Page 2 Test Dates TEST DATE CLOSING DATE FOR APPLICATION Graduate Record Examination (GRE's) 4-22-78 3-22-78 6-10-78 5-10-78 Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT's) 3-18-78 2-24-78 7-08-78 6-16-78 Law School Admission Test (LSAT's) 4-15-78 7-15-78 National Teacher Examination (NTE's) 7-15-78 The Miller Analogies Test is given in the Counseling Center by appointment. Study books are available on a two-week loan basis and may be picked up in W-117. 2-24-78 W. N. 0. ii you were at last years Spring Concert then you know that "HEAD SHOP" was an organization of people working to help people. We are now "WHO" cause We Help Others. So, if you are interested in helping out this year watch for the blue posters with the white ankh symbol. For further information contact John at 944 - 0114, Carolyn at 944 -1604, or Rick at 944 - 3793. No Exit 1. If you think Capitol Campus is hell, come see "No Exit" in the Auditorium --March 9 at 12:30 and 8:00 p.m. 2. Heil is other people. 3. It's what one does and nothing eiso Lha shows Cie stuff une's made of. Capitol Campus Reader of the Pennsylvania State University The Capitol Campus RTE. 230, Middletown, Pa., 17057 Ed i tors- i n-Ch i ef Editorial Page Editor--------- Layout Editor ------------Jeff Stout Copy Editor Arts Editor— Staff---------Peggy Hartzel, Rick Haythornthwaite, Neil Landes, Frank Lynch, Randy Myers, John Stachowiak, Sandy Stern, Maureen Doyle Manager-- The Capitol Campus Reader is the school newspaper of Penn State's Capitol Campus. It is published by the students who attend this school. We of the Reader Staff try to accurately represent the voice of the students, and keep them informed as to current events and relevant issues. We are published on 'a weekly basis. Whose Who? by P. McDermott 939-1474 Who's Who Selection Com mittee have sent forms to all students whose grade point average is in the upper third of their academic program. Stu dents from each program will be selected to represent Penn State-Capitol Campus in the Who's Who publication next year. Eligible graduate stu dents must have completed 15 credit hours and undergraduate students 9 credit hours of their course work. If you haven't been contacted and feel you are eligible, pick up a form in the Student Activities office. Please return all completed forms to the Student Activities office by Feb. 15. Office W-129-131 Phone (717) 944-4970 Doug Georg• Muese'man Business and Advertising Dear Sir: I write to rebut the critics of H. Geiger's devastating exposure of the fallacious claims made in support of ERA and his/her exhaustive list of highly probable pernicious social consequences were this iniquitous project of feminist fanatics and lesbian elitists passed. Geiger enumerated an array of adverse ramifications of ERA most of which would be damaging to women them selves. What is the joint riposte of Ms. Tarvydas and Ms. Howell? It is a disoriented jumble of non-sequiturs and extraneous irrelevancies. Although Geiger listed fourteen concrete ad verse consequences hardly one was addressed or rebutted although Howell has great faith in "voluntary" support by a husband of his wife. (This seems strange coming from one who campaigns against "male chauvinism".) Tarvydas lists alleged "benefits" of the Pennsylvania version of ERA (which is not an amendment of the U.S. Constitution) some of which are laughably insignifi cant(how wonderful to be able to retain your maiden name!) and most of which were legally possible without any state ERA. With remarkably cogent logic she ridicules the charge that ERA, if passed, would undermine the family, by asserting that, although thirty five states have passed it, the family still persists. Obviously ERA has not passed yet and Geiger did not say the family would be damaged even if ERA is not passed. Howell's logical acumen is equally impressive. She is either markedly uncandid or extraordinarily unaware of the massive current "trivialization" of the Constitution(as one writer puts it). Doesn't she know that this is an age of litigation and has't she heard of the avalanche of appeals to the Supreme Court by those bent on "absolutizing" first amend ment and other Constitutional 3-16-78 6-15-78 6-22-78 Brian McDonotigi, d McKeown ----Greg —Carol A r.dre, --Bill C.C. Reader (lives Page CREATE A CARTOON and WIN The C.C. READER CARTOON CONTEST Use your imagination-comment on what you see around you. Submit your entry to the C.C. Reader office :W 129. All Entries suitable for publication will be printed. I~iili:ri EDITOR rights? How can she blandly and innocently contend that the highly probable "facts" of inevitable ERA Constitutional challenges listed by Geiger are "merely possible though highly improbable interpretation"? Father and son banquets, for example, already have been challenged as "sexist"; how can any challenge therefore be "improbable"? I believe in the elimination of discrimination against wom en but not in the elimination of the distinction between men and women. We already have legislation which guarantees most of the former; ERA would attempt to effect the latter and would 'be a giant step backwards. Ms. Jane Richards Dear Editor, Although I applaud the clear and accurate rebuttals of Weaver, Howell, and Tarvydas to H. Geiger's attack on the ERA, my response is quite different. I admit my first reaction to Geiger's letter was to respond in a mad tirade that would rip holes in those well-worn and inaccurate as sumptions about the effects of the ERA. It wasn't until I read Geiger's last criticism that I realized the letter was a hoax February 10, 1978 To the Editor How much longer must the residents of first floor Church be forced to use the unsafe entrance at the north end of our building? How many more cuts must we sustain? How many more good pairs of gloves must be ruined before the situation is remedied? I am referring to the missing door handle at the north entrance of our hall. A handle which, by the way, has been missing since November. On Wednesday, January 18, a meeting was held in the dining hall for all dorm residents. At this meeting, Mr. Gautreau was confronted with the problem. He admitted having prior knowledge of the problem. Even after it was explained to him that the handle had gradually come off, he chose to assume it was vandalism. He also stated that the door would remain in disrepair for several weeks. This was to be a reminder to us on the floor. I feel it is ludicrous for Mr. Gautreau to aussume floor members are responsible. Three weeks have passed and we are still using the homemade handle(a twisted coat hanger). It is understood that there had been an emergency in the meantime with the breaking of the steam pipe. However, we have waited long enough. Where is our handle!? Wayne Bully Ist Floor Church with' the simple purpose of getting some feminist to respond in a mad tirade that would rip holes...etc. That last criticism I refer to was: "ERA will not protect privacy based on sex in public restrooms..." That's one scare tactic that's been beaten to death. I seriously doubt there is anyone left who believes "Equality of rights under the law" will prohibit Americans from seeing in private. A. Van Dyke
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers