Six instructors have been appointed to the business ad ministration program. Charles G. Fickes, Jr. has been named instructor of insur ance. Mr. Fickes holds a B.S. in economics with a major in in surance from Wharton School of the University of Pennsyl vania. Prior to his appointment, Mr. Fickes was a vice-presi dent of the Fred S. James and Company Inc. of Pennsylvania, a former vice-president of La tham-Stevens Company of Har risburg, and former president of Henry and Rocky Inc. of Harrisburg. William A. Musser has been designated as instructor of fi nance. Previous to joining the faculty at Capitol, Mr. Musser was employed as a consultant to CACI Inc. of Arlington, Virginia. He currently consults to small businesses in the cen tral Pennsylvania area under his own consulting firm of Wil liam A. Musser and Associates in Halifax. Musser also served in the U.S. Navy as an officer and won a campaign ribbon during the Middle East Crisis of 1970. In the business administra tion program, Charles R. Gow en 111 has been named instruc tor of management. Mr. Gowen earned a M.B.A. in marketing from Ohio State University and a B.S. in chemistry from the University of Rochester in New York. Mr. Gowen is presently a doctoral candidate in organiza tional behavior at Ohio State University. Research interests include the motivation and com mitment of employees in busi ness and voluntary organiza tions. Kenneth R. Widdall has been designated instructor in management. Dr. Widdall earned a Ed.D. degree in ad ministration from Columbia Un iversity, a M.A. in administra tion from Bucknell University and a B.A. in biology from Wilkes College. Financial sup port of public education is an area of research for Widdall. Prior to coming to Capitol, he was a visiting professor at Pepperdine University at Los Angeles and served as dean of administration at West Chester State College. Dr. Widdall also has been a business entrepre neur since 1973, consultant to architectural, engineering and planning firm for 10 years and a former executive secretary of a nationwide professional organi zation in Michigan and Ohio. Raymond L. Goldsteen has been named instructor in health management and business ad ministration. Previously he was an instructor at Wagner Col lege in Staten Island, NY, and Providence College in RI. Mr. Goldsteen earned a M.A. in sociology from Brown Universi ty and a B.A. in history from Columbia Universtiy. Mr. Gold steen is a doctoral candidate in the School of Public Health at Columbia University in the di vision of Sociomedical Sciences. Human resource development and labor relations are his primary research interests. George S. Cole has been named assistant professor of business administration. Mr. Cole obtained an A.A. in accounting from Goldey Bea com Junior College, Wilming ton, Delaware and a B.S. in finance from the University of Delaware. He also received a M.B.A. in personnel and a Ph.D in organizational theory/behav ior from Michigan State Uni versity. Mr. Cole served in the U.S. Army as a military police sergeant. Areas of research interest for Mr. Cole are the study of people in groups and levels of cohesion and involvement in task groups. Dr. Elizabeth Winston, Dr. Kevin W. Sweeney and Mr. Eton F. Churchill have recently joined the Humanities pro gram's faculty. Dr. Elizabeth Winston has been appointed assistant pro fessor of humanities and En glish. She earned her Ph.D. and M.A. in English from the University of Wisconsin at Madison and a B.A. in English from Vanderbilt University. RALAN A'Srm 4 I ENaoy JoSComG AND READ „ fauT I RUN INTO PARKED CARS lAN ILE TuRNiNG THE PAGES Faculty News Dr. Winston's research inter ests are women's studies and autobiography. Prior to her appointment at Capitol, Dr. Winston was assis tant professor of English at State University College at Fredonia, New York; writing consultant in the Department of Administration for the state of Wisconsin; and an instructor of English at Mary Washington College in Virginia. Dr. Kevin W. Sweeney has been named assistant professor of philosophy and humanities. He earned his Ph.D. in philo sophy from the University of Wisconsin and a B.A. in philo sophy from the American Uni versity in Washington, D.C. Areas of research interest for Dr. Sweeney include aes thetics and philosophy of art, and theory and criticism of film. Prior to joining the faculty at Penn State-Capitol Campus, Dr. Sweeney was an assistant professor of philosophy at State University College at Fredonia in New York. Mr. Eaton F. Churchill has been designated assistant pro fessor of humanities. He earned a M.F.A. and B.A. from Tulane University in Louisiana. Previous to joining the fa culty at Capitol Campus, Mr. Churchill was a producer for Maine Public Broadcasting and an assistant professor fo the ater at Lake Erie College in Ohio. His research interests are in the areas of theater, film and television production. New members in the math ematical science program in clude Dr. Jerome J. Przybylski who has been named assistant professor of mathematical sci- SERA•TEC BIOLOGICALS WE ARE NOW OPEN Monday thru Thursday Evenings until Friday until 4:00 P.M. EARN AT LEAST $68.00 per month by donating plasma Stop in and see us for details at 260 Reily Street, Harrisburg or Call 232-1901 ences and statistics. Prior to joining the faculty, Dr. Przy bylski had been employed as the Assistant Chief Chemist of the Penn-Dixie Cement Cor poration, Petoskey, Michigan. Dr. Przybylski earned his B.S. in mathematics at Aquinas Col lege and his M.A. and Ph.D. in mathematics at Western Mich igan University. Dr. Clifford H. Wagner, has been designated assistant pro fessor of mathematical scien ces. Dr. Wagner earned a A.B. in mathematics from the Uni versity of Michigan, and a Ph. D. in mathematics from the State University of New York at Albany. Prior to his ap pointment, Dr. Wagner was an assistant professor at Fitch burg State College, Fitchburg, Massachusetts and a teaching fellow at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michi gan. Dr. Ying-king Yu has been named assistant professor of mathematical sciences. Dr. Yu received his B.Sc. in mathema tics from Chung Chi College in Hong Kong and a Ph.D. in mathematics from Case Wes tern Reserve University. Be fore his appointment at Penn State--Capitol Campus, Dr. Yu was a lecturer at Queens Col lege in New York. Joseph J. Nigro has been an assistant professor of the the management development services. Professor Nigro comes to the Harrisburg area from Pennsylvania Manufacturers' Association Casualty Insurance Company, Philadelphia, where IS CHANGING FOR YOU! 7:00 P.M. he was until recently vice pres ident of personnel and corpor ate planning. During his eight een years with PMA his posi tions also included supervisor of claims, director of education and training, director of educa tion and planning, and vice president of corporate plan ning. Management Development Services is a continuing educa tion service of Penn State which serves its clients by providing on-site programs, management workshops, and evening management pro grams, all aimed at assisting with the vital function of man agement development. Goals of the service are to improve the managerial ability of anyone currently in a super visory capacity, efficiently and professionally train employees with supervisory potential, and augment an organization's present management program for more efficiency, progress, and successful competition. In his most recent position with PMA, Professor Nigro was responsible for human re source development of the company as well as corporate planning activity, including the wage and salary program, col lege recruiting, education and training benefits, and corporate plans. He is a graduate of Penn State with a bachelor of arts degree and of Villanova Uni versity with a master of arts degree. He has also completed several educational programs in insurance and management and has taught a number of insurance courses as a parttime Penn State Faculty member.
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