' 4 ' Movie reviews: by mike argento Apocalypse Nov is a film of surrealistic images Woven in to a story loosely based on Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness. Unlike other Viet nam films of this era, Apoca lypse deals with the moral effects ofwar rather than the effects of war on individuals. There are no characters that the audience can personally relate to as in The Deerhunter or Coming Home.Thecharact ers in Apocalypse are sym bols, representative of moral values. For those not familiar with Heart of Darkness, here is a quick summary of that story. Marlow, skipper of a steam boat trading in ivory on the Congo River, goes in search of Kurtz, the trading company's number one agent. The idea listic Kurtz had entered the jungle with hope of civilizing the natives. In the wilderness he discovers in himself the great evil of which humans are capable. Kurtz sets him self up as a god to an army of natives, inciting his worship pers to robbery, persecution, and murder. Marlow's David Martin Store Downtown M-town Fox's Market USDA Choice Western Beef 101 South Union Street 944.7486 Hours: Monday thru Saturday 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Friday 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. encounter with the fatally ill Kurtz leave him profoundly disillusioned--shattered by his knowledge of human potential for evil. In the film, Marlow is represented by Captain Wil lard, played masterfully by Martin Sheen. Willard, a trained assassin, is obsessed with the jungle. He lives for the hunt, for another mission, for another victim of his mer ciless, impersonal method of assassination. He is instructed to find Kurtz, played by Mar- by jell drinnan The Pythons are back with another innovative satire-Life of Brian-this one set back a little further in history than Monty Python and the Holy Grail. The scene is Jerusalem in the time of Jesus Christ. Partway through the movie, Brian is mistaken for Christ. Brian is part Jew and part Roman, and hates the Ro mans. Also hating the Imper ialist Romans is the People's Front of Judea, not be to be mistaken for the Judean Peo- Visit Fox's Famous Deli and Country Market lon Brando, and murder him with "extreme prejudice." The first half of Willard's journey is a struggle to dis tance himself from the absur dity of the war. Along the way, he encounters insane Colonel Kilgore, brilliantly portrayed by Robert Duvall, who plays Wagner's classical music over a public address system during his attacks,and who loves surfing. In the first half of the film, Colonel Kilgore's modern ca valry is seen surfing among And the comedy of religion pie's Front, whom the Peo ple's Front of Judea also hate. Inevitably, Brian meets up with the People's Front of Judea and decides to join them, but first he must be initiated. He must write anti- Roman grafitti on a public wall in Latin. He's caught by a Roman soldier (John Cleese) who gives him a lesson in Latin grammar. Life of Brian displays modern attitudes in first-cen tury Jerusalem, showing how ridiculous radicals, religious fanatics and other people mis- *SWEATSHIRTS *TEE SHIRTS IV NITTANY LION SHIRTS *CAPS * MUGS * LICENSE PLATES Full variety in all departments Plus our famous In-store Bakery piles pedies hot from ow woo gm'l Aid aim* pests lookhl he 'Akio The horror of war Vietnamese corpses followed by a truly bizarre USO show and an absurd battle at Do Lung Bridge. After the scenes at the bridge and a truly shocking encounter with a sampan, the film changes drastically: Willard is travel ling back in time until he reaches Kurtz's camp. The end of the film has caused a bit of controversy among critics. To this critic, the ending ties the movie together. The whole moral dilemma of war is dealt with-- using Christianity are. There is no satire per se on Christ himself, but on philistine use of religion-on misinterpreta tion and general use of reli gion for one's own ends. In consistencies with the Bible are shown throughout the film. The opening shot is a humble manger scene follow ed by a not-so-humble scene . The use of the cross as a symbol of salvation is satiriz ed. The crucifixion of a couple of hundred people is displayed as a social event, with polite Roman hosts and a jesting Jew. When Brian uses the fig urative speech of the Bible, onlookers take it literally, interrupting him and ridicul ing him. A day in the life of Brian consists of stonings,listening to speeches by Christ and religious fanatics on soapbox es and more. The plot revolves around the radicals' plan to over throw Pontius Pilate. Their rhetoric is satirized through Socratic dialogue and through dramatic action, showing their irrationality. The radical fac tions fight amongst themsel ves more than with those they call their mutual enemy--the Romans. the necessity of being motiva ted by great feeling of love, and yet being able to kill without any emotion, drawing on primordial instincts. To some this may seem ambigu ous, but it is indeed a serious concept when dealing with war. . I am sure that this review cannot truly explain this film. The amazing images, the sweeping beauty and the hor or of Apocalypse Now must be experienced. It is definitely a unique cinema experience. After having passed the initiation into the People's Front of Judea, Brian joins them in a plot to seize the Roman palace in modern radi cal style. On the way they meet another radical group, and guess what happens? Brian is caught and brought before Pilate, the straight man, in a very funny scene. Brian escapes, and of course the unpredictable happens in his flight. While eluding the Romans, Brian drops on top of a soap box, gives a speech, and runs off. After a group of people find his sandal, they are sure he is Christ. Graham Chaplin plays the disinterested Brian well, as he tries to rid himself of the unwanted followers. The surrealistic cartoons greatly enhanced the film and were up to Python standards. Terry Gilliam played Brian's wise-cracking (and occasion ally nagging) mother well; John Cleese added much understated humor as a radi cal Roman soldier; Michael Paßbis played a silly leopard and an absurd Pontius Pilate; and Grahan Chaplin kept a straight face in the midst of absurdity and played an con vincing Brian mistaken for Christ. The innovation and chemistry of Python worked to make a uniquely funny film. chssifieds Pitt Ticket for Sale. call 944- 0847. Best offer over $lO. FOR SALE: Dynaco A-35 speakers. Excellent sound. Originally $240 a pair; now $l2O a pair. Call Mel, 761-3367 EARN AT LEAST $6B per month for four hours of your time per week. Donate plasma at Sera-tec Biologicals. Open Monday thru Thursday from 8:45 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Friday from 8:45 a.m. to 4 p.m. Stop in at 260 Reily Street, Harris burg, or call for information at 232-1901. ENERGY. We afford to can't c.c. reader
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