S.A.E. to hold Car Bash The S.A.E. (Society of Automotive Engineers) will sponsor a car bash on Dec ember 3,4, & '5 behind the main building. All students are invited to take out frustrations or revenge by sledging a car. A nominal fee of a dollar for five hits will be charged. Drummer causes cancellation The GPP November 27 con cert, featuring Steph, was cancelled by the band as a result of their drummer being unable to perform. Jay Redman, GPP chair person, said that the band will not be rescheduled un less there is considerable student request. "I am extremely upset about it--we apologize," Redman said concerning the cancelling of the concert. Refunds for concert tickets can be a-ranged by contact ing Redman at 944-9338. GPP is planning a ma jor concert early in the Winter Term. agazg our Rate-A-Bar YESTERDAYS- Her shey , PA SERVICE- *** l / 2 ATMOSPHERE FOOD- -***** QUALITY OF BEER ON TAP-***** as well) QUALITY OF MIXED DRINKS-**** GAMES-bring a deck of cards (Kinky phone booth) JUKE BOX-**** (great for Streisand fans) LOCATION-** THE RUSTY NAIL--3100 PAXTANG STREET, HARRISBURG, PA--564-5150 ATMOSPHERE-**** SERVICE-***** RESTROOMS-WOMEN-** (not enough graffiti) MEN-* WOMEN- BYO (TOSTAPRUTES) LOCATION- **** PARK ING- ** FOOD- (MENU LOOKED GOOD) COMMENTS—By the way, the Rate-A-Bar- committee tried to rate a bar in Cambodia, but out passports were revoked (P Bar staggered in the passport office). We donated a keg of beer instead. Oh yea-- lAA has received a donation from us as well. We Feature * School Supplies * Health and Beauty Aids * Automotive Needs * Housewares OUTSTANDING-*** ** EXCELLENT-**** GOOD- A A A MEN -*** 19 S. Union St., Middletown, PA. 8 Mon.-Thurs. 8-9 Fri. 8-10 Sun. 10-3 & Sat. RATING OVERALL-**** (bottle ' s rate ***** OVERALL- *** WELCOMES ALL PISS POOR-** SHITTY:-* PARKING-***** RESTROOMS- MEN-***** WOMEN- **** MEN-**** WOMEN -****k ATTITUDE TOWARDS STU $ IS $ LAST CALL-** (when G turn off the heat it's time to go) PRICES-**not really college bar--but g , one—time excursion ATTITUDE TOWARDS STUDENTS- $ LAST CALL-**l/2 GAMES-** (no pool table) QUALITY OF MIXED DRINKS{no o one) QUALITY OF BEER ON TAP-**** PRICES-***** (on beer, food a bit high) JUKE BOX-*** PENN STATE STUDENTS Master Charge Visa Accepted
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