I’D trade you all the tea in rhh. for half a ldlo of pure Peruvian Flake: High school students came to Capitol Campus last week to participate in a Model U.N. sponsored by the lAA. Vet's Voice The Office of Veterans Af 'airs would like to take this jpportunity to help keep veter ins informed of various items. We are hoping, in future issues, to be able to report on pending legislation, various changes in veteran-related benefits (edu cational and otherwise), and my other information which we feel may be of benefit or use to vou. As Spring Registration oc :urs, we would like to remind all veterans who have been certified for the Spring Term to contact the Veterans Affairs Office as to the number of credits they will be taking. The earlier this is done, the better the chance that there will not be a lengthy interruption be tween checks. We are not auto natically notified of your en •oillment when you check the •egistration cards that you will je applying for benefits. As the new Congress settles n for the year, we look forward ;o various legislation being in troduced on behalf of the vet erans. From information pre viously received, we would ex pect to seeibills. such as a rate increase for VA educational benefits, and a possible limited extension to the time limit, at least discussed. How they will fare in Congress we have no indication at this point. Most full-time undergrad uate veterans should now have received their renewal applica tions for PHEAA/BEOG for 1979-1980. If not, applications are available in the Veterans Affairs Office. Please remem ber that there is a May 1 deadline for filing. As in the past, if this deadline is not met, you will be in danger of not receiving an award for next year. Also, there is a separate PHEAA application for the Summer Term. When this be comes available we will let you know. If there are topics which'you would like to see discussed in future columns please contact Dave Doaty in the Veterans Affairs Office with your sug gestions. As it now stands, we hope to discuss veterans em ployment opportunities, proce dures for VA home loans, and various additional items in up issues. Scholarship Bank offers computerized financial aid A new service designed to assist students in need of finan cial aid to continue school or plan for graduate school was announced today by the Schol arship Bank. According to Steve Danz, Program Director, the new ser vice will give each student a print-out of the scholarships, loans, grants and work-study sources available to him or her in that student’s specific field. Students apply by writing for and filling out a question naire which is then used as the key to the data bank. The questionnaire is like a mini profile of each student, seeking information on year in school, major, occupational objectives, sex, religion, parent’s union, employer and military service and student's outstanding abil ities, such as leadership exper ience or sports. The service is so thorough according to the director, that in the field of girls’ sports shcolarships alone there are over 2,000 entries. The director also indicated that the Scholarship Bank is the only program that offers a full listing of all graduate and post graduate scholarships, which would be of interest to all grad students and even faculty. The data bank guarantees that each student will receive at least $lOO in aid, or the service fee of $25 will be refun ded. Danz indicated that stu dents unable to pay the $25 fee may receive a “basic” print-out of at least 15 scholarship sour ces for $l5. The $25 fee will give students up to 50 sources of possibe aid. The data bank is up-dated daily with new scholarships and Continuing ed. news A one-day workshop enti tled “Transactional Analysis” will be offered Tues., March 6 from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the multi-purpose building on cam pus. The workshop is designed for supervisors, managers, and technical specialists who do not have formal training in psychol ogy. It will deal with new tools and techniques for improving leadership, communication and human relations in manage ment. The fee for the workshop is $5O, which includes the cost of instruction, course materials, coffee breaks, and lunch. For further information, contact the Continuing Education Office, or phone (717) 787-7753. A Personal Development and Leadership Workshop will be presented on Tues., March 13 from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. on campus. This workshop is for people who wish to gain a better understanding of interpersonal relations and leadership. Em phasis is placed on how to use their skills more effectively to accomplish administrative du ties. The fee of $45 includes all instructional materials, coffee breaks, luncheon, and a certifi cate of completion. For further information contact the Contin uing Education Office, or phone (717) 787-7753. information changes in current scholarships. Due to the back log of applications for this uni que service, students should submit questionnaires as soon as possible. The service will also send each applicant a publication on How to Play Grantsmandship, which will be of help to the students in applying for the aid. The Scholarship Bank cooper ates with financial aids offices and does not duplicate their services, according to the di rector. Most financial aid offices give information only on sour ces that they administer. Write to Scholarship Bank, 10100 Santa Monica 750, L.A. 90067 for an application. En close a stamped, self-addressed envelope and the required fee.
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