page 10 Capitol switches to metric As you may already be aware, beginning next term Capitol Campus will follow the trend set by several other branch campuses and begin its conversion to metric time. Since Capitol has always been in keeping with the times, it is only natural that we begin the switch as soon as practical. The following is a condensed explanation of the new system, and is by no means compre hensive. If you have further questions, consult your advisor. The basic units of time are based on our current standard, the day. Other units will be changed as follows: Old unit New unit second milliday minute centiday hour deciday week decaday month hectoday year kiloday In keeping with the metric system, there will now be 10 decidays per day, 10 centidays per deciday, 10 milli days per centiday and so on. For convenience sake, the hec todays of March and August “A surprising fact I teamed: Just about every lifeguard you've ever seen has had Red Cross safety training. To date. Red Cross has issued over 65 million swimming and Iffe saving certificates. “Tnere's just ho telling how many lives saved those hard earned water safety certificates represent. - “Yet important as lifesaving is, it's just one way Red Cross serves our town. “In towns antfcities across the nation. Red Cross performs scores of different services. In some places. Red Cross pro vides home health care for senior citizens. In many places they teach preparation for par enthood. Red Crpsst'helps peo ple relocate after fires. Ifeaches health, safety, firs; aid. Helps veterans. In fact, if it needs to be done, chanCfcs'Are Red Cross is doing it right now. "Arid Red Cross could sure use your help in getting it done Call your Red Cross chapter today - if you’re ready to help. Thanks!” Keep Red Cross ready. by Gayle Greenwald will be eliminated, as it was found that nothing occurs dur ing these hectodays anyway. Birthdays and other events can be found by a simple conversion formula that will be included in the revised Policies and Rules for Students. Class will now run 85 centi days and the new schedule will be as such: Ist period 3:05 to 3:90 2nd. period . 4:95 to 4:80 3rd. period 4:85 tO 5:50 Time between classes will be five centidays or 50 millidays Classes will be held for six consecutive days, allowing 2/5 of a decaday for the decaday end. The term Thank goodness it’s Friday’ will be replaced with Thank goodness it’s the sixth day of the decaday.’ Likewise, the expression ‘a month of Sundays’ is obsolete, and will now be ‘a hectoday of Decadays.’ " Courses will be 2*/» decidays apiece and a total of 4 decadays will be requited to complete your 2 kflodays at Capitol. Grades will be distributed every JA kiloday and you will be allowed 1.5 hectodays to drop a course, but only 40 decidays to Dear Aunt Dorothy Dear Aunt Dorothy: My father is a machinist who was laid off by the B-l bomber cancellation. Military cutbacks cost him his job! —Out in the Cold in California Dear Out in the Cold in California: Your father’s employer, Rockwell International, was guaranteed total compensation for all expenses and losses from the B-l cancellation. The workers got the ax. It was another case of socialism for the rich and “free market” for the workers. More jobs are created by converting to non-military projects. But planning fe necessary. Support a bill for conversion planning presently in Congress (the Defense Economic Adjust ment Act). Contact me or your congressional representative for more information. Dear Aunt Dorothy: The Reader’s Digest says it’s high time to dig deeper fallout shelters because the Russians are way ahead of us in civil defense and are getting ready for a first-strike. And President Carter wants plans to evacuate our cities. What about it? Dear Eighth Grade: Dig a deep bate aad bury all your Digests. They use their own writers far scare artktes to keep up the arms race, Oar own National Security Ceaacfl says that Idl sdlliMi Americana wil die te a aactear war. Beth countries weald ha destroyed. The Rmwteter da have a dril defease frsgraa hat It is daw staaiditv aad went work. MayhTthey have heea reJSSiE Reader's Digest. RasahuM have richaacaed thsir program “grab," which mesas “ee«a." those Is ae dafsase against aactear weapons. Write President Carter aad teH him ae. Confidential te Wanted te Wisesaate: rd be worried tee chant the ■**»»«■ of gottteg raped te the “Wsmea’s Army"! Dent depend ea the castas recruiter te tell yea everything. Rape te eae of the fastest growing crisms te the mUtairy, la the wards of one enlistee: These gays thtek the servicewomen are here to service them.” Aad yin thought all the macho men were te the fraternities! Send your heartfelt questions on politics, the military and nuclear issues to: Aunt Dorothy, c/o Fellowship of Reconciliation, Box 271, Nyack, N.Y. 10960. add. Students will be excused for 300 centidays to adjust to the new schedule. The C.C. Reader will be published twice hectodaily. For safety reasons, you may wish to remember that the speed limit in the Heights will now be 18 kpd or 18 kilometers per deci day. To further simplify things, instructors will also convert to the new system. Sick leave wil 1 be based on 45 centidays per deciday worked and annual leave will be accumulated at the rate of one deciday per hecto day, except for leapkiloday, when it will be computed as 600 millidays for every kiloday of tenure. The head of every de partment will be required to spend 4.5 decidays per hecto dayto keep track of their sub ordinates, except for the En gineering department because they are already familiar with the business of metric conver sion. It is estimated that this new system will greatly improve the efficiency of the campus by the end of the third kiloday, when everyone has either graduated, retired, or resigned. —Eighth Grade Reader CMS It’s no sac rat to some people, but the government isn’t telling us that building nuclear weapons is hazardous to our health. Residents of Utah and Nevada living downwind of A-bomb test sites are getting cancer. People living near the Rocky Flats weapons plant In Colorado are getting higher rates of cancer. Workers at the Hanford, Washington Nuclear Reservation have Increased levels of cancer, The more bomba we build, the more radiation exposure and chance of: increased cancer rates. Support a moratorium on nuclear weapons. opportunities await you. For further information call Toll Free 800-462-1589 or write: Name ' Address College Major Peace Corps/VISTA 320 Walnut Street Philadelphia, Pa. 19106 IT IS NOT TOO LATE to spend next year in Denmark, Finland, Norway or Sweden live and study in a small, residential school, as• one American among Scandinavians become fluent in a new language discover another way of life and gain new perspective on yourself 197 Q f an t S^ r info r" ation j al >out o 1979-80 program (cost, departure college credit, etc.), contact: Scandinavian Seminar - Dept. T 100 E. 85 St., New York, N.Y. 10028 (212) 734-8340 . sor TOtf VISTA
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