page 10 Engineer's Okay, everyone. 'Dike out a sheet of 8-1/2 Xll paper, a mechanical pencil, and a plastic eraser. Put your text books and calculators away. You all remember how to play Idiot's Bingo from your last elective. Match the instructor to the appropriate phrase or other incriminating characteristic . Answers will be posted on the door of the C.C. Reader W-129 at noon on Fliday. 1. Springs. 2. "And things of this nature" 3."8y God it better be" 4. "Howdy" 5. "Any questions . . 6. Butterflies and pH. 7. "Kick 'em when they're down, but first you gotta get 'em down" R. Coca-cola can. 9. "Now realizing that . . 10. Stainless steel lunchbox. 11. Keeps a tiolet repair kit in his office. 12. "little steps for little feet" 13. lays his watch out while he lectures. 14. "Just one more thing . . 15. Winks. 16. "Criteria" 17." Don't send a boy to do a man's job" 18. "You guys are clods" 19. "No fight" 20. Size 13 wing-tips. 21 Penn State Athletic Department 22"1f bullship was music, you'd be John Phillips Sousa" 23" Hug and crank" 24. Good morning class" 25. Yardstick 26. B & 0 belt buckle. a. !Ass Anderson B. Mr. Aungst C. Mr. Etrey D. Mr. Bubel E. Dr. Bulman F. Dr. Cole G. Mr Douglas IL Mr. Harman L Mr. Jones J. Mr. Houser L Mr. D. Miller M. Dr. Miller N. Mr. Pugh 0. Dr. Rogers P. Mr. Schiller Q. Mr. Think R Mr. Filler Thanks to those who helped me with some of these even though you wished to remain anonymous. I don't want to take all the credit (ie: grief) for this. COME ONE.. CAME ALL.. Welcome back students donate plasma at sera tec biologicals Pop Quiz so far" SERA TEC BIOLOGICALS 260 REILY STREET / HARRISBURG, PA. 17102 for details call 232-1901 HELP WANTED Adressers Wan ted Immediately! Work at home no experience necessary-- exel lent pay. Write American Ser vice, 8350 Park Lane, Suite 127, Dallas, Thxas 75231. FOR SALE 1976 131 Fiat 4- door,AM/FM stereo, tinted glass, 25 m.p.g., 38,000 miles, Ziebart rustproofing, 5 speed. Call Carol Kilgore, 867-4920. TYPING: 12 years experience - 50 cents to 75 cents per page, call Linda at 939-2891. Improve Your Grades! Send $l.OO for your 256-page, mail order catalog of Collegiate Re search. 10,250 topics listed. Prompt Delivery. Box 25907-B, Los Angeles, Calif. 90025. (213) 477-8226. FOR SALE 1974'/2 2602 Datsun 2 plus 2. Includes AC, new Uniroyal tires, ziebarted, 32,000 miles, show-mom cond., ask ing $5495. Call 652-0202, Way to Friday after 5:00 pm. All day Sal. and Sun. 6 1 4 ? ?*? Earn $6B per month We are open Monday-Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Classifieds Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. FOR SALE Snow tire HR7B-14, National Radial White Walls. Driven only 250 miles. Original cost $35. Will sell for $5O. Call evenings 944-9216. Ask for rm 133. WANTED 110 lb. set of weights, steel or cement filled desired. Call John Stachowiak at 944-6767 in the evenings. WANTED II? LB. SET OF WEIGHTS. Steel or cement filled desired. Call John Stach owiak at 944-6767 in the even ings. STUDENTS Yoga classes by instruction of Swami Sweaen baream are being given at 322 State St., West Fairview. Cost is $20.00 for 10 classes. Call 732-3926 or 561-0284. EARN $6B to $lOO per month for four hours of your time per week. Donate Plasma at Sera Tee Biologicals. Open Miday to Thurs. 8:45 am to 7:45 pm, and from 8:45 am to 4: 00 pm on Friday. Stop in at 260 Reily St. or call for information at 232- 1901. A one-day Performance Ap praisal Workshop will be held Hies., Jan. 30 from 8: 30 to 4:30 on campus. This workshop is designed for persons entering manage ment levels, as well as those who have had extensive man agement experience and wish to further their professional devel opment. Fee for the workshop is $50.00, which includes instruc tion, all materials, lunch, and coffee breaks. A Basic Photography work shop will be presented on Sat, Feb. 3 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on campus. This workshop is designed to help amateur and intermedi ate photographers become pm ficient in photographic tech niques. Emphasis is placed on practical methods and sugges tions to help the photographer. The fee of $15.00 includes educational materials for the workshop. For further informa tion, contact the Continuing Education Office, on campus or 'ions 71111.226 a Movie Quiz "JUST FOR OPENERS" This first excerpt from "THE WORLD'S MOST CHALLENG ING TV QUIZ" is the easiest one in the book. After this, we'll show you no mercy. So warm up on this easy one. 1. Who lived at 1313 Blueview Terrace in Los Angeles? 2. Name either of the two Army posts where Sgt. Bilko was sta tioned. 3. What famous children's TV personality played Clarabell the Clown on HOWDY DOODY? 4. Whose money did Michael Anthony dispense on THE MILLIONAIRE and where did this eccentric benefactor reside? 5. What was Sgt. Joe Friday's badge number on DRAGNET? O. On the original DICK VAN DYKE SHOW, Dick portrayed a comedy writer for what mythi cal TV show? 7. Sky King flew a twin-engine airplane named what? 8. Name the head Mouseketeer on the original MICKEY MOUSE CLUB. 9. Who was the boss of the Man from U. N. C. L. E.? 10. Were the dogs who have played Lassie male or female? Or were both males and females used? 11. What was the name of the character played by Lloyd Bridges on SEA HUNT? 12. What was the exact familial relationship between Adam, loss and Little Joe Cartwright? 13. How did Jim Anderson earn a living on FATHER KNOWS BEST? 14. Who was the first host of THE TONIGHT SHOW? Wiry anns •tuaSe aouernsut tre sem aH -E . • sratporq Rum MA% Aata-z uospN a fWI - 11Saletu - 0 Pi -rep •O oaT Aq Weld 'Apartem rapuexaw •11,1-6 ppou atuu -uttf-8 prmiluos mmIS Aperg to tu-s• auois -imps parpo aIEISO UP UO pang oyst `uotclu, projsapg uuof UELISOON (00JE2URN . Idea) qog-£ tuotuard dump `ropreg 1 .4 - Z AKIN • d Jarmo- •SNV From the book THE WORLD'S MOST CHALLENGING TV QUIZ by Joe Welders. Copyright ©1978 by Joe Welders. Published by Doubleday & Co., Inc. C.~ a~tlllder
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