February 19, 1976 Spring Rite Tax Bite (CPS)-Taxation even with representation can be tyran ny as many people are discovering again this wint er. To get those tax refunds in plenty of time for spring frolics, wage-earners must first do a mad scramble with forms, instructions and tables. Students are not exempt from this annual rite. Even students under 21 years who have a gross income of at least $2350 or have any other unearned income (like int erest on savings accounts) must file returns. Smart taxpayers will file their returns in January and early February when refunds will be mailed in four to five weeks. Procrastinators who file just before the April 15 deadline might be waiting two or three months for their refunds. New tax laws passed in 1975 mean slightly less tax for many people. The standard, deduction has increased from 15% to 16%. Also, the low-income allow ance has been raised from $lO,OOO to $15,000. Students who have worked on and off for the year can take the standard deduction and in many cases, so can their parents. If the student is over 19 years old, ws a full-time student for five months of the year, both students and parents can claim him as a deduction. if you didn’t have an income tax form sent directly to you, contact the state or federal revenue office. Ask for a short form, 1040 A, if you have an income less than $15,000 or earned less interest than $4OO. It’s simpler and can sometimes save the taxpayer money. Chief Paul Suggests Turning Off In conjunction with the efforts of The Executive Energy Conservation Com mittee at the University, Chief Paul of the Dept, of Safety, Security Police re quests that all members of the staff, faculty and student body make every effort to conserve on energy in the form of heat and electricity. Chief Paul stated he learned from reports from his patrols, that lights are left burning in unoccupied classrooms and other areas in the Main Building, and it is not until midnight or later that these lights can be turned off by the Security Police. If the last person out of the room or area would just turn off the lights, a fantastic saving in resources could be realized. Another savings can be easily realized if occupants of rooms and houses would be careful about open doors and/or windows when the heat is turned up and if Meade Heights would please extinguish their night lights outside their houses, some noted to be burning for 24 hours. The Hot Lion is published to inform the Capitol Campus community of all activities on, or concerned with, the Campus. Everyone should feel free to use this service by completing the entry cards available in the Student Affairs Office [WlO5]. Deadline is Thursday Noon, the week prior to date of publication. February 20 6:00 P.M.-Annual visit to Coatesville VA Hospital-XGI Lounge. HACC-8:00 P.M.-Film “Rebel Without A Cause”-Aud. February 21 NTE Test. February 22 12:30 P.M.-Mass-Student Center. February 23 5:00 P.M.-Fencing Club-Rec/Ath Bldg. 6:00 P.M.-Aviation Club-Cross Country Flight Planning E-209. 7:30P.M.-Martial Arts-Rec/Ath Bldg February 24 10:50 A.M.-BSU meeting-BCAC. 1:00 P.M.-Martin Best-“Troubadour”-Aud. 7:30 P.M.-N/arsity Basketball-Capitol Campus vs. Lehigh County Community College-Home. H 9:00 P.M.-XGI meeting-Tiltin Hilton. February 25 12:00 noon-Maranatha Bible Study-W-202 7:00 P.M.-Co-ed Volleyball-Base Gym. 8:00 P.M.-SGA meeting-Gallery Lounge. February 26 1:00 P.M.-Film/Lecture-“Urban Transportation Ready for Tomorrow”-presented in cooperation with General Motors Corporation-Aud. 2:00 P.M.-9:30 P.M.-CRI Class-Quilling-B-223 2:00 P.M.-9:30 P.M.-Capitol * Campus Model ‘76-sponsored by International Affairs-Aud. and 216 6:30 P.M.-Slimnastics-Rec/Ath Bldg. HACC-7:00 P.M.-9:00 P.M.-CRI Class- Quilling-B-223 February 27 9:00 A.M. -9:00 P.M.-Capitol Campus Model U N 76-sponsored by International Affairs-Aud. and 216 7:30 P.M.-Varsity Basketball-Capitol Campus vs. Spring Garden College-Home. HACC-8:00 P.M.-Film- February 28 9:00 A.M.-11:00 P.M.-Capitol Campus Model U.N ‘76-sponsored by International Affairs-Aud. and 216 GRE Test. February 29 12:30 P.M.-Mass-Student Center. If Mass is cancelled on campus, students are welcome at Seven Sorrows. Below is the schedule for Mass. Sat.-5:30 P.M. Sun.-7:00 A.M. 8:30 A.M. 10:00 A.M. 11:30 A.M. 7:00 P.M. Preregistration Info Is On Its Way Now graduate students may pick Schedule. Deadline, for up registration materials in un ae r £Kaduate preregi the Records Office, WlOl, stra ' lon 18 f® 1 *- 27 •. by presenting a valid I.D. _ s P n [ 1 9 1976 registration Card, according to the m at®nals for degree and following schedule (term nondegree graduate stu standing as of Spring 1976). dents were mailed form the Records Office, Feb. 13. Special nondegree students will register on Mar. 22. Information will be mailed from the Admissions Office later in the month. All students preregister. The preregistration becomes final only after all tuition, fees, and fines are paid in full. Preregistration will be canceled for any student who does not pay tuition in full and /or release all holds by Mar. 5. Monday, Feb. 16-12th and 12thf term Wednesday, Feb. 18-11th term Thursday, Feb. 19—1 Oth term Monday, Feb. 23-9th term Wednesday, Feb. 25~8th and returning 7th term No early preregistration will be permitted. Students should follow instructions printed in the Master “The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter”-Aud C.C. Reader « Three Receive Scholarship Dr. Robert McDermott, provost, has announced the names of the recipients of the R.T. Brown Scholarship for the winter term. Jorn Jenson, Todd Malpass and David Wolf were presented with the award by the Committee on Academic and Athletic Standards, Awards and Scholarships. The three students were recommended by the Scholarship Com- With 865 You Get Egg Roll An Oriental studies trip is being offered to interested persons by the Department of Geography at Edinboro State College. According to Dr. Donald P. Brandt, professor of geography at Edinboro State College, the Asian experi ence wilt consist of study at the National Taiwan Univer sity for three weeks, then excursions around the Island of Taiwan and Hong Kong. The trip will start from San Francisco June 23, 1976, and will leave Hong Kong on July 28 for San Francisco. The cost is $865.00 excluding tuition, books and personal ex penses. Drs. Chuen-tyi Chow and Donald P. Brandt are the tour and course directors. For more information write: Department of Geo graphy, Edinboro State College, Edinboro, Pa., 16444. |j>PADD«cih II HOURS 4PM-2AM II Oil THIS WEEK U Aruwnc I j Jj Jere Hetrick II U Giis Mowcry ] « Ladies Night a Every Friday Behind UPS S. iMh St. J Jri mittee of the Engineering Technology Department. Jorn Jenson, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Jenson of Arnold, is married to the former Roberta Masse of Tarentum. He is a transfer student from the New Kensington Campus and is majoring in Mechanical Design Engineering Tech nology. Todd Malpass is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Malpass of Forty Fort. He is a transfer student from the Wilkes-Barre Campus and is majoring in Building Con struction Technology. David Wolf, majoring in Electrical Design Engineer ing Technology, is a transfer student from the Hazelton Campus. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Karl L. Wolf of Lebanon. The R.T. Brown Scholar ship is awarded to Engi neering Technology stu dents demonstrating aca demic excellence, leadership and potential ability. The scholarship was conceived by the XGI fraternity in memory of R.T. Brown, adviser to the fraternity, and assistant professor of engi neering. The scholarship was funded by donations from faculty, staff and students following the death of Dr. Brown in November 1973. R.T. Brown was an innovative and demanding educator who was highly respected by the entire campus community. Want To Help? The Harrisburg Area Rape Crisis Center desper ately needs volunteers. We provide escort and 24 hour hot-line service for the rape victim. If you desire more information, please call 234-4169. Our next training session begins on February 9, at 7:30.
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