Page 6 Get your act together Do you have a unique or unusual act? Do you have a serious talent? Or do you just like to ham it up? Well, get ready beam Concert Committee presents 'The Gong Show" First prize—s2s Most original—slo Worst act-55 Come and enjoy the fun Applications available at roundtable poetry By Julio I really don't know how to start But I have lots of time To think of something really smart And the!) to make it rhyme So I migJt as well continue To write along this vein Because, you know, I've thought it through-- A poem's like a train A poem can be long It's verses can be short It's words can be so strong Or very hard to sort 1 1 00, '‹T Tuesday, Feb. in the auditorium A hvil of hs lines Thursday, Jan. 24, 1980 General admission-50' Fee for act—s 2 No booze allowed One line can take you one way And bring you back another Might see your friend the one day And then, the next, your mother They can take you up the hill Or they can bring you down They can even break the still Of midnight -- in a small town I really don't know how to end But now I think it's time To conclude this little thing I've penned Before it stops its rhyme Have you had MONO in the last 2 months? Make $5O right now! If you have or have had mononucleosis in the last 2 months you could receive $5O each time you donate plasma - for a possible total of $4OO a rnt.xllh! "THE VERY BEST PORN FILM EVER MADE." DEEP TIVCAT With Linda Lovelace and Harry Ream IN courm (2) lAA grateful for Snowflakes The International Affairs Association would like to thank "I. M. Fedup" for the five snowflakes. Our mem bership will do their best to ensure that they do not melt from inaction. In addition, our last meeting had unanimous agreement about asking "I. M. Fedup" to join our organiza tion. His (or her?) displays of energy assure a welcome as set to lAA. Not to give away the true identity, of course; an incognito appearance at our January 28th meeting would be fitting. As the title implies, lAA's primary function is to provide cross-cultural awareness. This is attempted through expo- C.C. Reader —AI Goldstein ONE AND ONLY.. sure to diverse cultural hab its, religious beliefs, political perspectives, cuisine, art, and music. Numerous events are sponsored throughout the year, such as foreign films (all subjects), International Din ners, topical speakers, and model debates. if all this sounds a little vague, best bet is to get in touch with one of the members. Contact Mr. Clem Gilpin, Alan Foote (Church Hall 116), or Keith Yundt (Church Hall 136), or leave a note in the organiza tions mailbox in W-110. The annual Model United Nations Conference is sched uled for February 21, 22, and 23. We anticipate 160-175 stu dents and advisors to be par ticipants this year, making the turnout the largest ever. Students will be divided into Committees, a Security Council, and a General As sembly. Staff positions have not been filled as yet. Person nel are needed for: office work, coordination of data, chairing of assemblies, and any other duties that need to be done. If this offer does not appeal just yet, wait another month. By the end of Febru ary you may want to skip those Friday classes to do something usefUl. Also, extra space is needed to house stu dents who will not be com muting for the Conference. Those residences which have I , xlra spare, be it in the dorms
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