PAGE FIVE .I.'AV "74 k ;711,: Li It', 1 \V;r., 1110VC'd 2( Li C l ' Lt) 1:20 that 'artelio)on (my intro-ride was scheduled for 12:00 :00). To pass the time, I decided to take the "tom" of the DC-8 jetliner furnished by Pegasus International Travel Club. The "tour" turned out to be more of a sales-pitch. but it was still rather interesting and informative. Our guide was the club's female co-pilot (whose name escapes me at the moment), who had just returned from Acapulco on a club trip, and who was still feeling the effects of Mexican food and drink. She told the little group that had gathered in the jet's cockpit about Pegasus, its existence and purpose, and about the good times guaranteed for all. In an attempt to allay fears that anyone might have, had about international jet flight, she told us that they (the plane's crew) had never had an emergency they couldn't handle. IN course, if they ever would have had, I'm sure she wouldn't have been there to tell us about it. - Pegasus International is a locally-based travel club formed to make decent, inexpensive travel available to its members. The club schedules trips year-round, ranging from extravaganzas like week-long trips to Honolulu, to one-day hops to Disney World. The club also flies internationally. The fares charged by the club to its members are extremely low, and usually include all expenses (air-fare, hotel, etc.). If you want more info, contact the club. After looking over the DC-8, I slipped over to a Huey helicopter which was there courtesy of our local National Guard. Again, there was no formal tour or explanation, but the major in command fielded a variety of questions from a number of students who surprised me with their knowledge of the machine. After a little while longer, it was finally my turn to go up for the intro-lesson. I had decided beforehand to sit in the back initially, tO get at least a little accustomed to flying, and to pick up the rudiments of controlling the plane from a position off the "hot-seat" (the pilot's seat), benefitting from someone else's instruction. However, these plans, too, went quickly down the drain when the instructor decided that, in order to balance the weight, I could get up front first. I rather ineptly tried to taxi up the runway. Since I wasn't too adept at maneuvering the plane on the ground, the instructor took over, finished up the taxiing, and got us into the air. Once up, he began his instruction, and, after some initial uneasiness and absolute terror, I finally managed to keep the plane more-or-less straight, and in the air. After a few minutes, it got to be fun, although it was three-times harder than driving a car on the freeway. Even though I had no idea where we were or where we were headed, the instructor guided us out to Hershey, where we landed and changed pilots. The second guy was much more adept at flying than I: he must have had a natural touch (it was his first time, too), and besides (thought I), he learned from my mistakes. On this return flight, we (Continued On Page 7) C. C. READER I,•nh, ersit v Park, Hudents at The Hate Lniversity, at leatii iioSe who are juniors, are more likely to have come from small or medium-sized towns when compared to students from other major universities, according to data compiled for the American Council on Education. Comparisons between Penn State students and those from other universities are now available from a survey conducted in the Fall of 1972, when the nation's freshmen completed the American Council on Education Student Information Form. Some other comparisons show that Penn State freshmen in 1972, more frequently than other freshmen reported their parents' incomes to be below $25,000, were graduated in the top quarter of their high school classes, were members of honor societies, were nearly twice as likely to have had some high school vocational counseling, and less frequently than other freshmen endorsed adoption of open admissions at public colleges. "In most other ways, Penn State freshmen in 1972 were quite similar to the other fresh man classes entering other universities across the nation", says Ralph Locklin, senior institutional analyst in the Office of Budget and Planning at the University. Some interesting com parisons between men and women students at Penn State were also drawn. For example, statistics showed that female freshmen earned higher grades and ranked higher in their high school classes than did their male counterparts. Ift, ...1 - 10 - : The time has come! Yes, the first X6l BEGGAR is scheduled for Oct. 19 at the Middletown Hunters and Anglers Club. Mad Hatter will provide the music from 9 P.M. to I A.M. for all you people who want to do the - Bump" and we NEVER run out of "refreshments"! Admission prices will be posted at the door and maps will be available at the roundtable for those who do not know the way. Grab some friends and bring them along and have yourself a great time. Everyone is welcome and we'll be looking for your support. Here comes the Bloodmobile! Tentatively the bloodmobile will be arriving sometime between Nov. 5 and Thanksgiving. The XGI Fraternity administers a Blood Bank which entitles any member of Penn State-Capitol Campus to receive blood should the need arise. We will need your support to continue this worthwhile cause so watch this article or watch for posters announcing the arrival date of the Bloodmobile. Do you as Junior want to get involved with the SGA? Well, your chance is here. Elections for Junior Senator Seats will be held on Oct. 31. Get your candidacy petition handed in ASAP. If you don't want to run, at least vote for the individual of your choice. That means all of you in the Student Body and that's an order! Hey, all Veterans! It is not too late to join the XGI Fraternity Stop in and see us and get involved in extra-curricular activities Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, Oct. 22 beginning at 9 P.M The place is the Tiltin'-Hilton (Highspire Hotel). Don't forget those dates now: Oct. 19 XGI KEGGAR at the Middletown Hunters and Anglers Club. Oct. 22 XGI Frat meeting at the Tiltin'-Hilton at 9 P.M Oct. 31 Jr. Senator Elections. The women also more often cited the opportunity to live away from home as an im portant consideration for choosing to attend Penn State. Some other findings about Penn State freshmen: More than 80 per cent at tended public high schools; more chose to attend Penn State for its academic reputation than for any other reason; more chose "middle of-the-road" as their political label than any other political preference; most students OCTOBER 18, .1.W4 =MEM reported their family income to be below $12,500; and the objectives rated as most im portant to the students in cluded raising a family, helping others in difficulty, having friends different from themselves, having an active social life, and being an authority in their field. But, like other freshmen across the country, ap proximately 69 percent of the Penn State students wanted to "develop a philosphy of life". =EEO XGI Reporter, Al the Dutchman
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