The meeting of the Meade Heights Board of Governors was held Wednesday, October 18 at President Mike Sopato's home. The final preparations were made for the October 21 Road Rally. When Saturday came the weather was beautiful and the turnout was excellent. We had people in Volkswagons to con vertables racing over the Penn sylvania countryside picking up clues and answering questions before reaching checkpoints and final destinations. The awards for the road rally were handed out at the Tuesday night keggar. The re sults will be posted in this column next week. Other activities coming up will be the Halloween party cosponsored by PSPE, Phi Beta Lambda, the Thanksgiving din ner, and a possible shopping spree raffle. The MHBOG are trying to change the sceene from keggars to make fun social type events which get you involved! Our organization is open and we welcome anyone to join. If you find you are bored, and tired of the "same old thing" every week, come to the MHBOG meetings and help us change the "old" by adding some "new". Contact the Mid dle Earth for meeting dates and times. Barb Brewer Accounting Club The Accounting Club re cently became aware of a manu script competition sponsored by the Pennsylvania Institute of CPAs. The purpose of the contest is to encourage college students to address those issues which will affect the future of the accounting pro fession. The competition is open to all juniors, seniors, and grad uate students majoring in ac counting at a Pennsylvania col lege or university. Cash awards of $5OO, $250, and $250 respec tively, will be awarded to the three best manuscripts. And, the first place article will be published in the Pennsylvania CPA Spokesman. The topics of the 1979 con test is "Profile of Today's CPA". It is suggested that students use at least two in person interviews as part of their research. Manuscripts must be 1500 to 2000 words in length, double-spaced and typed 52 characters across. All manuscripts should include the student's name, home address, college or university and ac counting professor's name. Manuscripts must be sub mitted by January 31,1979. For more information and an appli cation, contact the Pa. Institute of CPAs, 1100 Lewis Tower Building, Philadelphia, Penna 19102 (215) 735-2635. Married Student Union Our last meeting was held October 18 at the Coffee House. The pot-luck dinner was a suc cess. Sorry to see that all the married students on campus could not come to the dinner or meeting. Topics discussed at the last meeting were: Food Coop The Coop takes the food order of interested stu dents on campus at the begin ning of the week, then buys the food in large quantities to save money. The people then pick up their food at a central location Thursday or Friday. Hockey game MSU would like to sponsor a trip to Hershey in November to a Hershey Bears hockey game. We can get group rates for the event. Pinochle club Like to play pinochle? Well couples are in terested in playing once a month at a couples house. Each month a different couple has the group at their house. Election Permanent officers will be elected at the next meeting. Our bi-weekly newsletter is distributed to all married stu dents k a dents living on campus. If you live off campus you can pick up the newsletter at the round table. The next meeting will be held November 1 at 7 pm at the Meade Heights Coffee House. Do you like the idea of a food coop, hockey game, or pinochle club? Do you have another idea for married students? If so, come to the next meeting and tell us about it. Good Peoples Productions is now an approved committee under the SGA. Our main func tion is to hold concerts in the gym. We will be trying to book groups that are new in the business or are touring on the college circuit. Tickets will be kept at the lowest prices pos sible; but remember, we have a small seating capacity, which pushes up ticket prices. They should range from $4 to $6, with concerts on the following dates; November 28, February 2, April 9, and June 2, which will be an outdoor concert. For November 28, we are trying to bring The Pat Travers Band to Capitol Campus. This band is one of the best rock acts to come from England in the past two years. Before tickets go on sale we must do the following: 1) Find a stage, (Roberta M cLeod is helping us with this). 2) Agree on a contract with the light and sound company, and 3) Agree on a contract with the band. The band will do the gig only if it can secure another gig on November 29 because our date is in the middle of their resting days. We will know by October 27 if we will get this band. June 2, 1979 is the tentative date for our "Spring Concert". To have a spring concert we must 1) submit a plan for effective management and 2) show there is support for the concert. There will be a petition going around for you to sign, to show your support. It will read as follows--"GPP has been given the right to hold a spring concert outdoors. To hold an outdoor concert we need your support and help. The under signees do support our move ment to hold an outdoor spring concert." Sign only the one with Club News this heading. Officers of GPP are as fol lowed- Chairperson, Mark Ka walski; Board of Directors, Jef fery Griffin, Gregg Chubboy, and Larry Caporelli; Business Manager and Public Relation, Rich Sowieralski, and Wally Daczkowski. NOW will hold rap sessions for women every Thursday at 3:30 in Wll7. Refreshments will be served. Also, on Tuesday, October 31, NOW will have a profes sional photographer at the Hal loween Ball to photograph people in their costumes. Cost will be about $.75 or $1 a picture. Help will be needed in the NOW booth that night. Come join us. On October 18 the Capitol Campus Chapter of the Insti tute of Transportation Engi neers attended the Mid-Atlan tic sectional meeting of rrE at Grantville,Pa. Eighteen members were present at the conference. All in attendance heard various speakers discuss topics includ ing "Transportation in the 1980'5." Don Care Those students present met individually or in groups with representatives of different municipalities and engineering firms, and viewed exhibits of various traffic engineering pro ducts. The opening speaker, Ken Crowley of the Bureau of High way Traffic, Penn State Main Campus, met with the Senior Transportation students on the nineteenth and explained cur rent events and future trends in the transportation industry. A question/answer period fol lowed. On Thursday, October 19, Delta Tau Kappa, the social science honor society on cam pus, sponsored the first in a series of faculty seminars in the Gallery Lounge. At that time, Dr. Lemuel Molovinsky pre sented his research on the topic "Economic and Financial Ideas of Thomas Pains During the American Revolution". Other faculty members have been invited to participate in our seminar series. Upcom ing program dates and topics will be announced when we have finalized our schedule of speakers. DTK is continuing its quest to bring information dealing with social science internships to interested students. By the end of Fall term we hope to have an up-dated national direc tory of internships available for student use. Also, this year DTK is at tempting to organize other new and exciting activities that will be of interest to the entire Capitol Campus student body. Of course, we are still in the planning stages of many of them so . . . C.C. Reader Barb Tarvydas Be sure to read the "Club News" in the C.C. Reader to keep abreast of future DTK happenings. We are presently recruiting members! To recieve informa tion about joining us, drop a note in the DTK mail box in the SGA office. Internships may be easier to locate now that DTK has pur chased two directories for stu dent use. Entitled Undergraduate In ternships and Washington In ternships, the &rectories were compiled by the National Cen ter for Public Internship Pro grams. Listed are internships in Education, Health, Public Pol icy, Law, etc. Also included is housing and application infor mation. The directories will be on reserve in the library for in library use by non-12011C mem bers. DTK is also considering the purchase of a similar directory for graduate internships if there is sufficient interest. The Washington Center for Learning Alternatives offers placement, housing, etc. infor mation on hundreds of intern ship programs. For further in formation, send statement of program interest to: 1705 DeSalles St., N.W. Washington DC 20036. Frryq On Wednesday, October 18, the American Society of Mech anical Engineers featured a trip to Bethlehem Steel in Steelton. Bethlehem Steel, who normally refuses public tours, welcomed ASME after meeting with act ivities chairman Jerry Hustak. The tour consisted of the fundamental processes used in steelmaking, including a look at the blast furnace, the hot rol ling and forming process, and the fabrication of reinforcement bars used in concrete. "Incident at Brown's Ferry" a film concerning a recently avoided nuclear catastrophe will be shown in room 211 on Tuesday, October 31 at 4:30. Plan to attend. Beta CM On Tuesday, November 7, 1978, Beta Chi will sponsor a film and presentation from Hershey Foods. James Edris, Manager of Public Information, will be at the regular meeting of Beta Chi in room E 330 at 3:15 P.M. The following Wed nesday, November 15, there will be a field trip to Hershey Foods. First there will be a tour of the factory. Afterwards, a seminar with executives from marketing, finance, accounting, and management will be held. The students will have an op portunity to talk with these people and ask any questions they wish. Beta Chi is opening this trip to all business majors. Anyone interested should sign up in room W-110. Please try to sign up by October 30, because we need an estimate of how many students will be going. If you sign up and are subsequently October 26, 1978 unable to attend. please notify John Stachowiak at 944-6767. The bus will be leaving the Main Building at 8:30 A.M. on Wednesday. There will be a fee of $2.00 to assure that if you sign up, you will show up. This fee can be paid in the Beta Chi office W-110. A schedule will be posted on the office door. This deposit will be refunded when you, board the bus. Social Committee I would like to say that Social Committee's first major function of the year was quite a success. We had a very good turn out for "R. J. in the Morning and the Starview Rac coon" and I hope you will keep supporting our activities in the future. Since then we have been working on revitalizing the Student Center. So far we have arranged and set up the game room and the study lounge as well as the hours that these facilities will be available. The study lounge, located in the forward section of the Student Center, is to be open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Should you find this area closed please contact Student Activities. The game room is to be open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 6:00 P.M. to 12:00 midnight and on Wednes day, Saturday, and Sunday from 12:00 noon to 12:00 mid night. The game room is open to all students. We are now in the process of obtaining back gammon boards, decks of cards, and other games which will be available for use by the stu dents. We are also looking into the possibility of getting two additional pinball machines and new songs in the juke box. We would like to remind the students that this is their Stu dent Center and they should make use of the facilities, how ever, if these facilities are a bused student privileges may be restricted or even revoked. Please take care of your Stu dent Center. In addition to the revitaliz ing of the Student Center, the Social Committee is showing horror flicks after the BSU disco-Halloween party. If you like movies that chill you to the bone please attend. I would also like to mention that our committee still has a need for a few good people who are willing to help bring good activities to their campus. If you are interested please at tend the weekly meetings. Meeting time and place are posted in the hallways of the Main Building. C.C. ROTC The C.C. ROTC club spon sored an orientation course in the Meade Heights area last Sunday. The event turned out to be a good experience for new would be orientation members. Things went smoothly thanks to the efforts of Mark Calhoun the officer in charge and the willingness of the participants to give 110% effort.
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