This article is for the bene fit of all you severly unfortu nate male engineers, especially now that you seniors are busy thinking about who you're go ing to get to write up your ' resume. I know you all feel you are getting a raw deal because you are not a woman and therefore are not eligible for the quota system and its assorted high sal aries and executive positions. Just to boost your morale a lit tle, I'm going to give you a peek at what life is like as a female in engineering. My first taste of engineering came when I was talked into Civil Engineering cirriculum by my ad visor with t e old carrot-on-a stick, "y 0 4 ,11 be the only girl in the desalt/ He was right, and I not only survived the first year, I kind of liked it. During that time, I took a part-time job with a consulting firm as a draftsperson. My boss-cheerfully greeted me on my first day with "I tried my damndest never to get Prof Ends Sabatical Dr. Maurice Payette, Adjunct Professor of Social Science at Capitol Campus will swear by the sign leading into the campus that says "Welcome to The Pennsylvania State University" because warmth and welcome are what he felt ever since he has gotten here in Sept ember. Dr. Payette has been on saba.! tical from Quebec's University of Sherbrooke, where he is chairman of the psychology department. His goal has been to familiarize him self with community psychology and introduce it to Sherbrooke when he returns December first. In a recent interview, Dr. Payette said he felt that the campus was very helpful to him in obtaining his goal. He des cribes tle way in which the cam pus was helpful as "stimulating." Dr. Payette was very satisfied with the educational environment, the practical concern of the peo ple and especially the library facilities. He said, "The library had an extensive spectrum of pub lications in the field." When asked what the major ac complishment he will take back to Sherbrook with him Dr. Payette replied, "Structure of the train- Engineering In The Fast Lane By Susan Girolami By Gayle Greenwald a woman in this office." When I wasn't busy answering the tele phone and keeping the wives and girlfriends straight, I was given important (ha-ha) drafting assign manta. That summer I took a step up in the world and landed a respon sible job with the state, even though the recruiter informed me I was ineligible because I could not share a motel room if I went out in the field (says who?). I even got out in the field (no one had to share a room) and made pub public presentations on alterna tive water supplies. Before I spoke at one of the meetings. I was pulled to the side by an en gineer in attendance and given the wise advice, "Coffee - cream and sugar." And what about my roommate, who when she attended an engi neering conference with her class was directed to the activity prom gram for the wives? Here's another one: early ther term I sat in on one of ing program and to introduce the community apnroach." He has found it a very rewarding experience both with the faculty he met, the courses he took and what he has observed. The only regret Dr. Payette said that he had was that he would liked to have made more contacts with the professors and was sorry there wasn't enough time. Liberate Your Aspirations Williann L. Bines Have you seriously contemplated your goals here at PSU, or are you aimlessly wandering with no pursuit? The world awaits your brain power and all that it can afford, so why not value each moment and go forth with that accord? Education today is like a precious jewel... only it cannot be locked within a safe. Open your minds, free your abilities,'expel your fame, these are the qualities others appreciate. Bray's courses. In order to launch into one of his famous jokes, he introduced me to the class as his fiance. I have not had a date since. And just to show you how bad things are on this campus, read on. Recently I attended a keggar where some dude from Church hall tried to pick me up with the line "Where are you from? I know you'r not from here "cause all the girls on this campus are dogs!" After that complimentary remark he suavely announced that he was in "engineering," which he said with such aplomb that at first I suspected him of being res ponsible for Hooke's Law. Get the picture? By the way, I'd like to retract my state ment in my last article (Nov. 9.1978: Guide To Epgineers) about th ttaiiiiportation stu dents. Replace it with, "those students having the worst sense of humor." Next - term: Sample EIT Quee- tions. EMU
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