Page 4 HELP 07115 R 5 , „ f 6-5 I 42(.4e a/we- crisis %60.71_/, r 1 6 / 7 4, 5 1 0,Z , Zg . Cancer-6 PL. CRS C JO/N US SIGN /AI TAE ,va i fs es' OFF/C5 earey.i ../.th ifiea Ca/1 ; ° 7 " )) SERA TEC BIOLOGICALS Did you know that you could earn from $6B to $lOO per month for as little as 4 hours of your time each week? Sera-Tec Biologicals is in desperate need of plasma donors. Your plasma will be used in the treatment of a variety of diseases such as leukemia and hemophilia, and for reagents that help make modern blood banking possible. Here is a unique opportunity to earn up to $lOO a month and help others at the same time. Be a special person; be a plasma donor at Sera-Tec Biologicals. For in formation call 232-1901 or stop by 260 Reily Street, Harrisburg. 944-yeaf 9 14-0 / 144- 31.A3 260 REILY STREET / HARRISBURG, PA. 17102 C.C. Reader Republicans The College Republicans at Capitol Campus would like to have all those interested in the political spectrum to attend their organizational meeting at 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 30, in the Gallery Lounge. This is a new organization on Campus dealing with today's political issues. Help to shape your future and support the College Republicans. See you Thursday and every Thursday, except for finals week and term break. Harrisburg REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH SERVICES 100 Chestnut Street • Harrisburg, PA 17101. Across from the Harrisburg hospital BIRTH CONTROL PREGNANCY TESTING VD SCREE NI NG ABORTION COUNSELING 1.717-232-9794 A Commonwealth National Bank Member FDIC HIGHSPIRE OFFICE 218 SECOND STREET PHONE 939-2487 "A Rapp; To Help You Bank" CLASSIFIEDS ' Reader - classifieds are piddislia free u a service to t h e Students of Capitol Cam_p_us. Classifieds should be.feft at Wu_, Reader office (W-129) or in the mailbox in the S.G.A. office , 1117-410): ROOMATE Wanted immedi ately for a two-bedroom apt. located in Highspire-only two minutes away, dishwasher, washer and dryer. Cheap and convenient!! Phone 939-1080. NOTE: S S Kresge Co is no longer giving a 10 per cent discount to students. March 30, 1978 LOST-1 Parker pen & pencil set lost somewhere hi the vicinity of the dorms. If found please contact Rich at 944-9338. Photographic Workshops Middletown—The Humanities Program of Penn State-Capitol Campus will conduct two photography workshops in April according to Ronald L. Mekhiorre, area director for continuing education. . These two workshops have been designed to help the amateur and intermediate photographer become more proficient in photographic techniques. Emphasis is placed on practical methods and suggestions to help the photographer. The basic photography workshop will be held on Saturday, April 8 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The 35mm darkroom workshop will be held on Saturday, April 29 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The fee is ;25 per workshop and includes educational mate rials for the course. Partici pants may enroll in one or both workshops according to their needs and interests. Deadlines for registration are Wednesday, April 5 for the first workshop, and Wednesday, April 26 for the second. For further information contact the Continuing Education Office, Penn State- Capitol Campus, Middletown, Pa 17057, or phone 717-7877753. CPR Course On April 25, 26, 27, 28 Jean H. Kresge, nurse at Capitol Campus, will conduct a CPR (culinary pulmonary -resuscita tion) course. The sessions will be held from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. and you must attend two sessions to receive a CPR card. This card will qualify the holder to perform CPR. The course is limited to 12 students so register now in W-102. Deadline for registra tion is April 18. Car Wash On Saturday, April 1, ITE will hold a car wash at John Mummert's Texaco, located at the intersection of Rte. 30 and Eisenhower Blvd. (approxi mately two miles east, , towards Harrisburg, on Rte. 230 from Capitol Campus). It will be from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. and the donation will be $l.OO.
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