After scheduling classes and buying books, college students should take a few minutes to register to vote. That's the advice of Com monwealth Secretary Barton A. Fields who says that 18 to 25-year-olds have largely ig nored their right to vote. "College students are often Workshops/Mini The Continuing Education Pro gram at Nnn State-capitol Cam pus announced several workshops and mini-courses for October. Constuction Company Management A one-day seminar entitled "Construction Company Manage ment" is being held lbesday, October 17. The class will be held on campus in the conference mom of the Multi-Purpose Building from 8: 30 am to 5 pm. The purpose of this seminar is to acquaint construction company managers with wasteful cost areas and hidden expenditures that go unnoticed. The course also high %NA eiteets of *ft eurowat stiontr ages and spiralling costs that cut into industry profits. Take Time To Register To Vote particularly well-informed on the issues of the day, but they seem to neglect their right to vote." Mr. Fields said. "Political decisions affect many areas of a student's life such as the tuition rate at state-supported and state related colleges and universi ties, and the amount of state scholarship money available. It Continuing Ed Registration should be made by October 10. The fee of $65 covers all instructional costs, course materials, lunch and cof fee breaks. like Prepsuation and lifid of a }laud Amon Case A tyro-day minicourse on "The Preparation and Thal of a Fraud Arson Case" will be held Thursday and Friday, October 19 and 20 from 8:30 am to 4 pm. The program is designed to educate all persons interested in proving the existence of fraud and arson. Presentations by private in vestigators, accountants, in surance broken. state and local fire investigators and trial attor neys wi l acquaint participants seems to me that college stu dents should take an interest in choosing office holders whose decisions will directly affect their lives." For those potential voters who are unsure of how to register and vote, the Depart ment of State offers the follow ing short course in voter edu cation. Courses with the duties, responsiMes and functions of each profession. The fee is $45 and includes all instructional materials and lun ches. Deadline for registration is Thursday, October 5. Beginnen3 Archery Oink A "Beginners Archery Clinic" will be held on Monday and Wednesday evenings from 7 to 9 pm, October 2 thmugh 25. This clinic is designed for beginning players. lbpics to be covered are: the basic skills of archery, equipment evaluation, bow explanation (retinue and compound), warm-up exercises, and many others. The fee for the clinic is $3O and participants should supply their own equipment. Deadline for registration is Friday, September 29. liodkdoal SellimpNene* FT'l 'The workshop "individual Self- Improvement for Secretaries" will be held on Wednesday. October 11 from 8: 30 am to 4 pm. This program is designed to help the secretary develop an awareness of and sensitivity to personal goals, values, and atr Oxides and the role they play in job satisfaction and performance. Etnphisis is placed upon the need to understand personal goal and value orientations and their impact upon our relations with others. The fee of $45 includes the cost of instruction, materials, cof fee breaks and hmeh. Deadline for registration is Monday, October 9. 'This program and other Mnn State workshops can be offered on-site in your organization. Fbr further information about these courses, contact the Con tinning Ethication Augram, Inn State-Capitol Campus, Mae town, Fb. 17057; or phone 717- 787-7763. 11 Do I register where I live or where Igo to school? You may register either as an elector of the county in which you live or you may register as an elector of the county in which you attend school. The choice is up to you. 2] How do I register? Register by appearing in person at the appropriate coun ty court house or, more simply, by obtaining and filling out a voter registration by mail form. Many college book stores and student unions Will have forms available. Forms can also be obtained at various public places such as libraries, post offices, court houses and state stores. Mail registration forms are preaddressed and postage paid. 31 Is there a deadline for voter registration? In order to vote in the November 7 election, you must register by Tuesday, October 10. Persons who will be 18 on or before November 8 are eligible to register. FREE CATALOG of COLLEGIATE RESEARCH Over 10,000 listings! All subjects. Send NOW for this FREE catalog. (offer expires Dec. 31, 1978) Send to: COLLEGIATE RESEARCH P.O. Box 84396, Los Angeles, CA. 90073 Classifieds Classified ads are published as a free service to the Capitol Campus community. Other advertisers will be charged $l.OO per ad. Submit ads to staff members at the READER office, W-129; or call 944-4970. Deadline is Tuesday at 5 pm. NOTICE--anyone who took pictures for the eaglet°'lite '7B and would like their neg atives returned to them, see Maureen Doyle in W-129. If the film was given to you by the yearbook staff, you may still claim the negatives. EARN $6B to $lOO per month for four hours of your time per week. Donate Plasma at Sera Tee Biologicals. Open Monday thru Thursday from 9:30 to 5:30 and Friday from 8:00 to 3:00. Stop in at 260 'Reny St. or call for information at 232-1901. FOUND A Newark High class ring with the initials TN has been found. Also a blue contact lens has been found. For information contact Clara Daily in room 118, ext. 722. 4] Can I vote by absentee ballot? If you will be out of the county where you are regis tered on Election Day, Tuesday November 7, you may request an absentee ballot either by appearing in person at the appropriate county court house or by mailing a signed request for an absentee ballot to the court house. You may apply for an absentee ballot between September 18 and October 31. When your application is ap proved, the county will mail your absentee ballot to you. 5] Who will be up for election this November? On Tuesday, November 7, Pennsylvanians will elect a gov ernor and lieutenant governor, all representatives to Congress, all representative to State House, and the 25 State Sena tors from even numbered dis tricts. Further information is avail able from your county court house or from the Bureau of Elections, room 304 North Of fice Building, Harrisburg, Pa. 17120. Lori, the girl I met at the Shamrock Club in Wildwood NJ over Labor Day. Please call Mark collect at (412) 288-9619. NOTICE-Anyone who did not pick up this year's copy of the Policies awl Roles far &admits 1978-79 during registration, can do so by stopping in at the Student Albin office in W-108. Rock 'n Roll Guitarist wants to find other people to play. Contact Dave Latanision at 815 B Weaver Ave., Meade Heights. IMPROVE YOUR GRADES! Send 31.00 for your 256-page, mail order catalog of Collegiate Research. 10,250 topics listed. Prompt Delivery. Box 25907-B, Los Angeles, Calif. 90025. (213) 477-8226
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