WHAT'S HAPPENING IM Softball IM softball games will begin Monday, April 11!! Deadline for submitting rosters is Friday, April 8! There is a registration fee of $lO.OO per team. For further information call the Rec/Ath office, 787-7751. Pm ll / 1 1 The Capitol Campus base ball team will start off the season with their first game scheduled for Saturday, April 2, 12:00 noon, at the Ogontz Campus. This will be followed by their first home game of the season scheduled for Wed., April 6, at 1:30 P.M. with Lehigh County Community College---a doubleheader. All home games are played on the little Hollywood field. Coach "Rock" D'Emilio feels For Sale.. Jeep wheels, 5 bolt circle, also, two pairs of tire chains for H78X15 tires or equivalent size, call 737-4212. WANTED: 1 potato head, experience not necessary. We will train POSITION: Chairman of Capitol Campus Food Co-op. Interested persons should leave their name in Co-op mail-box in the SGA office c/o Robin Sherman. The HALLMARK CARDS STATIONERY GIFTS CANDLES PLANT HANGERS WOODEN WARE Open Thur. & Fri. Eve Opposite The Post Office Middletown Harrisburg REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH SERVICES 100 Chestnut Street • Harrisburg. PA 17101 BIRTH CONTROL PREGNANCY TESTING J SCREENING ABORTION COUNSELING 1.717-232-9794 the team should end this season with a good record. the team has been having full field practice sessions for the past several weeks. Team members for the Spring 1977 season are as follows:Returning seniors-- Jeff Bossard; Ed Driscoll; Pat Kelly (co-capt); Tom Lucey; Bill Morrell; Gary Owens; Jerry Staskell; Mike Szep (co-capt); New Junior members-- Paul Arbuckle; Mike Barbush; Jim Dunbaugh; Ron Miller; John Reilly; Frank Zeak; Steve Zelonka; and a new senior member, Tony Fischetti; Coach Rocco D'Emilio. Baseball is the great American pass-time---so come out & cheer for your team!! We can't promise you hot dogs, Carina, Dark Blue, new tires, AM I FM Radio, Air condition, low mileage, disc brakes, automatic stick. Like new. Must sell. Call after 5:00 P.M. - 944-1041 '74 or newer Volvo wagon, must have 4 spd., call 737-4212 with your details. Fur Sale: 8-track car tape player. Good condition. $25. Also, 2- Jensen coax. speakers. Good condition. $25/pr. Phone 944-3378, ask for Chuck or Sal. Visit The awe jatrito STORE PAM *WAR JANTZEN LONDON VC "Clothing the Men In This Area Since 1895" Etibib ':! /Win STORE union st. - Next to Post Office Open Thur. & Fri. Till 9:00 C.C. Reader IN RECREATION AND ATHLETICS peanuts, or cold beer,---but we can promise- you a good ball game!! The coach has been putting in lots of time and the team has beem practicing hard! They deserve backing!! It can be very discouraging playing to empty, or near empty stands— yet they never give up! They keep right on trying to make a good showing for Capitol!! Can you dare do less?!!! IM Basketball The intramural basketball play-offs were held March 21 & 22 with the 69'ers winning the championship. In the final play-off game they scored a 51 to 37 victory over the F. Ticklers! High scorers for the 69'ers were G. Fallenback with 22 points and Harry Schank white, radials, excellent condi tion, phone 1-814-237-9538, evenings. Services- Automotive work. Tune-ups, exhaust systems. basic engine repair. Call anytime for appointment or emergency repairs. If not home, please leave message. Phone 944-7012, ask for Dean. We need pictures. Drop them off in the Reader Office, W-129, by 3:80 on Tuesday afternoons. They will be returned a day ar two later. Help wanted in practice in English conversation with a new foreign student. Would be happy to meet you anyplace (school? home?) at any mutually convenient time. Please call 944-1951. Your Complete Family Drug Store RUSSELL STOVER CANDIES HALLMARK CARDS Bankes Pharmacy 3 E. Water St. At Union Middletown with 11!! 2nd place went to the F. Ticklers - 3rd place to the Brotherhood - 4th place the Studs. Tennis Tennis practice will be held every Monday - Wednesday - Friday afternoons from 2:30 P.M. to 5:30 P.M. - If you are unable to attend, please contact the coach, Jim Abod at 944-3609, or call the Rec/Ath office, 787-7751!! Golf Members of the golf team who have not already done so are reminded that score cards should be submitted to Mr. George Dressler, room E-356, or to the Rec/Ath office. Cards may be obtained from the Rec/Ath office for practice at Mass will be held Thursday, April 7,1977, at 7:00 p.m. in the Student Center. There will be no Mass held Sunday April 10, 1977. The picnic scheduled for April 17 is postponed till May; 1 114t e lta l laar n iz a lat er. ti; Were going to make thii year's spring concert the best one ever... in order to do so we need your help and enthusiasm. To find out more please attend the G.P.P. meeting on April 26 at 8:00 P.M. in the StMient Center. We can't do it without you! P.S. Tapped refreshments will be provided. XGI News By Keith Minion I want to take this time to welcome everyone from Spring break, especially the seniors who will be graduating in June. Traditionally the Spring term is the hardest for both students and professors because neither of us want to be inside when the weather is nice. I feel with a little' compromising by both parties we can get through the term without too many missed classes. Again, good luck to everyone and try to hang in there. Under the heading of Sports, I would like to recap the important events of the past term that deserves recognition. Even though the XGI#I Bowling team didn't win a trophy in the bowling playoffs, they had a great team effort to make the playoffs and finish in April 7, 1977 Sunset Golf Course, and Hershey Parkview. IM Bowling IM Bowling began Wed., April 6, at 9:15 P.M. at the Middletown Lanes. Call the Rec/Ath office, 787-7751 for further information. Varsity Basketball On Wed., April 13th at 4:00 P.M. a meeting for all returning varsity basketball team mem bers is scheduled. New Building As of now the new building will be open from 8-5 weekdays. The basketball and hand-ball facilities, on the lower level, are complete, but some work is still to be done on the multi-purpose room, on the upper level, where the universal gym is located. a four way tie for first place. Again congratulations to Joe, 'pat, Lenny, Myron, Keith, and most importantly SaDace Wallace who substituted in great style. Our fraternity also had another winner with our volleyball team captained by Pittsburgh's own Joe Horochak who lead the team to a first place trophy with a record of 6 wins and 1 loss. Joe suggested Pay of the Wazoo's can come down anytime to , polish the team trophy. On March 3rd our fraternity held elections for the purpose of nominating new officers. I want to congratulate the following people on their success on being elected: Mark McGlynn (President), Bob Abbott (Vice-President), Bill Steckler - (Treasurer), and Reggie Utt (Secretary). The outgoing exectutive board did a hell of a job the past year and I know the entire fraternity is grateful for their efforts. As one might expect, the office of President is a demanding and endless job that requires a lot of personal sacrifices and most of the time is hardly rewarded by a thank you. Myron Lebo, our outgoing president, did an outstanding job and never complained to anyone about the time and effort he had to put forth to make our organization a success. Myron, I want to thank you personally for a great job and the leadership you instilled to make every thing run smoothly. One Week Only! Mon. April 18 - Fri. April 22 Capitolite - Yearbook On Sale Price - $7.50 in Vendorville
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