Expansion and development are the key words for the beginning of the 1974-75 academic year here at Penn State - Capitol Campus. Provost McDermott informed the faculty at their first general meeting that a new multi-purpose building has ===l•=l Mau pnnt. wane a boll paint pen and complete rod demean both sides of first cord. 12121= By Fred Prouser A new motor vehicle registration form is in use this term. According to Mr. James Paul, chief security officer, the new registration form was institued for "clarity and condensation of records". After researching various records keeping systems, Mr. Paul felt that the system in use at University Park could be adapted for use here at Capitol Campus. The only difference is that a new registration form must be filled out each term, while at University Park, a Capitol's Day MIDDLETOWN, PA.--The largest enrollment in the history of Penn State-Capitol Campus ushered in the fall term on October 2nd. Over 2200 students are now attending the university at Middletown as it opened its doors for its ninth season. Penn State-Capitol Campus is the only upper division college of the Penn sylvania State University complex. The University offers bachelors degrees in Business Administration, Education, Engineering Technology, Humanities, Mathematical Science and Social Science; it offers masters degrees in Administration, American Studies, Education, Engineering Science, Humanities, Psycho-social Science, Public Administration and Regional Planning. Of the 2200 enrollment, 1550 will be undergyaduate and 650 will be graduate students. Both undergraduate and graduate students registered on Mon day, September 30th and Tuesday, October Ist. The excellent faculty led by Dr. George D. Wolf, Dean of Faculty, is comprised of 150 talented and scholarly persons New Building Wins Trustees' Approval been given final approval by the Board of Trustees of the University. The new building will house facilities for academic, recreational and cultural activities. The building will be constructed at a cost of $2,480,500 under the direction Why The New MV Form Additional violations may be listed on the hack of this foam , validation stamp is affixed to the form each succeeding term. A vehicle registration card must now be carried while driving on campus. If a situation arises where the operator does not have the card, there is a provision where the card may be produced within forty-eight hours. The same two day appeal period remains in effect with the addition of a warning notice which will now be sent out as a reminder before a hold Opening Figures and will be on hand to welcome and guide the student body for this year. A four day orientation for new students was held starting September 28th. Agnes Green, student affairs coordinator, has arranged ceremonies and programs which will acquaint the student with the University and with the facilities available at the campus. A jazz concert, a dance social, a picnic and the premier of the movies series were some of the special events. Dr. Robert E. McDermott, provost of the University held a reception at the Hershey Convention Center on Friday evening, September 27th. A brunch for new faculty was held at the University on Tuesday, September 24th. The launching of the academic year officially took place on the Bth of October with a convocation featuring one of Time Magazine's leading journalists, Hugh Sidey. Mr. Sidey gave the Convocation address at 11:00 in the mor ning. An open forum at 2:00 in the University's auditorium found Mr. Sidey discussing in depth his views of the nation. Architect's sketch of new multi-purpose building of the General State Authority. The multi-purpose building will be situated directly south of the main building. The building will include space for classrooms, con ference rooms and staff of fices. Also planned is an auditorium for cultural and VIOLATIONS is placed (in a students record. An added benefit of the new form, according to Officer Paul is that it simplifies registering a substitute vehicle on campus. The Security office is now located in the Placement building and will handle the sale of parking permits and payment of traffic tickets. Office hours are 8 A.M. to 12 noon and 1 to 5 P.M., Monday through Friday. The Department of Military Science, Dickinson College, has announced that Frank Deyo, a senior at Capitol Campus, placed in the top 5 percent of all the ROTC cadet at the 1971 Army ROTC Ad vanced Summer Camp at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Deyo, a veteran of three years Army enlisted service, joined the ROTC program one year ago. He was given ad vance placement because of his prior service and was paid $lOO each month of the school year. He will draw the same entitlement this school year. In order to place in the top 5 percent Frank scored ex tremely high in the areas of evaluation. These areas in cluded a peer rating, leader ship evaluation, and military skills. Our Cover: "Oblivious" by Fred Prouser C.C. READER ===3 CERTIFICATE OF NI , MOTOR VEHICLE REGISTRATION 1=3123 Thn cord must he in your possession whenrerer driving an roper and also, when re-registering your moor vehicle C.C. Senior Top ROTC Cadet Dickinson College, Carlisle special events Indoor athletics will be housed in the new building with courts for racket sports and locker facilities. Food service facilities have been included in the plans for the many special events held on campus. The new multi-purpose ALL-U DAY By Patricia Gross Are you coming to Univer sity Park for All-University (All-U) Day? The Arch Chapter of the Keystone Society certainly hopes to see you there. In addition to organizing themselves as a club, they've been busy planning All-U Day. Besides handling arrangements for com monwealth campus football and concert tickets, Friday night jammy and post-game buffet,. the Keystone Society's Arch Chapter is also respon sible for sending information such as maps, lodging and directions to commonwealth students. This year the Keystone Society, under president Bob Joseph, hopes to get the students at University Park caught up in the spirit of the weekend festivities. At their last meeting, Sept. 25, it was suggested that All-U Day buttons be distributed at University Park. An in formation exchange program between commonwealth students and rnajor University Park organizations was also tentatively planned. Of course, the football game between Penn State and Maryland will be the highlight of All-U Day, but many commonwealth students will wish to stretch All-U Day into All-U Weekend. The Keystone Society will be sponsoring a jammy Nov. 1 at the Hetzel Union Building (HUB) for the early arrivals. After the football game and Keystone's buffet, all eyes will turn to Recreation Hall, where Loggins and Messina will perform to two crowded audiences at 7:30 and 10:30 p.m. Students who remain at University Park until Sunday will have the opportunity to attend the Press Association of Commonwealth Campuses' fall conference and brunch. Any newspaper staff member, adviser, or anyone or anyone interested in commonwealth campus communication is invited to attend. Students at commonwealth campuses will receive more information on All-U Day as it is available. In the meantime, make plans to attend All-U Day -- it will surely be a day (or a weekend) to remember! building is part of a com prehensive expansion plan at Penn State - Capitol Campus which will include a central mall connecting the present main building with the new multi-purpose building and eventually with two additional planned structures. Test Preparation Sessions To Be Offered Students who will be taking the State or Federal Civil Service Examinations, the Graduate Record Examinations, the Law School Admissions Test, the Ad missions Test for Graduate Study in Business of the National Teachers Examination should avail themselves of the opportunity to enroll in a special series of preparation workshops for the verbal sections of these examinations. Special sessions dealing with reading com prehension, vocabulary and anology skills, as well as test familiarization and tips will be included in these sessions. The sessions will meet regularly during the sth period on Tuesdays and Thursdays throughout the Fall Term in Room W 315, beginning Thursday October 10, 1974. Dr. Joanna Sullivan, a Faculty member in the Education Department and a specialist in the area of Reading Skills, will conduct the workshops. Registration for this special course must be made in the Counseling Center, Room Wll7. Students will be ad mitted on a first come, first served basis and enrollment may have to be limited. You are advised to sign up im mediately if you are at all interested in obtaining this special help. CHEERS!! Lets give a big hand to Mike (Hip) Mastraccio & Tom Petruia for a job well done this summer. These two did the footwork & co-ordination of the free beef & beer day in peoples park for those of you who at tended. Nummummsem II RING DAY I I IS COMING I Oct. 29 1 o 8:30 AM 3:30 PM in • Vendorville II I I ...........■
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