miiiiiiii<iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiinMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|||||iui|||||„|||||||||| l |,lll,||||||||| l | | | | ||||| | |||| | | | || | ||u,iiiniini,mu,niiiiniiiiiiiiiiiniiiiumii Vets Voice Ull«lllllllllllllMimHllHlllll||||||||||||||||||||||| n |,„|,| | |„„„| ||| „| | ,mi, M | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||n||||| Recently, several bills of a^ow the veteran to pay the duty service required for eligi possible interest to veterans l aw yers for their legal services, bility has also been reduced have been introduced either an d would require tne Veterans from 181 days to 90 days, with into the U.S. Congress or the Administration to simplify its at least one of the 90 days Pennsylvania Legislature. rulemaking procedures. active duty service occuring There have also been some HB 336 and HB 337 deal between August 5, 1964 ana recent changes in the requi- w *th state veterans homes. Bill May 7, 1975. rements for eligibility for VA would place the employees In determining the amount home loans. of the homes under civil service of a loan for which the veteran In the United States Senate, ra ther than the Department of may qualify, the spouse’s in two bills have been introduced. Military Affairs, and Bill 337 come may also be counted. Bill S 109 deals with the draft, wou ld provide for restricted According to Max Cleland, and would require the reinsti- accounts for the fees collected Administrator of the Veteran’s tution of procedures for the re- rom residents of the state Administration, “We consider gistration of certain persons ve terans homes. the combined income of the under the Military Selective Another bill, HB 339, would couple in cases where the vet- Service Act. Recently, all bra- set U P a . memorial commission eran’s income alone would not nches of the military have re- to provide a suitable state qualify him or her for the loan ported difficulty in meeting memorial at the veterans cem - in question." their quotas under the all- etar y planned at Fort Indian- Veterans who may be con volunteer program. There has town Gap. The Pennsylvania sidering aVA home loan for the also been discussion that, if the National Guard has not been future should apply for a Certi draft is resumed, both men and forgotten by the state legis- ficate of Eligibility. Applica women in certain age categor- l atur e. One bill would provide tions for this certificate and ies would be required to regist- f° r an increase in the mmimum additional information on VA er with the Selective Service P a y °f privates who go on home loans may be obtained Board. active duty for the state from from the Veterans Affairs Of- Another bill, S 330, would $25. to $35. per day. Another fice. allow veterans to challenge in wou ld exempt members of the Note: In the Vet’s Voice column court the decisions of the Vet- G uar d a nd the Reserve from in the March 2 issue of the C.C. erans Administration. The bill state income tax payment for Reader, a key word was omit is entitled: “The Veterans Ad- money received for military ted from a sentence. What read ministration Adjudication Pro- duty. as a reminder to veterans who cedure and Judicial Review Along with the above bills have been certified for the Act.” Currently, the VA, unlike un der consideration, the Vet- Spring Term should have read: other federal agencies, is im- eran s Administration has rec- As spring registration occurs, mune from court review of its ei ?Hy announced changes in the we would like to remind all rulings on claims for benefits, eligibility requirements for use veterans who have not been The only way the veteran can °f VA home loans. The maxi- certified for the term to contact currently challenge the VA ru- mum VA loan guaranty has the Veterans Affairs Office as lings is on the basis of Con- keen increased from $17,500. to to the number of credits they stitutional arguments. Other $25,000.. The length of active will be taking, provisions of the bill would News briefs Metropolitan Edison insur ance claims are being accepted only from persons with pre school aged children and/or pregnant women, and families in which the wife is pregnant and/or includes pre-school aged children. Persons placing claims must present birth cert ificates of children, proof of pregnancy, if applicable, and proof of identification and resi dency within a five-mile radius of the plant. If evacuated to a friend’s or family member’s home, a letter from the host telling of the length of the visit is required by claimants. A determination on whether cla ims will be accepted from those who lost wages is pending. For further information call 233- 021. looking lor something new? Introductory Flight Lessons *20.00 Fliglit Sehool Maintanee Tie Down Pending Legislation The Penn State, Capitol Campus Fund for Research has awarded a $5OO. grant to Dr. Elaine Ader Frederich, assist ant professor of social science and political science. According to Provost Theo dore L. Gross, her research will focus on the circumstances that cause changes in Congress and the effect those changes have on public policy. Dr. Friedrich, who recently joined the faculty at Capitol Campus, received her Ph.D. in political science from the Univ ersity of Michigan. Applications for the Resi dent Assistant positions are due no later than 5 p.m., April Charter Fuel 25. For futher info contact your R.A., Pat Murphy at 787-1665 or Greg Holmes at 787-7770. Meade Heights Board of Governors is planning the Rites of Spring for the 30th of May thru the 3rd of June. This unfortunately means that there will probably be a lesser am ount of outdoor programming during the middle of May, when people have been accustomed to having the “Rites” occur. If you wish to plan an outdoor event in People’s Park, contact the Residence Living Program Office for permission and ass istance. Capitol City Aviation, New Cumbrland Call 774-7248 - for an appointment *he thrill . of flying Tuesday, February 27, Since spring term is just marked the fourth Fraternity around the corner, the fratern meeting of the winter term, ity would like to spark interest Richard Denny was accepted as into some new members. Any the newest member of the student interested is invited to XGl’s, and our new officers drop by W-114 and talk to some were also installed. The lucky members. And to stimulate leaders for next year are: Jack interest, a few of the goodies Place-President, Doug Cook coming in the spring will be Vice-President, Paul Merrill- briefly mentioned. Our spring Treasurer, and Keith Yundt- blood drive is on the board for Secretary. the third week of April. That Sports wise, the volleyball means the funny guy in the hall team came out on top against is green again. Also on Satur the Nittany Kittens on Tuesday day, April 7, a keggar at the March 6. This gives the team a student center is planned. All 5-4 over-all record. And for the you engineers that need to blow baseball fans, team practice is °f f steam after the ElT’s are starting on Wednesday, March welcome to attend. The band is 14. Stop by the lounge for mellow rock, and a good time is details. And if the campus planned for all. Meetings of the team is bland, the trip to the fraternity are held at the Vet is on for April 24. The American Legion Hall in Mid- DODGERS WILL BE IN FOR dletown, alternate Tuesday A NIGHT DOUBLEHEADER nights from 9 p.m. till the keg AND 40 TICKETS WILL BE g° es and the business finishes. AVAILABLE. Prices and Any interested bodies are in details will be posted in the vited to attend, lounge. The Accounting Club has elected new officers. They are: Bob Heitzman, President; Ka ren Cornell, Vice President; Linda Hightneir, Secretary- Treasurer. The club will hold a meeting on May 26th to discuss plans for its future keggar. On Friday, April 27, the Resident Student Council will present the 1979 Spring Semi- Formal at Atanasoffs The Towne and Country Restaurant in Hummelstown. Tickets are $25 per couple. Tickets will be limited to just 80 couples and will be sold on a first come, first serve basis in Wrisberg Dorm, room 109 , during the hours posted. Featured at the Semi-For mal will be “Down to Earth” and a hot/cold buffet from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. and dancing from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.. An optional cocktails (cash bar) will be open from 7 p.m. to Bp.m.. Club News Residents of Lower Swatara Township, Londonderry Town ship, Middletown, Toyalton and Falmouth are eligible for free radioactive tests. The tests are being conducted until further notice at the Middletown, Com munity Service Building, Cath eriine and Emaus Streets. The procedure is being done to determine whether the normal radioactive content of the people in the area has been changed as a result of the 3 Mile Island accident. Persons inter ested should call 944-5921 for an appointment. Proof of residen cy is required. The Student I.D. can be used for this purpose. How to find a summer job. Talk to Manpower. We’ve got summer job opportunities for office temporaries. Typists, stenos, receptionists, and more. Work as much as you want. Or as little. It’s up to you. There’s a Manpower office almost anywhere you’re spending the summer. Stop in and we ll plan a job schedule for you. Omanpowbi* TEMPORARY SERVICES An equal opportunity employer
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