April 21, 1977 Random News Notes Of Interest Task Notice- To all Juniors who took the Stanford TASK test, Fall Term, 1976: The Stanford TASK test of Reading, English and Math skills was administered to Juniors at the beginning of the Fall Term, 1976. The test results are being analyzed as part of the Committee on Remediation's study of the need for a remediation program at The Capitol Campus. Individual test scores have been kept and will remain confidential. Having obtained the Fac ulty Council's approval, the Committee will inform inter ested students of their scores. Students who obtain their scores will be asked if they desire remedial help. The number of students who desire such help will be reported to the Faculty Council. Scores may be obtained from Mr. John Joseph in Room W-205 between 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon, Monday- Friday. Mr. Joseph will discuss the results with students who wish to do so. The student identification card must be presented to obtain the scores. Dancing The Don Redlich Dance Company will present an evening of modern dance at the Hershey Community Theatre on Saturday, April 23, at 8:15 p.m. The works to be presented were choreographed by Don Redlich, and include "Patina," Yearbook Association has pledged its undying support to this unique fossilization of the Middletown experience," says Ms. Platts. Game's Over By Tim Adams The C.C. Reader sponsored a Charity Basketball game for the Epilepsy Foundation this past Friday at the Main Street gym. Although the attendance was poor nearly $50.00 was donated. The first game featured the Womens Varsity Team against the C.C. Reader Staff. As expected the girls got beat 52-46. The score was only as close as it was because the women picked up two male players Mike Pavlishin and Scott Kurtz, in the 2nd half. The top scorers for the C.C. Reader were Don Gale, Bill Kane, and Don Shoemaker, they were assisted in their effort by the strong footwork of continued page 4 Bus. Cont. extend my personal congrat ulations to : Joe Mahar, President, Steve Nailor, Vice- President, Nellie Jiwani, Sec retary, Larry Ranieri, Treas urer, and Patti Clifford, Senator. Ralph C. Aymin Instructor of Management "Three Bagatelles," "Passin' Through," "Estrange," and "Traces." In addition to Don Redlich, members of the dance company to perform here are Jennifer. Donohue, Irene Feigenheimer, Barbara Roan and Billy Siegenfeld. Don Redlich's choreography demonstrates the blending and contrasting styles and move ments in modern dance. Members of his company have studied and trained with such masters of modern dance as Hanya Holm, Martha Graham, Merce Cunningham, Alvin Ailey, and Erick Hawkins, whose stylistic and technical innovations have been incor porated into the program. Tickets are now on sale at the Hershey Community The atre box office, 534-3405. WNDR Beginning this week, WNDR, the voice of Capitol Campus, will give its listeners the choice of music aired over the college radio station. LISTENER'S CHOICE SURVEY forms will appear weekly in the C.C. Reader, and by filling out these request blanks, WNDR's audience will actually be able to choose their favorite music and artists and when that music will be played. Completed request forms can be deppsited in WNDR LISTENER'S SURVEY BOX ES located in Vendorville, at the round table, and in the WNDR studio, Room W-106. On the LISTENER'S '6 t .c ... ra. Rob Fisher, the Valley Viking from New Kensington, on call with an attentive eye. 7 1 •pregna •educa' 1 • res clinic and couns E=MMIE=EI C.C. Reader CHOICE SURVEY blanks, found in the C.C. Reader, those students making requests are asked to include either the song or album title or the name of their favorite artist along with the time or period and day of the week when they want their requests honored. Washington The Math-Science Club is planning a trip to the Bureau of Census, Washington, D.C., on Thursday April 28. Theme- job opportunities available for business majors, computer sciences and math related fields. Anyone interested in going, contact Dr. Richards (787-1600) or Sandy Lade (944-9216) by Monday, April 25. Beginning A beginning dance troup is now being formed on campus. Classes will be taught by experienced dance choreog raphers. Interested persons are asked to meet in the multi-purpose room in the New Building on Tuesday, April 26 at 12:00 noon. Bring leotards and tights. Classifieds If you have classified ads, place them in the classified box located in the S.G.A. Office before Tuesday at 5:00 P.M. . They will appear in the C.C. Reader and also be read on the air as part of the WNDR Classifieds. 2 7 , ~ 1 r 1977-78 Resident Assistant Applications due in the Residence Living Program Office- 946 A Kirtland Avenue. 7:00 p.m.- Mass- Student Center. 8:00 p.m.- Social- Student Center. 8:30 p.m.- Fireside Chat- Student Center Information Seminar- Chi Rho- 6:30 15. m . 7:30 p.m.- Concert Recruitment- Productions- Student Center. 4:00 p.m.- Head Shop training for Spring Concert- Student Center. 10:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m.- Counseling- Vendorville. 11:00 a.m.- Brown Bag Lunch- Returning Women- W-138. Capitol Campus Reader of the Pennsylvania State University The Capitol Campus RTE. 230, Middletown, Pa., 17057 Office W-129-131 Phone (717) 944-4970 Editor-in-Chief Assistant Editor Associate Editor Copy Editor Advertising Manager Business Manager... Typesetters Perspectives Logo Hot Lion Sketch... The Capitol Campus Reader is the school newspaper of Penn State's Capitol Campus. It is published by the students who attend this school. We of the Reader Staff try to accurately represent the voice of the students, and keep them informed as to current events and relevant issues. We are published on a weekly basis. Not Loin April 22 April 24 April 25 April 26 April 27 April 28 Father Richardson for ° Goat, k NOW LET Me SEE you CoumT To TWEAs - r ‘ 3 w ren O 4,) T TAKiNG ocF you R. Stioes eV4 4 O soticS!“ .3race M. Cole, Doug George, Greg Hall, Young Inyang, Ray Martin, Brian McDonough. Page 3 Good People RALe‘N A`iNtit.) William M. Kane Tim Adams Ed Perrone .Robert L. Fisher Jr. Wayne Stottmeister Carol Andress John Kollar, Ed McKeown Janine M. Bennels Beth Kopas
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers