The second annual Dorm Olympics came to a close on Sunday, May 20, under blue skies and bright sunshine. Meade Heights was the over all winner, gamering 80 total points. Third Floor Wrisberg finished second with 62 points while First floor and Third Floor Church tied for third place with 38 points each. There were fourteen ev ents in the week-long games. First place finishers in each event were awarded ten points. Second place recei- EVENT Backgammon Foosball Pinball Raquetball Tennis Softball Bike Race Three Mile Run Ping Pong 100 Yard Dash Volleyball 3 Legged Race Tug of War irtnmanUmmh | blue division white division ! PLAYER WON LOST PLAYER WON LOST Dave Miller 3 0 Jeff Musser 3 0 Shelton Braxton 4 1 Greg Huber 2 1 Craig Rowland 3 1 Jon Frew 1 1 Lee Rheim 2 1 Tim Long 0 1 David Zelnick 2 Tom Steen Renwick Jackson 1 3 Through the effo at The Union Deposit every item in the stor A plan for using the Multi-Purpose Building for e vents such as concerts has been drawn up by the SGA. Doug Cook, conceiver of the plan, said that with a few alterations, the Multi-Purpose Building could be rendered jisabte to hoy concerts. He ved six points; third and fourth place finishers in each event were awarded two points. A plaque honoring the winning Meade Heights team will be engraved and placed in the Gymnasium. Bob Fer rarone, organizer of the Ol ympics, stated that he was pleased with the participation and the team spirit shown in all the events. A good time was had by all who attended. The following is a list of first through fourth place fin ishers in each event. FIRST SECOND THIRD FOURTH rts of the SGA, the Juke Box Music Store, t Mall, is offering a 10 per cent discount on re, to students with a Penn State 1.D.. said that this would be more economical than holding a concert off-campus, since high rates of rental for an other location would not have to be paid. Because of the altera tions made to the building for the Carter Commission ihoot out froi TEAM Redneck Mothers 8 Sultans of Swing 4 Bushwackers Petards Gnat-Men Nuclear Wastes 3 Cunning Linguists 2 Scraps Survivors The Capitol Campus fencing club (The Nittany Cavaliers) will hold an ex hibition in Student Center on Mlnesday, May 30th, at 2:00p.m.. The public is in vited. Hearings, the electrical con nections needed for a con cert have already been installed. Cook suggested the pos sibility of clubs poolirig their resources to make use of the building for concerts if this plan is approved. startini AMERICAN LEAGUE WON LOST TEAM Spirit sho, New members are en- I. A. A. presents: fmanj* LWo# presents An Arthur Gohn Production Th a n4ay Cc<or **** [poi*:?* hrinminlmftMtiuJhp NATIONAL LEAGUE Tony’s Team Joint Effort Dukes Elwood’s Boys Gumma's Night Train Express WSDC Plus Team"Z” 2nd Floor Church Three Strikes: You're Out 0 Physician’s Assistants 0 couraged to join the club—no previous experience is ne cessary. aMt The Capitol Campus Ra cquetball tournament has been rescheduled for Tues day through Thursday, May 29-31. Miytt tpjhlaJM. WON LOST
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