p.ge2 Anyone Sheepy? Judging from the paltry return from the Concert Survey Poll, one may assume that student's are content with their weekly Keggars for entertainment and don't mind be!ng told what to do. College, for some, is a place where minds are stimulated and the type of people one expects to find are imaginative and can use their initiative. Breaking away from time clocks, the assembly line and generally the Archie Bunker stereotypes is one reason to come to college. This breed of human being resents being told to drink coffee on his coffee break if he prefers tea, and his conversation isn't limited to knowing all the latest football statistics. "Man does not live by bread alone," says the old adage. This is not true for some at Capitol Campus, as students religiously make Tuesday nights synonornous with Keggar. "Man lives by Keggar alone" would be appropriate for them. Many regulars pile into the student center on "Keggar" as if a remote control was homing them in. No doubt, occasionally it's nice to get together with other students over a beer. But when students religiously and inexticably tie Tuesday nights to getting inebriated, college life becomes stagnant. We all know the game "Simon Says" we played them we were young. Well, John Travolta says disco and OW disco, and "Animal House" says (satirically) to ass in togas and students ape them. If Simon doesn't "say" and idea is ostrasized. Perhaps John Travolta should have said "Fill out the Concert Survey." Leifer To Confusion Strikes Dear Editor: Being a new student here, I felt a little lost my first day. I didn't expect any problems though, I would just pick up a map to guide me around. Much to my amazement, noone had a map to guide me through the Main Building. A map of the campus was avail able, but I was trying to deci pher the Main Building. What made my journey even more difficult was that alot of the offices and rooms are not marked. I've been told that some of the rooms have even been switched, adding to my confusion, (although switched from what I don't know since I don't have a map). I asked for help at the Public Public Information Office and Student Activities and Student Affairs office. They all were very cooperative in giving me directions and they all also thought that a map of the Main Building would be a good idea. My suggestion to whoever could be in charge of this project is to print up a large map and post copies in various areas in the building or at least in the main entrance. I also cuggest that all offices be mar ked. Carol Eveschild Ed. Perspectives ASME/SAE KEGGAR Every one knows that early term time is party time. So two fine engineering societies have joined to throw an early term keggar. "Disco to GO" will play the top 40, including pop rock and disco, while twelve halves plus punch keeps everyone wet. The event is scheduled for Tuesday, Jan.l6, at the Student Center. The doors swing open at 9:00 and won't close til 2:00 am. So party up, it's early! pennsylvania state university the capitol campus rte. 230 middletown, penna. 17057 office w - 129 phone [7l7] 944-4970 editor news editor feature editor sports editor photography editor copy editor staff Jane reinstadt, joan klein, vito valvano, debbie morrow, tony romeo, Jeff drinnan, rnichael argento, sue rniddleton cartoonist Final deadline for submitting material is tuesaay at 149. m. The views expressed in this paper are not necessarily those of the C.C. Reader. 11/6 eopy,„ 7711 nOS7 COMPLEX FKOAMER DOS THE VOYAGE Of THE usS OSAcaLvi Its may-Few AWIL ExPLoitE STRANGE NEW CELL!,,, 70 Stet( Our MEV e•ENETIC c.omemlirioms AAAUEW dIOLOGICAL sysTEV,„, To 66LDLy Go wHERE No micßoscope HAS Go/41E WOE .... Cho LI, Se lkiw#4! Ran g FORT • D6444v, CAE - MIA'S t 00... c totr-Aomw CAPTALiI FitOG. • • SENSegty MAW.. Cou oo VELLow '' r ' - A4TE 17,1.U...we IIAvE CILIA ME fleic/NC , 0 9 Me. CHKoFF TARE THE 6ACILLO JUST RECEIVED c""e - 43 lt) DEA') CELL WALL WATTES . DOW/ TO OSMOTIC FACIon. OWE WES r IOAr( A Mi7Afiquc_ 01111 , 46A.A0C 6 440 ARE W. , 1)447 - Mirol l 4AlkW - ob .., fp To Thk r Di Sri, I 1 ex-f, 'IKEA ~ . -Mau IHE win , /' z,\l .= ..‘ COmPulEt ,we. TRIT: ,41 -,..- - - - - - —::— J n ee n &lit° . illit, I kat C ter 101, 4 %) r Thu* sr 15 c.c. reader of the 3 t Ille 1m I Ateurr i SO& CArTA) „ COrnPv Q 6IVES PROWLE CVSE . Al 13Ftve j'_ VIRUS • Notes Of Interest The Counseling Center is pleased to announce new and expanded evening hours for the campus community for the Win ter and Spring Terms. In addi tion to its regular daily hours from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm, and from 1:00 to 5:00 pm, the Center will be open on Wednes day and Thursday evenings from 5:30 pm until 8:30 pm to accomodate evening students. Acounselor and full access to all Counseling Center resources lyda baker carol eveschild ...sue girolami mike cocciardi bob foster .louisa baskin joe Horath VIRUS DEN) 84E4b CAPrAI. will be available during these evening hours. The Capitol Campus Chess Club is resuming meetings be ginning Friday, Jan. 12 at 3:00 pm in the Gallery Lounge, and will continue meeting every Fri day at 3:00 pm. All interested students and faculty members are invited. Please contact Mark Servinsky at 944-9220 for further information. attention electrical engineers wndr has opened its doors once more, but it only goes to ven dorville. If you would like to hear WNDR in the dorms and meade heights, please contact Phillip Geigert at W - 106 (main building) or call me at 944-6634. Phillip Geigert, Station Manag er PHI BETA LAMBDA We have a sponsor for the 10,000 meter race and it's time to get our feet moving. Our first meeting will be held this Tuesday, Jan. 16 at 3:00, so look for the signs that are posted over in the Main Building if I fail to contact you personally. Philip Geigert Psd During the fall term the Photo Club tackled the task of providing students with pic tures needed for the FIT appli cations. In addition, the club covered black & white printing techniques as well as viewed a film on custom color printing in preparation for this term's color work. Interest is the only prerequi ste for joining, and this temts fast meeting will be held on Thursday, January 18th at 8:30 pm. Watch bulletin board for location.
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