December 7,1973 BLOOD SHED ON CAMPUS! The week began as usual for most of us here at Capitol Campus, but by Monday afternoon the first of the signs and posters began appearing on the hallway walls. A group of sometimes boisterous student had begun to cluster around a table in Vendorville where they would remain for most of the week asking their fellow students, faculty, administration, and staff of the campus to join them iri their effort and sign their petition. Word began to spread quickly -- Thursday was to be the big day - everybody to gather in the T.V. Lounge and then go to the front of the main building - and the word was, ‘from a reliable source,’ that there was going to be bloodshed. There was no way it could be avoided , things had already gone too far to turn back now! There had been an article in the campus newspaper and the radio station was announcing it every half-hour , but by Wednesday things had quieted down somewhat. An uneasy calm prevailed. No one know what to expect. Thursday morning started slow, but soon nurses in white were seen scurrying around the first floor hallway getting prepared, and by 9:00 the first group of students gathered in the T.V. Lounge for instructions. At precisely 9:15 a.m. the first three students, slightly pale and obviously nervous, walked slowly down the hall, past the roundtable, and out the front doors. Fifteen minutes later all three were laying bleeding, and before the day ended a total of forty-nine students, faculty, administration, and staff would have lost blood in the activity!! A protest?? Riot?? Confrontation?? Not Really!! Just the fall term blood drive of the Capitol Campus Blood Bank. The overwhelming support and response from this sometimes apathetic campus during the blood drive surpassed all previous records. Never since it’s beginning have so many people volunteered to donate blood, and never before, here at Capitol anyhow, has so much blood been collected for our Blood Bank in one day. With the record 49 pints collected November 15th, rumor has it that we now have the largest Blood Bank of it’s kind in Central Pennsylvania, but we have no official conformation at this time. Support and volunteers came from every area of the campus, from the Provost (yes, he really does have blood just like the rest of us) to the lowliest of students (in this case the blood drive chairman). Without your interest, concern, and continuing support, this vital benefit to all of us here at Capitol would not be possible. THANK YOU!!! This blood is available ‘free of charge” to any student, faculty, administration, staff member, and their immediate families who might have need for it. You need not have donated blood in order to receive it should you ever have need of it. Our thanks to the XGI Fraternity who started the blood bank and sponsors the activity each fall and spring term, and to Dave Miller, who is serving as this year’s chairman. (The only guy we know on campus who was out for everybody’s blood.) Most of all, our biggest thanks to each of you who contributed to this term’s record success. ** * * Attention: The Student Center will be closed on December the 9th at midnight for the fall term. ** * * CALL LETTERS: WZAP FREQUENCIES: 640 - dorms 1520 - heights PURPOSE: To communicate to the Student Body of Capitol Campus the latest in progressive music and Campus events, also news, weather and local happenings. OPPORTUNITIES: Better understanding of your curriculum through practical experience in Engineering and Business. A chance to meet and learn about people. A medium for playing progressive type music for you and others enjoyment. WZAP Station Manager - Frank Bellini Asst. Station Manager - Jim Yorgey . . Program Director - Jerry Throne Music Director - Ralph J. Labolite . . . Chief Engineer - John Chang Co-Chief Engineer - Bob Futscher . . . Head Disc Jockey - Ken Napierkowski Business Manager - Paul Willard * * * The Photo Club revealed itself for a few weeks in the form of a show in the Gallery Lounge a week ago. The seven photographers who participated were Albert Burlikowski, Bill Camp, Frank Desantis, John Fisher, Charlie Holeczy, Gerry Reich, and Ed Trunk. For what little respose that was offered from the students body, it seemed very favorable. The first project for the Winter term will be on Double IEMM-TO Mark December 16, 1973 on your calendar because you won’t want to miss out on this one. -- An evening of skiing at Round top at a “SUPER SPECIAL” price. The deal reads like this: Choice No. 1 -- An all lift ticket, complete rentals (skis, boots, poles), ski lesson and by Barbara Boswell The “we can make it happen” people would like to extend their thanks to those of you who supported the yearbook’s latest insanities. The “Battle of the Sexes” football game, held on Tuesday, November 19th, provided fun for players, coaches, and spectators alike. (Not to mention a reason for a party for those of us who still need reasons for such activity.) The girls, who were really guys, beat the guys, who were really girls. I‘d give you the score ‘cept I forgot it. (Actually , I never knew what the score was.) It’s not important. What is important, is that a bunch of people got together and had a great time. Special thanks go to Ed Beck, Clem Gilpin, Marian Krieger, and Iris Prager, who acted as assorted coahes. (I‘m not going to explain that.) Also, we thank those people of both sexes, who gave their time and bodies, some clothed and some not so clothed, to the event. incredible _ - water bed sixgssale/ any size, f==^=r—^ syear guarantee, same \ ~^=== bed i 53995 elsewhere, so why go elsewhere? 9° to PyAfltl 1 117 East Moin Si. yyz - Middletown »<«-7»00 12-9 P.M. WZAP PHOTO CLUB Exposures. Each project is an individual interpretation of the problem that is given to the group. The final prints are discussed and photographic skills and techniques are shared. Next Monday night will be the last meeting for the term. The club meets in the Gallery Lounge 8 p.m. every Monday. Plans for next term will be discussed. As always, the curious are welcome to attend. SKI-NIGHT refreshments after skiing -- Cost $5.00. Choice No. 2 - All lift ticket, lesson, refreshments. Cost $3.50. Choice No. 3 - refreshments only (beer, soft drinks, etc.) cost $l.OO. Tickets will be available from any of the Ski Shops. YEAKBO « REPORT We also would like to thank all of you who contributed your coins towards the success of our basket - of - cheer raffle. Many of us, and people who are not on the yearbook staff, ran around for two weeks trying to sell the most tickets. Cherly Cohn, our copy editor, sold the most and will receive a free yearbook for her efforts. Atta girl, Cheryl! The drawing was held at the Communal Thanksgiving Dinner. The twelve winners of a fifth of Cold Duck were Ron Cooper, Bob Moore, P. Gabriel, Lloyd Buchter, Jeffrie Walker, Jean Brown, Nevin Overmitler, Art Weiss, Beverly Brown, Jerry Archibald, Nick Spangler, and Don Marcolina. The winners of the baskets - of - cheer, each containing an assortment of booze, were Donette, Sylvah Short, and Frank Bellini. Because of your support, the yearbook netted $145.50, enough to meet our one goal of being able to drop the price of each yearbook from $7 to $5.50. Thank you again, all of you, for helping us “make it happen.” C.C. Reader 944-0522 944-1984 944-0301 944-0810 234-8589 944-9053 944-0522 ** * * ** * * ** * * Rec-Ath News BOWLING: Wednesday Night Nov. 28, 1973 1. No Names 2. Keglers 3. XGl’s 4. "IT!" 5. Spoilers 6. ITE 7. Beta Chi 8. New Names 9. Kuzak 10. Strike Outs 11. Dinkledorfs 12. Alleycats (500 Club) Ed Houser (Keglers) 548 Paul Heintzman (XGl's) 522 Jim Herbst (Keglers) 519 XGI'S (4) - Strike Outs (0) "ITI" (41 ~.B*toOhHO) Spoilers (3) - New Names (1) ITE (3) - Kozak (11 Women's Individuals Alleycats (2.5) - Dinkledorfs (1 High Aug. Marge Kenny (Alleycats) 119 No Names (2) - Keglers (2) High Series Barb Keeler (Dinkledorfs) 430 High Game Sarah Hippie (Dinkledorfs) 160 Championshjp Ro|loffs on December 6, 1973 9:15 p.m. (200 Club) Ed Houser (Keglers) 245 Men's Individuals High Aug. Ed Houser (Keglers) 176 High Series Mike Vitale (Spoilers) 575 SOCCER SEASON - COACH’S ROUNDUP Prof. EcfTrunk Hey Capitol - there’s a big one that’s just taken flight and the ride is great! No shortage of involvement here. Two dozen players gave it their best efforts. We also enjoyed much generous support from faculty, staff and student fans who showed up to root the team on to victory . . . it did our hearts proud! The record shows a 3-3 season which is a giant step up from last Spring’s 3-5-1 record. From a coach’s viewpoint, we have a good team with potential for greatness. Something about Capitol is attracting soccer talent. It is starting to show in the quality of play. We had only 3 scrimmages to get ready for our first game and were playing most teams at their peak. Lack of endurance cost us our first game againt York Campus. The 2nd game against N.E. Christian Jr. College was absolutely the finest soccer this area has seen. We were in shape and earned a decisive victory. The return match with York was an easy victory. But then injuries began to plague the team - 3 keymen in 3 games. This cost us a close game with Schuylkill Campus and the next with Lancaster Bible College. A 1 1/2 week rest brought the team back up to strength to defeat the Harrisburg Italian Soccer Club with a 2-0 shut out. The flag football play-offs were held Thursday, November 15 with Alpha Omega defeating Rag Time 13 to 12 and Reo Speed Wagon defeating Brotherhood 25 to 0. In the Championship game Reo Speed Wagon defeated Alpha Omega 7 to 6, to become the Capitol Campus 1973 Champions. The Reo Speed Wagon team ended the season with a 11-1 standing; Alpha Omega with 9-3. The 2nd Annual Capitol Campus Collegiate Invitational Flag Football Tournament began Monday evening, November 26. Teams were entered from Millersville College, Northeastern Christian Jr. College, Lehigh Co. Community College, HACC, and Ogontz Campus and York Campus of the Pennsylvania State University. REO Speed Wagon defeated the York Campus “Free Agent Thunderchickens” 12 to 0. The Page 3 WON Lost PERCENTAGE 32 4 30 tf 21 15 21 15 20 16 16 20 15 21 14 22 12 24 11 25 10-5 25.5 9.5 26.5 High Game Paul Heintzman (XGl'i Top 4 Teams Rolloff, Ist place team at the end of the regular season is guaranteed a team trophy. The team has been a pleasure to work with. All injured players continued to show up to help the team. Mike Ayyoub along with Tom Peterman were linesmen. Mike Burkh older (with his foot in a cast) was timekeeper. The team does all of its own managing. Barry Deacon and Dan Fichtner (co-captains) were always there to take care of equipment and organization needs. Armand Magnelli, Ken Alberts, Randy Hess and Harold Myers did most of the field marking during spare hours. This along with some excellent support from the Athletic Office allowed me to concentrate on the team’s playing. Special mention must go to our ace goal getter Dennis Doerr for racking up an even dozen goals in the six games. Newcomer John Harris scored four. Mike Burkholder scored the ice breaking goal in each of the two games he played before his injury. On the other end of the field, Armand Magnelli, coached by Tom Peterman, has developed into a strong goalkeeper. He earned his shutout and the team’s respect. The future looks bright. We plan to practice informally during the winter months in the base gym. A longer Spring season is planned - perhaps 9 games. Some will be televised. We will seek some student help with management - any one interested? There is room for more talent - If you would like to join our team - let us know through the athletic office. We also look forward to seeing each of you beautiful people again at our games when we emerge again in Spring. FLAG FOOTBALL Millersville “Wickers” defeated NE Christian Jr. College 34 to 26. The Lehigh Co. Comm. College “Cougars” defeated Alpha Omega 18 to 8. The Ogontz Campus ‘‘Green Kryptonites” defeated the HACC team 28 to 7. The tourney was continued Tuesday, November 27 with the following results: Millersville State College defeated the Capitol Campus REO Speed Wagon 37 to 27. Lehigh Co. Comm. College “Cougars” defeated the Ogontz Campus “Green Kryptonites” 26 to 6. Lehigh will now meet Millersville in the gridiron battle for the Championship! DO NOT FORGET - Capitol Campus Championship bowling will be held Thursday night, December 6 at 9:15 p.m. PLACE: The Middletown Bowling Lanes. ** * * 0.889 0.833 0.583 0.583 0.555 0.444 0.417 0.389 0.333 0.305 0.292 0.264 *# * *
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers