April 3, 1975 The \ . , . • • , • on Middletown The encroaL igy progrt. pe, Jednota Printery • Will it stand or come down by the wreckers ball? c 44. WE MUST PROTECT THEIR WAY OF LIFE. Ford 11 111r5. 0 • -7 1100: 1 41 1 0 11 , Progress Of Photographed by Prouser C.C. READER Progress A monument to the mighty in terstate creeps up from its plastic shards along Route 230 near the Olmsted Plaza. ...PerAt teidittet.fie. i S.G.A. lection SGA Elections today April d in Vendorville. If you ive a damn about next ear...VOTE. It's your school, elect .tudents that will represent ou and not lust be a tool of he system. THE BESTOFTI NEW YORK EROTI( liIESTIVAL =MI 01 pri/e, inning Ihe mmtial New k =MEE =EI in, Jutted A Id% Warhol SOkMi Its i 7 01 . 111Z111 Xa, VI la WOOlii:1%, II FAccoloc Dire,to of the 17,1iva apri 24 & 25 The First and Second New York Erotic Film Festivals screened more than 150 short films. Although there were squawks from the "morality media", the high quality and artistic intent of the films and the critical praise the Festivals earned, proved that films could be both erotic and artistic. Screwed-up Page Late Night Notes lately things have been coming down hot and heavy in w-110. the reader has been in a state of chaos. the question, it seems, boils down to the rights of the student press and the first amendment to the constitution. this writer feels that the right to express one's views in print should not be tampered with. agreed, that there are certain areas which must be handled with responsibility, lest charges of slander and libel be bandied about- but really, if something doesn't sit right about the language used in this column or for that matter any place else in this paper- let the editors know! excercise your rights of free speech, write a letter to the editor! one of the main problems capitol seems to have is a genuine lack of comm unication. memos are a pain. they exist because the bureacracy established demands them as the legitimate means of communication. if it's on paper- it's official. well, what ever happened to the chat in the halls? have you forgotten the soothing aspects of some con versation over a cup of coffee? memos are impersonal bits of paper that only tend. to alienate this writer. people, on the other hand can be reasoned with, understood and compromised with. when you are mad at a memo what usually happens is its untimely demise in the wastebasket. people should talk to one another, and hope fully those involved in the recent dispute over the content of the last reader can get together for some honest conversation with out the need for memos getting in the way of communication. soon to capitol by fred prouser Agent of Trailways Travel Bureau Corp. Tours JOHN DENVER Special Midnight Concert At Spectrum April 18, 1975 Leave Hbg. at 9 PM Includes Transportation Reserved Seat x 19.45 (per person) page Phone 236-9588 Harrisburg, Pa.
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