PAGE SEVEN Gallery 0 411) X Y ni REPORTER AcquireNniVerSit Are you ready for this?--The first XGI Kegger of the term will be held on January 18 from 9PM to IAM at the Artwork Control Middletown Hunters and Anglers C o This keggar brings with it the return of "Amberjack" to provide you with the evening's entertainment. Hope to see you there!! / Measures The XGI raffle was a great success. The winners were: Ist prize - Lois Fisher, Danville, Pa., 2nd prize - Bradley Shatzer, Chambersburg, Pa., 3rd prize - Kevin Ritchey, 9148 Weaver, M-town, Pa., 4th prize - Georgia Martin, ounced Br luck! adford, Pa. We thank all who participated by trying their A nn The XGlfootball team ended up with a 6-4 final record, with the alumni game being called off. Bowling got under way on Jan. 9 at 9 PM. We hope to have some results for the next report. Also, basketball has started with rosters being passed around. Hope to see some bowling & basketball enthusiasm and support! On the national sports scene, the XGl's were represented at the Cotton Bowl by Gid Wray, Phil Horvath, Mike Ross, and Tom McMillen. What a crew! One "Mad Dog" with one "Pussy-Whip" and our "Fearless Leader" all going with "Caboose"?? It was reported that as a result of their return trip through "Coors" country, they were sitting about one can higher on the van's floor. The XGI "Ski Week-end" for frat brothers and their guests will be at Elk Mountain, Union Dale, Pa. from Jan. 31 to Feb. 2, 1975. Check bulletin board for details in the XGI lounge, The f rat Dinner Dance will be held at the Yellow Breeches Motor Inn on Feb. 15, 1975. There's not enough space to write about all the things f rat brothers and their guests will receive for the $l5/ couple cost. Please check the circulars going around, or stop in the f rat lounge. MOST IMPOR TANT Get your $lO deposit in by Jan. 28!! We hope to see you at the Keggar on Jan. 18!! "Blue Pot 1974" crafted by James Gallagher. The permanent collec tion of the Capitol Campus Gallery recently acqired a work of pottery "Blue Pot 1974" which was donated by the artist, James Gallagher. Mr. Gallagher, an exper ienced potter, has exhibit ed at the Gallery Doshi; the Lititz Art Show and throughout Central Penn sylvania. Mr. Gallagher is currently instructing a course in Critical Ap proaches to Art here at Capitol this term in which he combines his expertise as a teacher along with his insights on art gained as a craftsman. Oswald Elected VP Of AAU John W. Oswald, pres ident of The Pennsylvania State University, has been elected vice-president of the Association of Ameri can Universities, compris ing 48 of the leading uni versities in the country. He succeeds Dr. G. Alexander Heard, chancel lor of Vanderbilt University, who moved to the presi dency for 1974-75. As vice -resident, Dr. Oswald also serves on the Executive and Finance Committees of the Asso ciation. Penn State in 1958 ac cepted the invitation to membership in the Asso ciation, which recognizes outstanding graduate edu cation and research pro grams. The University of Pennsylvania and the Uni versity of Pittsburgh are the other universities in Penn sylvania which hold mem bership, the University of Pittsburgh having been ex tended membership earlier this year. Twenty-four of Faced with serious financial needs and limited resources, University officials on Monday announced position control procedures described as a first step in measures anticipated to increase budget flexibility for 1975-76 "in a manner that will be least disruptive of essential operations". The measures, described also as "measures that will provide maximum economic support and security for persons now employed by the Uniyersity", were outlined in a letter by Dr. John W. Oswald, president of the University, which was addressed to members of his staff, the Council of Academic Deans, and the Council of Com monwealth Campus Directors. Dr. Oswald also outlined his _letter at the Tuesday meeting of the Faculty Senate. The action followed an nouncement last month that the University faces during the current fiscal year increased costs for fuel and electricity estimated at $3 million above the initial budget for the year. Measures to conserve energy already are underway. It also followed a veto by Gov. Milton J. Shapp of Senate Bill 1960 which would have provided $1.7 million needed to cover legislatively mandated employer costs of State retirement, enacted last March after the 1974-75 ap propriation request had been submitted. A further substantial ad ditional increase in the em ployer's share will be required in the 1975-76 fiscal year, the members are public institutions and the other 24 are private universities. The Association, it is explained, considers is sues of common interest to the Nation's major grad uate and research universi ties. Among those current ly under discussion are the financing of universities, support of research and graduate studies, quality of classroom teaching, equal ity of access to higher education, and policies re lated to government sup port of research. Dr. Oswald in 1972 was elected to a one-year term as chairman of the Ameri can Council on Education and last July was named vice-president of the Penn sylvania Association of Colleges and Universities comprising the presidents of 117 public and private institutions of higher learn ing in Pennsylvania. He will serve as president of the Pennsylvania association during the coming year C.C. READER University officials have just been advised, and the 1975-76 appropriation request was immediately amended by $2.9 million to reflect this. President Oswald also noted that the midyear budget reviews just completed con firmed the existence of a number of urgent situations requiring prompt attention, particularly in mitigating teacher overloads caused by increased enrollments in a few departments, although in many cases, enrollments can be handled with existing numbers of faculty and graduate assistants. He noted also the need for appropriate salary ad justments next year to assist in coping with the increased prices of family necessities and to maintain equitable compensation levels for faculty and staff. The position control procedures, which may later be followed by other measures designed to reduce costs for travel, supplies, com munications, and other operating expenses, include restrictions on the hiring of all classes of employees, effective Jan. 6, 1975. They state that no continuing regular positions are to be filled until further notice, unless authorized as exceptions. Letter of offers made prior to Jan. 6 will be honored, however, and while hiring from restricted grant and contract funds is not in cluded, restraint in such hiring is encouraged. The President pointed out also that while existing open positions will not be collapsed at the present time, it may be necessary before the next fiscal year to consider selec tive reductions in the number of budgeted positions and-or selective reallocations of positions to meet essential workload requirements. Recognizing the need for exceptions, where it is con sidered absolutely essential to replace a person terminating, or to fill an existing vacancy, or to make advance com mitments for special faculty appointments for 1975-76, the President has established an exceptions procedure that consists of making a documented request for ex ception to the appropriate senior officer of the University or the provost and dean of the Milton S. Hershey' Medical Center. Personnel appointment forms for continuing positions for all classifications will not be processed after Jan. 6 unless accompanied by written documentation that an offer was made by Jan. 6 or written approval of an exception by a senior officer of the University. President Oswald em phasized that in carrying out the position control procedures, he is especially concerned that "the quality and effectiveness of teaching, research, and public service programs is maintained". A cloud or a person May float my way. I can let them Shape my day, Or I can let them drift away Unnoticed. If I choose to attend To that cloud in the sky Or to have myself moved By a chance passerby, It's been my decision. Undoubtedly. My life will reflect, To no small extent, Which way my head turns, How much time I've spent Involved in contingencies Improbable, Impossible, Unfortunate? So I'm my own maker, Can call all the shots It's up to me to fill all the slots With people and places and memories full Of the stuff I call living. Test Dates To Remember Graduate Record Examination (GRE's) Admission Test for Graduate Study in Business (ATGSB's) Law School Admission Test (LSDAS-LSAT) National Teacher Examination (NTE's) The Miller Analogies Test is given by appointment daily, by Counseling Center Staff. Information for this test can be found in the Counceling Center, Wll7. Test study books are available on a two week loan basis from the Center. For information regarding the Professional and Ad ministrative Career Examination (PACE), contact the Placement Office, or call 787-7985. +Apptitude Test ONLY will be given on this date nlg' by ken silverstein Test Closing Date Date for Application +2-22-75 1-28-75 4-26-75 4-1-75 3-22-75 2-28-75 4-19-75 3-20-75 4-5-75 3-13-75 JANUARY 17, 19'75 XGI Reporter Jorn Jensen
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers