October 26, 1978 Diane McCormick (of Chailoroi, PA.) fakes a spike while Patty Dondell follows upon tapping the ball over. The USA defeated Japan 3-2. (photo by Lyda Baker) A Japanese spiked ball is just too hard and quick for Flo Hyman and Debbie Green to return. (photo by Lyda Baker) Zbt JOattobiten Cotitumt 313atut 4 .1 ;!•:(; MI r. btubent Center Zutti. ett. 31 9:00-2 $2.50 Witt toatunu $3.50 Without tootumt ootho, "loop, anb /Stipa aponaortb bp: Phi Oda Xambba .1111*36016 Friday October 27 Benefit Chi Gamma lota (Vets) *to Y ,✓.. S •l fir' Plant Sale All Day Vendorville C . .C. Reader Lifestyles 'l/ I remember• it all so well, the great costumes, the apple bobbing contest in a tub of beer, and my date Scylla, the nine headed beast. Well, so what if I didn't manage to get an apple after trying for 2 hours, and so what if good old Scylla walked out with a punk rock group. I had a good time. It was on my way home that things seemed a little fuzzy, but as best I can recall this is what happened. Staggering to where I parked my car, I stopped and wondered where it was. I know its here somewhere, I parked right next to that Dodge pick up. I guess it was about then that I realized my car was stolen. Running to the nearest The United States women's volleyball team defeated the Japan women 3-2 in international competition last Friday evening at University. Park. Individual game scores were 15-10, 13-15, 15-11, 11-15, 15-5. In world standing, Japan is rated second and . the United States fifth. Japan has won two of the last three encounters between the US and Japan. The United States team hopes to qualify for the Olympics this year. So far USA women have not been in Olympic competition. A Halloween Story phone booth, I reached into my pocket only 4o realize . that 1 forgot to tell mom to sew up the hole there. So, my next move was to thumb a ride home, and lo and behold a white corvette pulls over to pick me up, and Cheryl Tiegs double is at the wheel. With sweaty palms I slid enthusiastically into the seat. I thought to myself, I must be dreaming, it was like fate had cast its graces upon me. At first I was taken back a bit when she pulled over to a deserted pump kin patch and said "OK strip." And, being of a noble gender, far be it from me to deny the lady's request. I complied readi ly. She then proceeded to pull out the biggest gun I ever saw, USA Defeats Japan by Zeke I never actually realized just Wow cold•i( Was in October until I was standing "Au Naturale" in a deserted pumpkin patch in the middle of no mans land. At this point I got the impression that today just wasn't going to be my day. However, keeping my head about me, rather than give into panic, I looked about for a means of protection. My salva tion was an over the hill mail box with the bottom rusted out, not a bad fit actually. Making my way precariously down the street, I managed to find my way back to the party, where I was immediately given the blue ribbon for the best costume. Oh well, back to the apple bobbing tub.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers