page 4 `Tits & Ass' under fire continued from p. 1 was my idea. I discussed it with Jim (Bollinger) and he agreed with it. It was a joint editorial decision". He stated the term, "tits and ass" was one of the comedy routines done by the late I f ii"lll l6.r . 'NO Roberta flanked Night p the student press on campus Lenny Bruce to explain the success of Las Vegas. Prouser said further, "The orientation in the advertising for Casino Night was sexual. Nytza was used as a drawing card on a predominately male campus". Commenting on the charges by DeLong, Prouser said, "I just think the charges were poorly written. Who determines 'bad taste'? 'Slanderous implications' is vague". As for the Reader's complaint, Prouser stated, "We want a meeting of the Board and are expecting it. We just want to straighten out what the Board can and cannot do and to define its duties and powers. No one on campus should have the right to remove papers". In an interview with McLeod on March 28, she said, "There will be a meeting next week to discuss the functions and scope of the Media Board and its position on campus". McLeod said, "I was personally offended" with the Reader's coverage (Nytza is a friend of McLeod's) and "concerned about the legal implications. I have served onsedia boards at other campuses and have gone to court over student publications". McLeod also related, "The paper gave a Photo by Prouser misconception of Nytza. She is a belly dancer, not a stripper. Belly dancing is an art form". On Casino Night she said, "It was the first social event that the Provost and his wife attended, professors, students, and children. The community donated the prizes, nothing was bought. All the student organizations got together to put on Casino Night". Bollinger said of the Reader coverage, "I disliked having to play up the belly dancer, but we are short-staffed and we had no story. (The assigned reporter was unable to cover the event). Per sonally, I felt there was no problem with civil action. The advertisements did lure guys to come and spend money. It was played up for fun and games". Both Jerry South, director of student affairs, and McLeod disclaimed any possible censorship at tempts by the Media Board. South called it a "support organization that has never stepped into the internal operations of student media". McLeod described the board as "advisory". C.C. Reader Reader Classifieds For Sale- Anyone interested in buying a 390 cu. in in Ford engine or parts. Please call 944-9277 ask for Joe. Price of motor $75.00, parts negotiable. Yes, it works any other questions? For Sale- Available April furnished bed sitting room with walking distance of campus large yard, parking facilities, kitchen and laundry facilities available $20.00 per week. Call 944-2797 between 5:00 and 7:00 P.M. and ask for Linda. For Sale- Ross ten speed bike, 9 months old, very good condition, cost $lOO, will sell for $65. For Sale- North Face Sierra Tent. Zippered door backed by second door of mosquito net. Mosquito netted window, rain fly side pullouts, single A- Frame poles, extra stakes. Weight: 6 lbs. 2 ozs. Used three times, excellent condition. Original price: $155.00. Sale Price: $125.00. Peter M. Yaffee, Box 183, Fed. Sq. Station, Harrisburg 17108. Phone 717-652-1933. For Sale - Artley Flute (3 piece) with case, in good condition $9O. Call 566-8568. Ask for Pat. For Sale - 10 adult home movies $lO each or $75 for all. Call 566-8568. Ask for Pat. For Sale Harmong Sovereign 12-String acoustic guitar. Ampegli two channel! amp with tremolo and echo chamber. Make offer Mamiya-Sekor 35 mm 500 model and case. $120.00 Also pre-se 135 mm lense 335.00. Craig 944-3971 Mercury 'B3 Power brakes, 2 new tires. Runs good. Ne gotiate price or just give me 1/4 lb. Mexican Check out. Cathi, 1965 Chevrolet Impala. Just inspected. Good running con dition. Radial tires air con ditioning. p.s. p.b. Radio $350.00. Call C.Wley 898-2366 after 4:00 weekdays Sony Stereo Receiver Model STR 6050 eighty watts ma has capacity for two tape decks. Turntable, Auxiliary very good condition. $l5O firm. This is $3OO receiver also two column speakers six feet high each has four 15" coaxial speakers after 6 p.m. 233-1887 For Sale 1970 Chevrolet Camaro automatic, migs much more. Excellent condition $1595. Brian 652-6715 G.P.P. Needs You MAY 17th All interested and able body people are invited to attend a meeting for the Spring Music Festival. Good people productions is asking for your help to make this spring concert the best ever and only with your help can it happen - so come to the student center at 9 p.m. April 14th and sign up for a committee. For further details come to the meeting. THINK SUNSHINE Free Ad Forms Available In WllO FOR SALE Electrophonic AM/FM Stereo, two air suspension speakers and tape deck. 100 watts, music power. Two years old and in wry good condition. First offer with $lOO.OO takes all. Tom, 387-4979 For Sale - one junked 1969 Firebird (nonrunnable)- good for parts or scrap, mostly scrap- tires $lOO, tires & car - $5O or basket of acorns, see Willie (Squirrel) Squires. For Salo Bowmar calculatorSBs.oo new. Will sell for $45.00. Purchased Sept. 1974 only used 1 term. Call Louie 944-9277 Room 232, Wrisberg Hall after 6 P.M. SERVICES Want a portrait done of your favorite person? A favorite snap-shotturned into a work of art? A unique pcster? I work from any photograph (if legible). Your choice of media. Rates relative to media and time con- FOR SALE sumption - but Low! P.R.J. Must Sell! 1968 Suzuki 500 cc Smith, 73 Roop St., Highspire. 939-3040. --Exc. Cond. - Engine re- • FOR SALE 1971 MG Midget, Dark Blue excellent condition $1550. Brian 652-6715 Fo'; Sale: Pickup Truck, '6O Chev., 6 cylinder, good running condition, needs no work. Call 533-6293. built - only 200 mi. - Best SERVICES—WiII type ter Offer - Call Ken 533-6561 or papers and other material. W -138 . Experienced typist. IBM. Electric. Very low cost. I interested call Mrs. Beave at 564-0414. Do not be con cerned about pick-up an delivery I have a contact o campus. Services For Sale- Well constructed mobile home, B'x32', located 8 minutes from campus, well maintained, electrical and heating systems, comfortable rooms, natural wood paneling, new washer, new electric dryer, carfree living for graduate or returning un dergraduates, call Michael, Monday thru Thursday after 5:00 P.M., 944-7004. Stereo Sale- AKA I PreMain Amp $lOO 4 channel 60 watts RMS 8 spkr capacity JVC CD-4 Disk Democulator $5O discrete 4ch for records SQ Decoder 4ch for FM, Records and tapes. George 122 Church 944-5677 ifnoans 944-9338. FOR SALE BSA htef►otec graphic Memo frequency equalizer. Has tire frequency ranges. Half a year okL Will WI for $50.00. Connects to my arnpiftw with tape monitor. Cali Pete et N 4-0555 For sale, Mobilo horn. 12 X 60, 2 bedroom $5,100. Call Food 1152-1542, 1 mile from school. Services- The Yearbook for 1975 will go on sale Tuesday, April 1. Remember the total cost of 57.50 must be paid by May 1. Also, anyone who wishes to place an ad in the yearbook please contact Stan Kenosky, Phone No. 944-0550 after 5:00 P.M. Anytime. Scholarship Awarded Ernst M. Binder, a senior student in Mechanical Design Engineering Technology at Penn State- Capitol Campus in Mid dletown, has received a $250 scholarship for the Spring term from the Alcoa Foundation. He was chosen by the Engineering Technology Awards Committee. Binder, a native of Broomall, Pa., will graduate in June with a bachelor's degree. When asked if he planned to attend April 3, 1975 SERVICES 5-String Banjo Lessons. Scruggs-style, 3-finger Bltiegeass. frail ing. Call Mark 944-0053 Weddings and portraits photographed by profession als. Also custom dark room work for photo essays & term projects. Color, B&W, and slides. Push processing. Pro fessional quality. Reasonable rates. See Market 833 A Nelson Servicas Radio T.V. Repairs. BI - and White and color, to players etc. All work. I guarranteed for 90 days Roasonable. Call John House calls 0.14.24101. Don't get ripped off at the supermarket. Amway products are proven superior and cost up to 50 percent less than supermarket products. 100 percent money back guarantee if not completely satisfied in every respect. Laundry and home care products. Call Stan. 9445230. Lost and Found In vicinity of Room 211, • man's gold wedding ring, I found please call 234-7391 Thank you. Wanted-Riders - Drivers to Scranton area to share ex penses. Leave Thursday nite- Firday morning - return on Sunday. Call 944-5765 ask for Frank. Want to Buy- Honda ATC 90' in any shape. Contact Sludg 232-7084. Wanted To Buy - 3 or 5 speed bike, in good condition. Call 566-8568. Ask for Pat. graduate school, he replied, "I need a few years of work experience and will be working for the Westinghouse Corporation beginning this summer."
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers