EDITORIAL A Massage For Smokers It has been noticed that hostility has been growing over people ignoring the designated "Smoking" and "Non-Smoking" areas down in VendorvMe. These areas have been set aside so that people who do not wish to eat their hamburgers with a side dish of tar and nicotine can do so. Smokers must begin to realize that some people find their cigarette smoke to be irritating and nauseating, especially while they are eating. These people do not, and should not have to sit in a cloud of cigarette smoke to eat. If you must smoke in Ven&wville, remember to do so on the side where the pinball machines are located. Please keep your butts out of the lunch line and the snack bar area ludo. Non-smokers are non-smokers by choice and they shouldn't be forced to breath the air which you pollute. SSA Newt By Dave Nikoloff The SGA Spring Elections were a success. The newly elected officers and their vote totals are printed in another article in the Reader. The Constitutional Revision passed overwhelmingly. Thank You to all of the students who took the time to vote. 407 students voted and that total was the largest in recorded memory. Those of us who served on the SGA over the past year leave with mixed feelings. We're sorry that we didn't accomplish more, but on the whole I think we enjoyed it while it lasted. Thanks for all of your support. Often times commuter students don't get to meet many people who actually live here. Those of us who took part of the Pennsylvania State University The Capitol Campus RTE. 230, Middletown, Pa., 17057 Editor-in-Chief Associate Editor Editorial Page Editor Layout Editor Photographers Copy Edito Arts Editor Manager— Advertising The Capitol Campus Reader is the school newspaper of Penn State's Capitol Campus. It is published weekly on Thursday by the students who attend this school. Final Deadline is on Tuesday at 12 p.m. in the SGA during the past year were glad we got involved. We hope more of you will decide to take part in student acticities during the next year. Good luck to all of the new people in SGA. These people have a genuine desire to do their best for the students. Please give then your support and help during the next year. They will need it. Finally, I want to thank the C.C. Reader staff and editors who took the time to print my articles during the past year. I know that most people don't realize the great deal of work that you give towards publish ing the Reader each week. I hope that your critics eventual ly put some effort towards helping you out instead of tearing you down. Capitol Campus Reader Office W-129-131 Phone (717) 944-4970 Maureen Doyle Wayne Smiley, Paul Werver, Susie Murphy Tim Adams, Bob Buckingham, Jan Gill, Frank Lynch, Peter Olayiwola, Randy Parrett, Cindy Vaughn Business and Advertising ;--Vooeeeem— LETTERS EDITOR To the Editor, This letter is in reference to the recent posting of campaign posters by candidates running for SGA offices, specifically Scott Summers. I am thor oughly appalled and disgusted with the manner in which he has chosen to gain votes, namely, through the use of "girlie" pictures with the vital parts removed and "vote for Scott Summers" in replace ment. This action is an insult to me as an intelligent person and a female. Contrary to the belief of some Capitol Campus students, women do portray roles in life other than sex objects or more traditional roles such as teachers, nurses, secretaries and mothers. It is my hope that candidates will employ a more intelligent, non-sexist approach to their campaigns. Candidates who must resort to tactics like those mentioned above are not representative of the student body at Capitol Campus and should not hold office in student government. To the Editor, With the recent campaign for SGA offices, the campus has been deluged with posters reflecting the candidates. A majority of these posters show that the candidates are responsive to Capitol Campus as a whole. There are a few candidates, namely Scott Summers and Iggy Lesyk, who are demean ing a segment of the Capitol Campus population. Thier campaign posters which display centerfolds with cards which barely cover the female anatomical parts, are the epitome of poor taste. It is insulting to the female and male population of this school to employ such a sexist approach to campaign for such an office. If these candidates cannot get a student's attention by any other means, I cannot see the merit of putting them in office to represent the student , body. Doug George eft Stout Jim Musselman Ed McKeown Carol Ardr Don Kramer De u l lie S t l -.4)„, '4lBo l o SintklNN. , .:l,>„ XXV dives Page Poston Cindy Stevens Posters More Posters To the Editor, Apathy--Student apathy you say. I for one will not be apathetic when it comes to voting for SGA officers, because there are at least two candidates I don't to see elected. I hope that there are others who feel the way I do, particularly the 25 per cent of this student body that consist of females. The women I talked to were as offended as I was by the use of those explicitly, blatantly anti-feminist, sexist posters of Scott Summers and Iggy Lesyk to promote their A Tribe's Ti Class You were so right. when in bygone days, you spoke out in clever rhyme about this hole. In fact your wisdom. exhibited only briefly. led me to knod my head in appreciation for your clear mind. I could not help but question. "How through the haze of grass and dust s does this poet-sage come to us with a statement so right and just?" My answer came as I too approached the date when my bonds would drop and my anxiety would stop. It is not in distinguished circles that wisdom and elevated characters are usually found, and my recollections of the best hours go back to private conversations in different parts of the kingdom, with persons little known. 1:0 1 3 lkA‘44' "desires" for SGA offices. (1 suppose that was the end for which this means was pro posed.) It was one thing to hang pictures of this type in private club rooms. That is for the membership to deal with. But the halls of this school belong to all of us, and I have a right to walk down them without being insulted by anyone or anything. So-if your purpose was to "arouse", and I suspect it was, I am, and I will be there on April 17 to vote against you. Cathy Biddle For it was in the dawn of spring I began to understand the true meanings of your expose. Let one and all know That I shall follow you. That in the last few weeks I will forget the sham. Yes, this place does suck. The staff should be stuffed. The administration should burn. As you said, "Fuck it all." P.S. Then do it some more. Yours, The semi-literate undergraduate, Wesley Crockett Ralph Waldo Emerson T I LL SEE tApt)R, oNE 6€ER AND AVose you Ftiocer+lEß 'VZ , k‘\IsI;4I , .:k.UNIMMI6
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