September 28, 1978 What's Happening In Rec/Ath by Duane Kanagy Rosters for intramural foot ball are now being accepted at the intramural office in the gym. Completed rosters are to be handed in at the intramural officed no later than noon Fri day, September 29. At a briefing for all intra mural football teams held on Monday, September 25, Coach Bud Smitley outlined the rules and added a few new ones. One new rule states that a $lO fee must accompany all formal pro tests, refundable only if the protest is upheld. The large nimber of protests recieved over the past season prompted the new rule. Coach Smitley also stressed the need for good sportsman ship and greater discretion dur ing the game because of the large number of injuries re cieved during the last football season. The football season will open Monday, October 2 at 4:30 with two football fielis in oper ation. Each team will play at least ten games in round robin tournament style play. A.S.M.E. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers will hold its Organizational meeting on Tuesday, October 3 at 4:30 pm in room 216. Dean Richard Kenyon of the Rochester Insti tute of Technology, Vice Pres ident of Region 111, will be our main speaker. All MDET Jun iors, Seniors, and Faculty are invited to attend. Terry L. Hershner President Photo Club Interested in photography? Do you think that it's too complicated for you to handle? If you want the answers to these and more questions, join the photography club. The first meeting is this Thursday, Sep tember 28 in the Placement Building lobby. Be there at 8 pm to ask questions and find out what we have to offer you. Even if you are mildly inter ested or curious, attend and be suprised at what you can do. Prerequisite: Interest Aviation Club An organizational meeting was held last Tuesday night. Where are all those people who signed up at the Organizational Fair? Come see what the club l iummummonemiemimmememmemmiemmitsisuommemumemimenminieummtm. THERE WILL BE NO '79 YEARBOOK WITHOUT YOUR HELP Editor, Business manager, Advertising manager, photographers, staff members are needed. If you are interested, see Maureen Doyle in W-129 before Tuesday October 3. Maim mmumurnmeinummommemuNtmensumenumusinsmumemninuunmemmini i By Vito Valvano Pete Faith, captain of the soccer team, has been sidelined for an indefinite amount of time as he sustained a knee injury during practice last Fri day. Pete commented that the soccer field had been unproper ly cared for resulting in a field covered with divits and patches of grass. Pete plays halfback and fullback and was a vital part of last year's winning season. Pete, who is from New York, had previously played soccer for Delhi Junior College. The team this year has 16 games scheduled with 12 of them at home. The team has looked good the first few prac tices, and new coach John Harris is optimistic about the team's success this year. Returning seniors on this years team are few due to everything from injuries to lack of interest. Fortunately, exper ienced juniors have come in from the various branch cam puses to fill the void. Remem ber the team plays better when it has the support of the stu dents so get out there and watch a game and find out what it's all about. Club News has to offer you I know that there are a lot of students here at Capitol who have an interest in flight and the Aviation Club is here to promote that interest. We have social activities just like other clubs, including a fly-in to Ocean City, N.J. in the spring to enjoy a day at the beach. Show up at our next meet ing --there's absolutely no ob ligation to join the club. The meeting will be in room E-209 on October 3 at 6 pm. Student Court There are still a few posi tions open to Junior and Senior commuting and resident stu dents. These positions require a respnonsible individual, dedi cated to helping the student body and promoting the demo cratic system in which we live. Anyone who is interested in a position or who would like more information may contact Michael Sopata, Chief Justice, by leaving your name, address, or phone number in the Student Court mailbox in the SGA office or come see me at 9528 Kirt land Ave., Meade Heights. I will be happy to answer any and all of your questions. Michael V. Sopata Chief Justice All flag football rosters must be submitted to the Rec/ Ath office by 12 noon on Friday, September 29. Rosters may be unlimited. There is a $lO team fee which must be paid before your first scheduled game. Games will begin Monday, Oc tober 2. Schedules will be posted on the wall by the Rec/Ath offices and we will try to have a schedule available for each team. We are still in need of intramural officials. If you are interested, please stop by the office and register to of ficiate There is a soccer game scheduled for Saturday, Sep tember 30 at 2 pm against Lincoln University at home. Varsity basketball practice is scheduled to begin Monday, October 9. Exact time will be announced at a later date. You still have time to sign up for the open golf tournament to be held Tuesday and Wed nesday, October 3 and 4 at the Hershey Parkview Golf Course. Open to all Capitol Campus students, faculty, and staff. The Social Committee is sponsoring a series of dance lessons starting October. The lessons will be held on campus at 3 P.M. Sundays. The cost is ;20 for six lessons. The Popular Manhattan Hustle is the dance being taught. The instructors will be from the reputable Freeman's Dance School. Mark S. Calhoun President Interested persons should sign up in the Student Activi ties Office. A minimum of 20 persons is required for the lessons to be available. On Saturday October 7th the International Affairs Asso ciation will sponsor a trip to Washington D.C. There will be a "Festival of American Folk Life" and the trip will essentially be for that purpose. For details call Clem Gilpin at 944-3334 or W-154 or Andy Arce 944-0106. We will leave promptly at 7:30 A.M. behind the Main Building parking lot. Beta Chi, Capitol Campus' chapter of the Society for the Advancement of Management, will sponsor a fund raising Keggar on Tuesday, October 3. Entertainment will be by Phase II and the doors will open at 9 pm. Ten kegs will be on hand. Cost is $2.00 per person. See you there! C.C. Reader Flag Football Soccer Men's Basketball Open Golf Tournament Social Committee The lessons will be held at 3 International Affairs Association Beta Chi Activity John Stachwoiak President IM Bowling There is still room for a few more teams in the IM Bowling League. Rosters are due in the Rec/Ath office by Monday, Oc tober 2. Bowling starts Wed nesday, October 4 at 9 pm at the Middletown Bowling Lanes. This program is Co-Ed. Fall Term Building Hours For the fall term 1978 Rec reation/Athletics facilities in the Multi-Purpose Building will be open as follows: Mon. thru Fri. Bamto 9 pm Sat. and Sun. 2 pm to 8 pm The building will close promptly at 9 pm weekdays and promptly at 8 pm weekends. When our student assistants inform you that it is closing time, please accom-odate them by making ready to depart. They are not authorized to work beyond their closing time. elp Give Capitol a new name. Coach BudSmitle is looking for a nickname for all varsity athletic teams at Capitol and is asking for your sugges tions. Fill out this form and drop it off at the SGA office. "I would like to see the varsity teams named the Capitol Campus Soccer Team Wins by Pete Faitb The soccer team won its first game this past Tuesday against Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science 2-0. Both goals were scored by interna tional students. The first goal was scored by Emmanuel Orsark in the first half. Emmanuel is originally from Nigeria. The second goal was scored by Larry Venetsky who is from Russia. Goalie Gene Morrision was credited with the shutout performance. The standing room only crowd was thoroughly pleased from both the excitement of the game and the party for the players and fans held after the game in the Coffee House. The team's next game is tonight Thursday, at 7:30 on the lighted field against Schuy kill campus. Another good Women's Basketball There will be a meeting for women's basketball on Monday, October 2 at 4 pm in the gym. This is for returning members and all women interested in joining this program. Martial Arts The Martial Arts program under the able instruction of Mr. Charles Cavrich will be offered for the fall term. Clas ses are scheduled to begin Monday, October 9 at 7:30 pm in the mat area of the Multi- Purpose room. The fee for this program is $lO per person and must be paid before the first class. This fee is not refundable and will include the use of a judo ghi which each participant can check out. The martial arts instruction consists mainly of judo, karate, and self-defense. Sign up now if you are inter ested in the Rec/Ath office. crowd of devoted fans is ex pected. Come on out and join the fun. ~ppENEER.
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