CAPITOL CAMPUS READER Vol. 6 No. 23 Capitol Campus Penn State University Student Gov't Elections Are Challenged By Tim Adams Charges of constitutional violations in the Spring S.G.A. Elections were filed last night by Vice-Presidential candi date, Young Inyang. At a hearing, before the Student Court, Inyang claimed that the Election Screening Committee was negligent in reviewing candidates. However, the court disagreed with Inyang, stating that he could not substantiate the charge. In all, five allegations were levied. A second charge included disqualifying votes that were cast by part-time students, because this was in violation of Article VIII Section 3 of the Constitution, according to Inyang. Chief Justice Michael Burke admitted that Inyang had a technical point, but this was still insufficient grounds for a review of the election. Inyang also claimed the committee over-seeing ballot counting violated the Constitution by prematurely counting votes. Inyang continued by saying that the polls officially closed at 8 p.m. and the committee had removed the box at 5 p.m. in an effort to expedite the counting. Burke, in refuting this charge, quoted Article XI Sub-section 4, Election Screening Committee Guidelines and procedures. Burke, further stated that the box was removed for a short time and while the box was not there its removal did not interrupt the election process. While the box was in transit, there was a representative of the court accompanying the box and he was also present during this preliminary count ing, according to Burke. This procedure, Inyang claimed was unprecedented. However, Burke said this expeditious counting of votes was done in order to announce the results at Casino Night. The court voted "no" to the charges that this procedure , moving the box, halted voting and that such movement was in violation of the Constitution. The final two charges were out of jurisdiction of the Student. Court, according to Burke. Survey Of Evening Students Asks.. By Brian McDonough Library and Bookstore hours, services and activities provided by the placement and counseling availability, University for the night students. Dr. Duane E. Shuttlesworth, food services, and activities are among Information gathered from the Chairman of the Student Affairs the areas to be surveyed. survey could possibly lead to a future Committee of the Faculty Council, has Effectiveness of the survey will expansion or modification of University announced that a survey of all evening depend on the number of students that services for evening students according students will take place within the next respond, Dr. Shuttlesworth said. The to Dr. Shuttlesworth. two weeks. findings of -the survey will be published The survey was initiated due to the The survey, which will be mailed to in a report to the Faculty Council and fact that a large percentage of the approximately 1300 students, will ask_ Student Government Association. student population attends night classes about the students' use and evaluation of There will also be an open-ended and there is little statistical information University services, as well as provide a commentary available for gripes and available on the desires and needs of statistical profile of responding students. suggestions for improvements in the these students. See Pepe 3 : i : EMI= wm;wl4llllo4il;SaKtX April 28, 1977 Weekend Weather The meteorological prognostication for Friday indicates a probability of precipitation with the thermometric zenith in the mid 60's and the nadir in the 40's. There will be an increase in suspended atmospheric water particles on Saturday and Sunday, with the temperature apexes in the upper 60's and the pedicles in the low 40's.
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