PAGE SEVEN Wke eiroteiod Whi 5-4 The Ski Club is planning this year's ski trip for one of the two following tentative dates either for Dec. 26-27-28 or Jan. 2-3-4. This year's trip comes early due to the absence of a spring break this season. The trip will be to one of the following resorts: White Face, New York; Hunter Mt., New York, or Killington, Vermont. Members wanting to go on the trip must have dues paid by Nov. 30th. For further details please attend Ski Club meetings. Check Ski Club signs for time and place. If interested please fill out questionnaire below and return to Ski Club Mail Box in W-110. Dates available for trip check one Dec. 26-27-28 ( ) Jan. 2-3-4 ( - ) Yes I am interested in the trip Please contact me Name Phone Ken Loggins of Log gins & Messina plays to a packed house at University Park on All-U Day, Nov. 2. All-U Day saw extra ordinary involvement by all Penn State students . Photo by PrOUSer DON'T MISS THE CAPITOL CAMPUS TALENT SHOW! (6poneored by:the.Black Student Union) NOVEMBER:I2, 8:00 pm 0 Student Center ADMISSION : students 750, others $l.OO COME ONE, COME ALL ! REFRESHMENTS p , MUSIC,BEKRIIIIIIfiIit it (.4routirt tritiew Gene 'Mater CHSIS 6.llatir By Bob Nace SPRING 1975 MARCH 23, MARCH 22, WINTER 1975 School Calendar-Academic 23-24 Adv 25 Class 26 liol d • 3 Clad 4-6 Eda 6 Grad JAN 2-3 Adv;sing B Registration 6 Class.. Begin MAR 11 Classes End 17-IN Exams 22 Grad.lion JANUARY 2, 1975 C.C: REAt~LR I4c( of 1 74 I /o s . ctfrr 1101)E AT THE STUDENT CENTER FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8 8:30 P.M. Featuring In Concert ANNE and DICK ALBIN and MARK SHERMAN and THE CUMBERLAND COUNTY BLUEGRASS ADMISSION -25 c SPONSORED BY HEAD SHOP CULTURAL COMMITTEE MEADE HEIGHTS BOARD OF GOVERNORS JUNE 17, 1974 JUNE 6,1975 rop.:UNE 17 Advisins 9 Regigroll. 100 II 16 Glossas •gin. JULY 0 Holoday AUG 27 Clow. End 00 26-30 Exam. 0 ° 0 11 , I 0 g a R•oitratiog g aggig DEC EMBER 21, 1974 711 g 2aolw gmodlin gNoire Take a toke; Now exhale. That's it. You see it curling amorphous-- An indistinct cloud at first. But look closely now; With the backdrop of this shadowy room, At the stream of sunlight Cascading from the window. Ease the smoke To roll lethargically from your mouth. Persuade it to tumble slowly Toward the wash of light. Nebulous filaments of fibrous tendrils.. Watch them come Drifting from dark reverie, Into the light before us; Rambling patterns of smoky chorus... And more. Each new twist of smoky trail Whispers to my eyes Another melody of memories. I remember her, And the torrent of emotions That she would not control. Still I cannot hold her responsible She is a feeling woman, And no. more. Bless her. I blame myself; Mine was a pipe dream Fager's Market 301 N. Union Street :,..,„:, A, for your 0 ....: grocery needs 944-4321 MMER 1974 AUGUST 30, 1974 SEPTEMBER 28, Year 1974-75 Rod Minaya NOVEMBER 8, 1974 RONALD BLOUCH SCULPTURE CRAFTS OCTOBER 28 thru NOVEMBER 22 GALLERY LOUNGE Receptions Sunday Afternoon November 3, 2-4 PM Monday Evening Nov. 4, 8-9 PM NOEDrNOUg Such is a sunrise when positive thoughts emerge, Such is a situation that permits one to listen, Such is a thought that seems to perceive, Such is an experience that provides one to feel. Such is goal seeking to shed that shell, Such is inner growth when two can get near, Such is the time for the sun to set, Such was a day our hearts won't forget. Life In A Nutshell by Romeo Tra janus Sex & Love, we feel, touch, touch, feel Walk on foot, toe, toe, heel; Ride on car, road, road, wheel But trains & planes & truck & thangs Are hate & hurt, bad & pain While dark & night scare & fright But day & light are good & right And nuts & life are hard & plight --r- CLIP THIS COUPON C. C. READER dI 0 6 . 4' 4 .4. .. 44 ,‘ 40 0 4) cir 44 'f4P e te PIZZA OFF THE REGULAR PRICE OF ONE PIZZ ,A (small or large) We have Pizza by the slice, too. NAFILE , s PIZZA 23 S. Union St. Eat Here or Take Out Open 11 - 12 Mon.- Thurs 11-1 Fri. &Sart. 4-12 Sun. Ed Canai
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