right. a North Carolina planning agency has called to check his references. Karl has already graduated so good luck to you, Karl. Dr. Simko will probably be leaving us after spring term for a period of two years. Dr. Ferguson is up for interim Department Head, and will probably get the job. Don't forget to check your studio box if you have one! Chess Cla The Chess Club will be switching its meetings from Wed. to Fri. at 3 p.m. The change is designed to provide a better student turnout and will be effective on Fri. Feb. 1. The next meeting of the Photo Club will be held on Wednesday January 30, 1980 at 8:15 p.m. in the Securtiy Building (behind the Multi- Purpose Building). We have a lot to offer to our members: use of a pri vate, fully-equipped dark room, black and white print ing, color printing, individual assistance, use of club cam eras, and an opportunity to get together with other cam era buffs to share tips and shoot the breeze. So come on down and join one of the more active clubs on campus - you'll be glad you did. AIN New Ginger Vestich was back in town Tuesday, Janu ary 15. She was sorry to hear about Curt's passing. They were good friends. We're going to miss a really great guy (Mr. Mike) Clubbin" around when this term ends. Mike Benner hopes to have his thesis done and if so will move back to Washington D.C. (to a cushy Federal job, it's said.) Mr. Mike goes way back to '76 and may have a modern Capitol Campus longevity record! Thanks and two "atta girls" to Bonnie and Julie who joined the frat this year. It does a lot for morale to have pretty girls around -- just look at the lounge wall (W-114)! There's still time for any one to join the frat and make the annual Phiflies trip in May. Bus with bathroom, beef, food and ticket are FREE to dues paying mem bers if at all possible. Last year non-members on a limit ed basis made the trip (same package) for a frat cover charge of $lO.OO (Phiflies 6, Dodgers 5 in 10 innings) but with inflation who knows what the trip will cost this year. A visit to a Veterans Hospital is being planned for the Winter Term. In the past, magazines and reading mat erial have been distributed to the Vets. Even slightly dated issues are appreciated more than you can imagine. So, instead of throwing that pile of old mags, books, etc. into the trash, why not bring them to the XGI Lounge? Be assur ed they will be put to good use. Collection will last until February 1, 1980. MIIBO9 Another year is under way and MHBOG is trying its best to make this time the best ever. Although this year didn't start with the after the bash-bash, plans are still brewing for the swampwater party. The only ingredient needed for the swampwater is some feedback on student participation at this event. We would really like to hear from the commuter section of the student body as well as the locals. This would be a great chance to get to know who really sits (or sleeps) beside you in class in a more sociable atmosphere. A tentative date for this event would be Tues day, February 19. On February 20th, some body will be the first one to try to break Joan Betchel's record of $268.00 in this win ter's grocery grab. Rumor has it that Joan is still enjoying her fill of steak and hors d'oeuvres. This term, as in the last, the grab will be held as Fox's Grocery. Tickets will be sold at the round table and by marauding governor mem bers. Prices will be 2 for $1 and 5 for $2. In the very near future there are plans for an adult awareness film to be held in the auditorium during the day and into the night. Thursday, Jan. 24, 1980 No one under 21 will be admitted to the film unless accompanied by a. parent or guardian. So watch the bul letin boards for this event. Plan to come early while there are plenty of seats available. The board is extending its most warm welcome to any body that is willing to have a good time and make lots of friends, to join up as a mem ber of MHBOG. Just curious? Well stop by at the Coffee House on Wednesday nights at 8:00 and see what we're all about. Don't miss the next Hillel meeting, to be held Monday, February 11 at 1:30 p.,m. room W-202. Our recent meetings were highly produc tive and we are now planning a Tu Be-Shvat (dedicating to the University), a Purim party (costumes and all), lec tures by an Israeli writer and his wife, a child psychiatrist, and much more. So come to the next meeting and bring your ideas! You can also con tact us by leaving your name and phone no. in our mail box at the SGA offices, or call the Meltzers at 944-1245. Ski Chrb The newly reorganized ski club will be having weekly trips to ski Roundtop which will occur on either Wednes days for afternoon and even ing skiing or on Fridays, evening skiing only, weather permitting. Group rates and a discount for club members will be in effect. Nonmembers can get $1 off the total price while members can get up to $3 off. During term break we will also be having a trip to Smug gler's Notch, Vermont, for five days and four nights. The total, which includes room, meals, rentals (if needed) and lift ticket which enables you to ski three different moun tains, is approximately $llO. Meetings will be held every Monday at 6 p.m. in the Gallery Lounge. Attend if you can for club information, but if you can't, call Jeff or Mark at 944-4969. Bulletin Board klentaissid shditels During the month of January all International Students must report their addresses to the Immigration and Naturalization Service. Forms are available at any Post Office or inquire at the Student Affairs office W-105. Completed forms may be turned in to the Student Affairs Office for mailing. Masi man There will 'be a Winter Term Meeting of the Provost's Advisory Commit tee on Student Welfare at 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday, February 13, 1980 in the Gal lery Lounge. Students, facul ty and staff who have items which they would like to have placed on the agenda for this meeting should submit them to Dr. South or Michael Sheldon by Friday, February Bth. The meeting will be open to all members of the Campus community. Seisksik Ad MOH The Patriot News is spon soring a Scholastic Art Ex hibit at Capitol Campus fea turing entries from more than 100 high schools in the Central Pennsylvania Region. This Regional exhibit will open Sunday, January 27, 1980, at 2 p.m. in the Gallery Lounge and BCAC Lounge. It will end February 2, 1980. International News Commentary By Basis► Ali Hamdani Russians Hurt Play Cool Despite international crit icism, the Russians are stick ing to their job. Tourists coming from Kabul, capital of Afghanistan, say that the Russians seem to have control of the situation and there is no fighting going on in the cap ital. President Carter has toughened his stand on the entire situation. He has voiced his opposition to participation of American athletes in the summer olympics. Members of the American olympic committee have shown their opposition to the president's views. On the international front, the U.S. government is doing everything to gather all its allies to fight an economic war against Russia. Defense Sec retary Harol Brown's visit to China was the highlight of those efforts. Om twigikm There are still openings in the Stress Reduction and Personal Growth Group to be offered by the Counseling Center. The workshop will begin on Wednesday, January 23, 1980 and will run for 8 consecutive Wednesday af ternoon sessions through the end of the term from 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. The workshop is designed to cope with stress-related problems attendant with be ing a student. Stress manage ment techniques will be tai lored for individual workshop participants. Participants will have a chance to monitor their progress and discuss their methods and concerns with fellow group members. Although the workshop begins on January 23, 1980, students may join up to and through the second session, January 30, 1980. Interested students must have a pre workshop interview with Ed Beck, the workshop leader. Stop by the Counseling Cen ter, W-117 or call 738-6025 for an appointment. The Patriot News has been involved for 12 years as the Regional Sponsor of Ex hibition which is conducted nationally by Scholastic Mag azine, Inc. The exhibit will go from Capitol Campus to be dis played at the William Penn Museum during the Month of February. Brown Visits Chins The visit by Brown to China was a rare occasion for an American official. Besides talking to Chinese leaders on the policy decisions made on the Russian invasion of Af ganistan, Brown was shown the strategic military instal lations of the People's Liber ation Army (PLA). American experts think it would take about 60 million dollars to modernize the Chinese army to enable them to defend themselves against a Russian attack. Loved Ones Blamed Joy Adamson's death was blamed on the lions she loved all her life. But officials in Kenya say they suspect a murder. Wounds on Adamson's body were not of a lion's bite, but they seem to have been inflicted by a sharp weapon. So don't blame the loved ones.
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