October 12. 1978 Women In Management The Continuing Education Office at Penn State-Capitol Campus announces two work shops in "Women in Manage ment." The first workshop is enti tled "Developing Your 'High Level' Potential" and will be held on Thursday, October 26 in the Multi-Purpose Building on campus. This workshop has been designed to promote a proac tive approach to career plan ning and executive develop ment for women. It takes into consideration upper-level man agerial and executive skill re quirements, as well as some of the organizational barriers that might be operating against the advancement of women. The second workshop deals with "Time Management" and will be held on Thursday, December 14 in the Multi- Purpose Building. This workshop focuses on Appointments Dr. Robert E. McDermott, provost of Penn State Capitol Campus has announced the ap pointments of David W. Doaty as Veterans Affairs Assistant, Gregory G. Holmes as assistant to the coordinator in the Resi dence Living Program, and Mr. Larry G. Willets as instructor of health and public admini stration. Mr. Doaty received his B.A. in English from Kutztown State College and is a candidate for a M. Ed. in Counseling in Higher Education from Kutztown State College. Doaty has also done graduate work in English at the University of Texas-San Antonio. Mr. Doaty served in the U.S. Air Force as an informa tion specialist at Lackland AFB in Texas. Mr. Holmes received his bachelor of science degree in Pre-Med and chemistry from Findlay College. Prior to his new post, Mr. Holmes was an assistant head resident of Bare Hall at Findlay. Mr. Willets received a B.A. and M.A. in political science from Oklahoma State Universi ty and the University of Florida respectively. He is presently a doctoral candidate in political science at the University of Florida. Political and administrative environment of health planning agencies is an area of research interest to Mr. Willets. He has had articles and papers pub lished in the health administra- using time effectively and effi ciently in day-to-day situations. Case studies, short lectures, audiovisuals and handouts, are used in discussing the impor tance of time, identification and solutions to problems, working with the secretary, and man agement of the team's time. Both workshops start at 8:30 A.M. and conclude at 4:45 P.M. The fee of $55 for one workshop and $lOO for both workshops includes instruct ional materials, coffee breaks and lunch. Registration for the work shop "Developing Your 'High Level' Potential" must be com pleted by Thursday, October 19; and for the "Time Manage ment" workshop by Thursday, December 7. For further information contact the Continuing Educa tion Office, Penn State-CaPitol Campus, Middletown, PA. 17057, or phone 717-787-7753. New Prior to his new post, Mr. Willets was an instructor of social and political science at the University of Florida as well as research assistant at the University Health Center. He has also served as a health resource consultant to the Health Systems Agency of North Florida. Middletown-The Capitol- Campus Administration and Business Program in coopera tion with the American Society for Training and Development will be holding a seminar enti tled "Integrating the Handi capped" Friday, October 27 from 8:80 to 11:30 A.M. The seminar is designed to explore how the business com munity should effectively deal with the handicapped. Topics include: legal requirements for integrating the handicapped; resources available for re sponding to this developing Election Forecasting Middletown--" Forecasting the 1978 Pennsylvania Elec tion" will be the first program of the 1978-79 year of the Harrisburg chapter of the American Statistical Assoc iation. The program will begin at 12:30 p.m., Fri., Oct. 13 in Room 321 of the Education Building. Mr. William Cromer, president of the Cromer and Young Group Inc., will be the guest speaker. Dr. Jacob Deßooy is pres- dent of the Harrisburg Chap '`ter, and Dr. Kenneth Masters is president-elect. Both men are professors at Penn State-Capi tol Campus. The American Statistical Association was founded in 1839 and is perhaps the oldest professional society in contin uous existence in America. An important objective of the ASA has been to improve goverri ment statistics. With a new administration to begin in Pennsylvania in only four months, improving Penna. sta tistics is especially important to the Harrisburg Chapter of the American Statistical Associa tion. Persons interested in attending the luncheon/meet ing, please contact Jim Riley at 787-9610. Homestead Office Supplies Olmsted Plaza, Middletown Canon Calculators Hours: Mon. - Wed. 9-5 Thurs. 9-8 Fri. 9-5 Sat. 9-12 C.C. Reader The 944-1406 Office Supplies Integrating Handicapped situation; and methods of ac comadating these individuals in the work force. Instructors for this seminar will be Peter F. Serzan and James D. South 111. Mr Serzan is a certified rehabilitation counselor. He received his masters in rehabilitation coun seling from the University of Pittsburgh in 1974. Serzan is presently employed as the re habilitation counselor/social worker at the Community Mental Health Center at Holy Spirit Hospital in Camp Hill. Dr. South serves as the direct or of student affairs at Capitol Cros ACROSS 1. Unmarried woman 7. Slap hard 12. Salad green 13. Lasso 15. Stirs a fire 16. Divine revelation 17. Still 18. Ourselves 19. Knowledge 20. Saint: abbr. 21. Anglo- Saxon slay( 23. Noah's son 26. Ocean 28. Snares 32. Bitter drug 34. Married woman's titi 36. Great Lake 37. Declare 39. Run off quickly: slang 41. Humans 42. Military 54. Reach force 55. Split 44. Because 57 . Dog 46. Take court 58. Tenant action 59. Detests Answer to Pussy Furniture Campus. He is a member of the President's University Coordi nating Council for Concerns of tlje Handicapped and has been actively involved in establish ing programs, facilities and services to accomodate the dis abled. Persons wishing to register should do so no later than Wednesday, October 18. The fee is $25. For further information contact the Continuing Educa tion Office, Penn State-Capitol Campus, Middletown, PA. 17057, or phone 717-787-7753. Upper limb Large tart Japanese coin Greek letter Continent: abbr. Weasel Trees Ore excavations Used up Baglike part State Sicilian volcano Land measure Tardy . Always . Indian weights . Small island DOWN 3 1. 1. Untidy state 2. One opposed 33 3. Image 35 4. Canal em bankments 38 5. Occurrences 40 6. Bird's home 43 7. Slackens in speed 45. 8. Mother 46 or Dad 47 9. Macaw 48 10. Notch 11. Leafy plant 50 14. Number 21. Not late 51 22. Before 52 23. Owns 53 24. High: music 25. Extinct bird 55 Page 7
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