April 14, 1977 Random News Notes Of Interest Blood Drive The XGl's are sponsoring a blood drive Thursday, April 21, on Campus. A Blood Drive Mobile will be parked in front of the main Building from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The blood drive is open to anyone wishing to participate, as - long as they meet the physical requirements. The Bloodmobile is made available by the Central Pennsylvania Blood Bank. There will be a school nurse on duty along with Bloodmobile personnel. Students, staff, faculty, and their families may benefit from this program by receiving free blood when it is needed. TASK Notiee- To all Juniors who took the Stanford TASK test, Fall Term, 1976: The Stanford TASK test of Reading, English and Math skills was administered to Juniors at the beginning of the Fall Term, 1976. The test results are being analyzed as part of the Committee on Remediation's study of the need for a remediation program at The Capitol Campus. Individual test scores have been kept and will remain confidentiaL Having obtained the Fac ulty Council's approval, the Committee will inform inter ested students of their scores. Students who obtain their scores will be asked if they desire remedial help. The number of students who desire such help will be reported to the Faculty Council. Scores may be obtained An Open Letter From Page 2 itself would not apply to Capitol Campus or, for that matter, to state government. The full legal argument for freedom of the campus press requires citation of both the Ist and 14th amendments. It also requires mention of the fact that Capitol is part of a state-related institution receiving support from public funds. The Student Government Association, and only that organization, is the proper supervisory authority for the Reader. As such, complaints or demands for sanctions should be addressed to Mr. Kane or to SGA officers, not to Dr. McDermott, Dr. South, or Ms. McLeod, and certainly not to me. Mark H. Dorfman CoOrdinator, Multi-Media Journalism (WNOR LISTENER'S CHOICE SURVEY Now you can choose the music we play and when we play it! lust fill out this form, cut it out and drop it in the box in Yendorville or in the WNDR Studio, Room W-106. FIRST CHOICE- SECOND CHOICE- from Mr. John Joseph in Room W-205 between 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon, Monday- Friday. Mr. Joseph will discuss the results with students who wish to do so. The student identification card must be presented to obtain the scores. Photo Contest Past, Present and Future is the theme for a national photograpghy contest announced this week by TIME Magazine Publisher Ralph P. Davidson. A grand prize of $l,OOO will be awarded for the best photograph of nature, people, places, events or objects by an amateur photographer, in color or black and white. Second prize is $5OO and third prize winners will receive $250 each. Honorable mentions will re ceive the Life Library Of Photography. Prize-winning photographs will be selected by a panel of judges consisting of world renown photographer Alfred Eisenstaedt, former White House photographer David Kennerly and Lee Jones, editor of Magnum Photos. The winning photographs will be published in a special advertis ing section on photography entitled "Photo graphy: The Universal Langu age" in Time's November 28. 1977 issue. Details of the photography contest will be announced in the April 4 issue of Time. Deadline for entries is September 1, 1977. For contest information or entry forms, write to: Marilyn Maccio, Time Magazine, Time & Life Building, Rockefeller YOUR FAVORITE SONG, ALBUM and/or ARTIST: C.C. Reader Center, New York, New York 10020. Thank You Mrs. Kresge and Mrs. Petrosino would like to thank all the students that were so willing to help with the Coronary Risk screening pro gram. A special thanks to Carolyn Witkowski for using her talents as an E.K.G. technician. Your assistance helped to make the program a great success. Simon Dr. Sidney Simon, Profes sor of Humanistic Education at the University of Massachusetts, and a leader in the Values Clarification move ment will be conducting a workshop entitled "Values Clarification: An Evening With Sidney Simon". This workshop is sponsored by the West Shore Education Association Scholar ship Fund and will be held on Friday, April 15, 1977 from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at the Christ Presbyterian Church, Deerfield Road, Camp Hill, Pennsylvania 17011. Registration is $5.00, pay able in advance or at the door. Registration forms are avail able in the Counseling Center, Wll7, or from Larry R. Hoerner, 12 Courtland Road, Camp Hill, Pennsylvania 17011, (717) 763-0177. Math Trip The Math-Science Club is planning a trip to the Bureau of Census, Washington, D.C., on Thursday, April 28. Anyone interested in going contact Dr. Richards (944-9216) by Mon. April 25. WHEN YOU WANT TO HEAR YOUR REQUEST: (Which Period?) April 16 9:30 a.m.- 5:30 p.m.- Conference- "Women Re-entering Education and Careers"- Returning Women- Student Center. April 17 3:00 p.m.- Picnic and Outdoor Mass- Chi Rho- Student Center (weather permitting). Information Seminar- Chi Rho- 6:00 p.m.- Coffeehouse. 8:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.- Supervisory Development Seminar for Health Care Personnel- Continuing Education- Student Center. 12:15 p.m. and 8:00 p.m.- Wiseman Film Series " Primate- Cultural Committee, Faculty, BSU and Social Committee- Auditorium. Last day to return books purchased for Spring Term. April 19 The Accounting Club Keggar originally scheduled for this date has been rescheduled for May 17. Details will be announced at a later date. April 20 4:00 p.m.- Headshop Training for Spring Concert- Student Center. I.E.E.E. trip to New York Coliseum. Bus leaves from Big M at 6:30 a.m. 8:00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m.- Blood Drive- XGl's- Main Building. 10:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m.- Father Richardson for Counseling- Vendorville. 11:00 a.m.- Brown Bag Lunch- Returning Women- W-138. 12:15 p.m. and 8:00 p.m.- Foreign Film Festival " Don Quixote"- International Affairs Association- Auditorium. /.7,/ •abortion •birth control •counseling •pregnancy testing •educational services • rest clinic and counseling service 2700 11 Fr nt Strc t Harrisburg Pennsylv,ln , _1 17110• (717 J 2?-1 4990 ~ :,-1.' :•..1':- .i . i i'l. ' ii. : ':''.',.!''''.!. ' l l..• . .. .'''' . ' ..1. ''' ... ': ...; ::.-..- ' -..."..<....'"''':::::'''''l&l2li'i":''''...'"l"."'"-''''''''''..".H.'''''''."''''''''!'''''''""'"'4''''''''''''''''i'' Not Loin April 18 April 21 *,•,.. 0 , ; : 2 , • 4: "WE SLEW OVER TWo tik‘L.Lion 1 50E15 AND ALL you WANT TO Do Is PLAY CHECKERSV! 4 Page 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers