May 27, 1976 BUILDING HOURS: The Rec/Ath Building and base gym will be closed Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, May 29, 30, and 31 for Memorial Day. IM SOFTBALL: Intramural softball games are soon to reach a climax with championship play-offs only a few days away at this writing. Team standings to date are as follows: Fist City— 9 & 1 French Ticklers 9 & 1 Grand Wazoo Bender Bros.- Easy— 6 & 5 Bushwackers 5 & 6 Whiz Kids 5 & 8 Trojan Pros -4 & 8 Conglomeration 3 & 8 Wazoo II 3 & 9 Joint Effort 3 & 10 Pythons 1 & 11 IENNB TEAM: The Capitol Campus tennis team has ended its regular scheduled season with 6 wins, 1 tie and 4 losses. It was a very good season under the capable coaching of Tom Coleman, plus the great playing ability of all team members who are: Bariy Healy, Ron Hartman, Rich Larmour, Steve Goldstein, Don Reich, Bob Gabler, Pete Fuoco and Jim Abod. INTRAMURAL BOWLING: By the time this issue reaches you the bowling roll-offs will be over. They were scheduled for Monday evening, May 24, and it is impossible to hazard a guess as to the results! Too often top teams have been “bowled over'’ in the play-offs. The “Stump Jumpers” had been in the #1 spot for some weeks but were dropped into third place before the season ended and their HI spot has been dominated by the “Pumpers”! Bowling rates among the more enthusiastic programs offered on campus. There has always been a big response to this sport each term, so we will look forward to another good bowling season when fall term begins. To the graduating seniors we say, farewell, good luck, we will miss you, but: “Keep on rolling”! C.C. Reader Renaissance Scholars Announced Provost Robert E. McDermott, jn conjunction with the directors of the Renaissance Scholars Pro gram, announces that Paula Knight and Mark A. Kerestes have been awarded Renais sance scholarships for the 1976-77 academic year. Knight is a 9th term business major. Since be ginning her studies at Penn State, she has worked part-time in the Public Information Office on cam pus and has also maintained a better than B+ average. As one of 88 recipients, Knight was selected on the basis of proven academic ability. Kerestes is a 9th term student in electrical design engineering technology. Pri or to enrolling here, he earned an associate in engineering degree at the Schuylkill Campus of Penn State, graduating with high distinction. Kerestes was also se lected by the directors of the Renaissance Fund on the basis of high academic potential. Correction In our last issue we made a mistake. The man who was about to be jabbed in the throat, by Yvonne Milspaw, was not Martial Arts Instructor, Charles Cavrich. His name is Steve Norford, and he is a student here. * American Studies 491 * presents * * “Ten Nights in a Bar-Room” * * * 1* [A temperance melodrama] * by t * William W. Pratt * j[ * a Wednesday, June 2, and Friday, * * June 4,1976 at 8:00 p.m. * * * Penn. State Univ., Capitol Campus * * auditorium - admission free * * Performance Sunday, May 30, 1976 at 6:00p.m. * * . at * * William Penn Museum - auditorium # * XGI Reporter Vince Johnson announced that the XGI Spring Picnic is tentatively scheduled to be held at the Twin Grove Park Campgrounds on June sth. Congratulations to Sally Wallace for being sworn in as the fraternity’s new Vice-President. Congratulations are also in order for the following new members who drank the fraternity friendship mug: Bob Leader-lst mug, 8.3 seconds 2nd mug, couldn’t finish Jimmy Owens-lst mug, George stopped clock 2nd mug, 4 minutes,32 seconds (broke record of 1 minute,6 seconds) Rudy Tracy-lst mug, 12.5 seconds 2nd mug, 21.2 seconds Linda Steiner- Broke the old record of 2.3 seconds with a time of 2.1 seconds. Myron Lebo said this was the best damn meeting so far this year. As of this writing, the XGrs just beat Fist City in softball by the score of 23 to 21. This now leaves the XGrs record with an impressive 10 wins and 2 losses. The blood drive sponsered by the fraternity on April 29th was very successful. Fifty-seven people took the time from their busy schedules to donate a pint of their blood. The XGrs would like to thank all those who participated. Please keep in mind, our next drive will be in the fall term of ‘76. Good luck and best wishes to all graduating seniors and happy job hunting. If Aristotle were still alive, we’d probably flunk him. He’d be too old. Generally, the younger you are and the better your health, the better your chances. So, don't wait. Buy now, and, regardless of what happens in the future, you’ll have protection At the lowest rates possible. Stop by our office and let's talk over the benefits of buying while you’re still in school. MICHAEL L. HORD Special Agent Mowery Associates Suite 20t. 355 North 21st Street 7011 Home °" ,ce: 4601 “»*•* s * ■ Pa ‘l9lOl Bee. TlmSmSm SubSidi#rieS: RSSS »Cn C y° mpany IB PROVIDENT MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA Page 7
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