April 6, 1978 Jobs Need a summer job? The Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency may have just what you are looking for. If you submit a 1978-79 Fianancial Aid Form (FAF) to the College Scholarship Service by April 15, 1978, you may be eligible for employment with a non-profit state agency in any county in Pennsylvania. Students will be selected for the PHEAA Summer Work- Study Program on the basis of financial need. Jobs are available in a variety of fields that may correspond with your major. So, not only will you be earning money during the summer, but you may also be 'garnering valuable work experience for your resume. A list of the PHEAA job offerings is available for review in the Financial Aid Office. A partial listing of job categories includes: -Accounting and bookkeeping -Agriculture -Athletic recreation -Business administration -Data processing -Education -General office work -Journalism -Language interpreting -Library -Mental health -Museum -Physical science research -Theatrical The program runs for 10 Veeks beginning June 19. 1978 and ending August 25. 1978. Library Annex Provost Robert E. McDermott, Capitol Campus, announced March 81 that the Pennsylvania State University has awarded contracts for the construction of a Library Annex to the East Wing of the Main Administration Building here. The annex building will be a pre-engineered metal type structure which will provide 5000 square feet of urgently needed space for library expansion. The library collec tion, including bound periodi cals, now consists of over 130,000 volumes, plus 450,000 microform units. The scope of work also includes construction changes od , SERA TEC" BIOLOGICALS 260 REILY STREET / HARRISBURG, PA. 17102 Did you know that you could earn from $6B to $lOO per month for as little as 4 hours of your time each week? Sera-Tec Biologicals is In desperate need of plasma donors. Your plasma will be used in the treatment of a variety of diseases such as leukemia and hemophilia, and for reagents that help make modern blood banking possible. Here is a unique opportunity to earn up to $lOO a month and help others at the same time. Be a special person; be a plasma donor atSera-Tec Biologicals. For in formation ca 11.232-1901 or stop by 260 Roily Street, Harrisburg. m===m4==m=mc =onc:=3m===m)c==atec==moc==x Students will work a maximum 40-hour week and will earn $3.00 an hour. Students are allowed to work 400 hours for a maximum gross earning of $1,200. You can pick up your application in the Financial Aid Office located in the Admissions Building. The deadline for applica tionsis May 15, 1978. Return completed applications to the Capitol Campus Financial Aid Office or to the Office of Student Aid, Boucke Building, University, PA 16802. in the Main Building to provide facilities for disabled persons as required under Public Law 504, and changes to upgrade exit enclosures and exit doors to meet the current State Fire and Panic Code. Contracts totaling $191,777 were awarded to successful bidders: Project Builders, Inc., Harrisburg, $138,017 for gen eral construction. T. and R. Murray Enterprises, Harrisburg, $33, 980 for mechanical construc tion. Howard P. Foley Company, Harrisburg, $19,780 for electri cal construction. C.C. Reader A ►Vay Of Life With this article starts a series of discussions on Chris tianity as a way of life. The writer relies on the Bible as guide in applying specific scriptural principles to our day-to-day living, and it is hoped that all the readers of this column would be be greatly benefited by examining their lives in light of the principles discussed. This week, we are starting off with the subject: "Do you show appreciation?" When first propounded, your immediate reaction to this question would be, "Yes, I always say thank you when someone does a favor for me." Think of this for a minute, doesn't it make you feel happy when someone shows appreciation for your kindness? It surely does. However, there is someone who has done so much for all of us and to whom most of us do not show any appreciation. You might want to take a guess who I am referring to. He is the Almighty God, the Creator. To help us to understand fully the way God has created this earth so that we can live in it comfortably, I would prefer you to the Bible book of Genesis Chapter One through Chapter Two verse seven. Therein you will see that whatever man would need to exist was created before man was created. Many of these wonderful provisions of God are what we often take for granted today. We shall now examine some of them. The first thing we should talk about is our lives-your life and mine. Imagine if we were like a piece of rock or stone, would we be able to walk, talk, see, feel, taste, hear, and enjoy all the nice things we are enjoying today? We all beautiful flowers and plants and we often take the trouble to spend our time and money on raising them. However, what about the creator of these flowers and plants? Looking at these beautiful plants should always remind us of the creator. There is also what students of economics often refer to as a "free good"-the air we breath. Just imagine what will happen to us if we do not have any air to breathe. Also, take a look around you, at the sky, the field and around your home. Do you ever notice the variety of colors in the things God has created? Just imagine what it would be like if everything in the world were green. You would sleep on a green bed with a green blanket, sheet and pillows and wake up in your green pajamas to go to your green bathroom and use all your toiletries which evidently would be green and proceed to your table to eat your' greens and dress up in a green shirt, tie, coat, slacks and shoes and drive to school in your green car to your green classroom and study your green books. How would you like that? Dull and boring you say. What about the parts of the body? Do they ever move you to want to thank the creator for them? It seems we do not appreciate whatever we have until we have lost them. When a-person becomes blind, he then appreciates the usefulness of the eyes. Think about this too--each of us as students has a natural computer in him or her. Do we know that? As a computer made by human manufacturers can store information for recall in the future as needed, so also can our small brains accumulate a wealth of information for several years and you will be surprised how you remember certain things instantly while you can also recall others with ease. Furthermore, many people today have forgotten that God is the creator of the food we eat. These people are not to be blamed-the reason being that many food items people eat today have been processed or changed in one form or the other from its natural state. Hence we grow up not even knowing where peanuts come from-are they harvested from the top of trees of from under the soil? This also goes for the other food items. You may want to argue that you do not have to thank anyone because you pay for the food you eat. What you should remember is that it is God who makes things grow and you pay for your food because every one of us cannot be farmers--we need several other goods and services in the society, some of us will farm while others do other things and you have to pay for the things you do not produce. There are still other things for which we should be thankful to God but space does not allow for their discussion here. However, if we truly appreciate what God has done for us, each of us must henceforth start to live his or her life as if it belongs to God through our actions, words and deeds. Studying the Bible and approaching God in prayer will aid us in this direction. Postcsript: If there is an instructor whose way of teaching you appreciate, why don't you stop back after the class today and tell him or her how much you appreciate his or her method of instructing. This will surely have a positive effect on the instructor and also serve as a feedback to him or her. Should you have any views and comments on the above article, please send them to: A WAY OF LIFE c/o The Editor Page 7
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