wewsilszipiA Letters To The Editor 0 SGA - Take Action On Smokers! • clothing and hair of non- , • smokers, which is then carried • home to fresh-smelling homes IP and closets. • • The disadvantages to 0 0 smokers of not being able to 0 • smoke in class: 1. Lack of the taste of fine 0 • tobaccos for one hour and 0 • fifteen minutes. • 2. Smokers say they would 2 • not be able to relax (due to a IP psychological dependency on • • cigarettes). • • One disadvantage to all is the A h • dirty appearance that crushed IF cigarettes and ashes on floors W • give to the classroom. • To give non-smokers a voice * Campus Hot Lion is a weekly newsletter published to keep the Capitol in this matter which threatens w their health, I suggest that w *Campus community informed of all activities on, or concerned: either a vote be taken of the owith, the Campus. Everyone should please feel free to use thisi whole student body to decide if oservice by obtaining the entry cards in the Student Affairs Office. smoking be banned from all classes or that a vote be taken 0(W110), filling them out and leaving them there. Deadline is• in each class at the beginning OFriday, Noon, week prior to date of publication. 5 of each term (beginning this . • fall term) to decide if smoking Ah 0 be allowed in that particular w October 19-26, 1974 class. • • Ah Oct. 19 - XGI KEGGAR: Beer and Live music Oct. 22 - SOCCER: Capitol vs. York, Capitol e w provided by "MAD HATTER". Keggar Campus 7:30 p.m. • sponsored by Chi Gamma lota. Mid- Oct. 22 - TRACK: Capitol vs. Luzerne; • • dletown Hunter's and Angler's Club. 9 Schuylkill Haven, Pa. - 4 p.m. • Ah p.m. - 1 a.m. Oct. 24 - SOCCER: Capitol vs. Lancaster* w Oct. 21 - DELTA TAU KAPPA FORUM Bible College, Capitol Campus - 7:30 p.m. • DISCUSSION: Speaker Mr. Phillip Oct. 25 - FOREIGN FILM SERIES: "111. • Taylor, Topic: "Daydreaming" Gallery- Bidone - The Swindle" (Italian version of. Ali Lounge -12 noon. a great swindle.) Auditorium - 6:30 p.m. -4) 11 F.. n Oct. 22 - FILM SERIES: "Dead Ringer" (The Free. W electric story of what happens when an Oct. 26 - GRE - Exam date. • • embittered spinster (Betty Davis) kills • • and impersonates her widowed twin, • taking over her life, her household, her • lover and her death penalty for murdering • • her husband.) Student Center - 8 p.m. - • • Admission $.75. • • FACULTY & STAFF • • 0 di Dr. Betty Thorne recently presented a paper "Linear Estimation in General Linear Models" at 0 S the 143rd meeting of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics which was held at Bowling Green e State University, Bowling Green, Ohio. • • 0 Dr. Roy Allison and Dr. Duane Smith have had "Investigating Friction" accepted for • • publication by Pennsylvania Department of Education. "Investigating Friction" has also been di n selevted by the Science For the Seventies Committee as one of the publications to be made into a ~,w IP television lesson. The Pennsylvania State University has for the second straight year been given UP • a $lOO,OOO grant to produce these films at WPSX. Both Dr. Allison and Dr. Smith are a part of the • 0 group to whom the grant was awarded. • 0 Professor Michael A. Grella, Assistant Professor of Education, has been appointed an Associate • • member of the Faculty of the Graduate School, effective September 27, 1974. • • • Aft On September 28, Irving Hand served as keynote speaker for the Workshop on Land Use and Aft W Growth sponsored by the Joint Planning Commission of Lehigh and Northampton Counties held W • at the Northampton County Area community College. The workshop was an all day affair at- • .tended by 150 people including state and local officials, businessmen, developers and 0 41 representatives of environmental groups and civic organizations. Ad••••••••• `•••••••••4114 To: The Student Govern ment Association, Penn sylvania State University, Capitol Campus, Middletown, Pennsylvania. This is a suggestion con cerning, what I feel to be, an unfair practice at Capitol Campus. That is the pragtice of smoking in classrooms. Since this is a suggestion and not a proclamation or petition, I will just list the disadvantages of smoking or not smoking in classrooms to smokers and non-smokers, respectively, and will not go into the rights of students and non-smokers. The disadvantages to. non smokers of smoking being permitted in class: 1. Constant exposure to cigarette smoke takes life away from non-smokers. (If necessary, I will obtain material from the American Cancer Society and Heart Association to verify this). 2. Cigarette smoke drifting into the eyes and nostrils of non-smokers distracts from academic concentration. (Smoke irritates most non smokers but fresh air does not irritate smokers). 3. The stale smell of cigarette smoke odorizes the giO{Ogfigißg Concrete and steel Concrete and steel Oh Lord, it ain't real This concrete and steel It beats ya and pounds ya Then builds ya up nice Hellish hot in the summer In winter like ice Don't like ya or hate ya It don't even care Concrete and steel Acts like ya ain't there. Concrete and steel Concrete and steel Crushed by the heel Of concrete and steel I do hope action is taken on this matter and I thank all who read this for their time and consideration. Sincerely Douglas G. Stump i/J,{o6 ZiQggr Awwh, what can I do But beat on the beam Growl at the girder Or stare at the seam Just what can I do To make it alright Concrete and steel I say it all night. Concrete and steel Concrete and steel Forcefed this meal Of concrete and steel Gibboney C. C. READER OCTOBER 18, 1974 COMING in the -C.C. READER!- ********** SPECIAL HALLoyggx_ 00um! (don't miss the cover?) Nixon Never Caught pip! CAPITOL'S First X-GI BEGGAR of the year! many other goodies!!! (and a couple baddies too)
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