December 7,1973 K LOVE OF CHRISTMAS PAST by Romeo Trajanus The Yuletide is near. Yet loneliness is all I hear Ten long years it's been, I fear. Since I held the one I loved so dear. Her hair I see now as then Chestnut brown, snowflake jeweled. soft as the downied wren. She I loved forever, but only then. We loved together, but never again The years fall away, and still I see All the love, the warmth she held for me. How we longed to be together, forever free. For me to know her, and she me. Ne'er shall I forget those days of roses and wine. When I was hers, and she was mine. Though those days are gone, dead as an ivy vine, I'm still hers, as we love in my mind... God, the time has passed, and she"ll never again be mine. LBR Audio a nnounces cm exclusive Year Audio System Wa rra nty LBR Audio is proud to announce that, now with the purchase of any complete stereo or Quad Audio system for your home, you can receive FREE, LBR Audio’s Exclusive 5 year written warranty that covers all parts & labor necessary to protect every part of every system component purchased, (even cables and bulbs) the only exceptions being; the heads on a tape deck and the stylus assembly on a phono cartridge. (These are still covered by the manufacturers own warranty.) EVERYTHING ELSE IS COVERED FOR FIVE FULL YEARS. WARRANTY ADD-ON: Any additional Aud i o, Equipment purchased as a complement to the original system, will be added and covered on your warranty FREE OF CHARGE. WARRANTY TRANSFER: To make your warranty even more valuable, you may have it transferred to another person, by contacting LBR Audio and paying a small transfer fee. Your system remains under warranty for 5 full years, regardless. Total Audio System Protection in Writing for 5 Full Years! Now You KNOW Why We Say “Listen in—find out why technical excellence does make the difference. ’ IBR AUDIO ■Hi ASSOCIATES, 1823 E. Chocolate Ave. (Palmdale) Between Burger King and Red Barn HOURS: NOON-9 WEEKDAYS Saturday Hours - 9 to 6 -PLUS-- -PLUS * * * * Hershey, Pa. 533-4036 READER CLASSIFIEDS Jobs Wanted (10A) Regional Planning grad student desires full-time employment. Prefer work regional or urban planning experiences in data processing including computer operations and keypunch. Also unit record machines both Univac and IBM. Contact Elsie Mary Hollis, 215 Woodbine, Hbg. 236-6415. Jobs Available (1B) Musicians need bass player to complete working band. Call Rich at 944-3457. (2B ) Wanted afternoon companion for nine year old for two and half house a day, five days a week. Hours are 3:00 - 5:30. $20.00 a week. No housework. (2B) Hula Dancer for round table in lobby of old Air Force mausoleum. Apply Sunday 1 to 1:05 (4B) Waitress. Night shift. Starting 6 o'clock. Openings on Thurs. Fri., Sat. and Sundays. Good tips plus an hourly wage. Apple in person at Pappy's Family Pub, Hills Shopping Center Jonestown Rd. Hbg, Pa. Phone 652-5800 for interview. (1B) Part-time cook. Two students looking for reliable person to cook one evening meal five evenings a week and clean apartment one day a week. Negotiable. Pineford Village Middletown, Call 944-4240. After 8:30 p.m. Services (4D) Car Radio, tape player, stereo, TV, B/W and color. Guaranteed repairs by students for students. Call John 939-9911. (10D) Expert Auto repairs. All makes and models, foreign and domestic. Also Honda Motorcycle repairs. Reasonable prices! Contact Ed at 8468 Kirtland Ave. Meade Heights or Phone 944-0532. (10D) Chess instruction provided free by members of the Capitol Campus Chess Club Wednesday, 12 noon. Gallery Lounge. (ID) Moving across town or around the block? Why not make that move easy? Eliminate the hassle by enlisting the service of my pick-up truck. Reasonable rates and courteous service. Call 944-5845, anytime. Ask for Paul. For Sale (1E) Rock albums for sale. Many to choose from. $2,00 per album. Call John at 944-3335 or drop over to 850 B Kirtland Ave. (4+) Zenith portable 4-speed phonograph. Nice condition except for a damaged tome arm. Will take $5 or best offer. Call 944-5845. a nice habit WRHYFM (SE) For Sale: 6000 BTU air conditioner in excellent condition at a reasonable price. Buy now and be saved when summer rolls around again. If interested, please call 944-0126. (1E) Hand crocheted ladies handbags, granny patch pattern: also hand crafted pillows and shaws all of excellent quality and workmanship. Will make to your specifications. Will make excellent Christmas gift ideas. If interested, please call 944-5845 anytime. On™ Q°Qd BUBBLING OV£R! Ever wondered how many BUBBLES THERE ARE IN A POUND OF SOAP? HERE'S THE AN5WER: 25,344,000! (you CAN CHECK IT YOURSELF!) (3D) Hand-crafted purses and belts on sale now. Will take orders for Christmas. Call 944-0766. Ask for Bob or leave phone number. (4D) 71 Ford Capri, 2000 Sunroof, 4 spd., radials, R/H and in exc. cond. Plus studded snow tires. $1.900. Call 533-3859. (3D) '6B Chevelle Malibu 327. 4-spd. Hurst. 4-11 gears. New engine. Gauges for only $1,150. Call Jim 944-1984 after 3:00 p.m. Roll bar for Triumph Spitfire, like new. You pay only $45. Call Jim! (3E) '65 Mustang - 3 spd. 6 cyl., good running cond. Reasonable price. Call Rich Barrett at 944-9338 in 108 Church Hall. (7E) Dog boxes and book cases. Phone 564-1383. (10E) Mustang Mach I 70 351.4 spd. posi fastback, rear wing, wood sonsole, tach very good cond. Sale or trade for sports car. Contact Neil Vlakin at 934 B Mars Drive or call 944-0766. Page 4 (2E) Want to send a little love? Buy your UNICEF Christmas cards today. Support the meaning of love - United Nations. Remember UNICEF Christmas Cards are recycled, too. UNICEF cards will be sold in Vendorville and is sponsored by DTK. (SE) Hammock with stand used only a few times. Like new. Will sacrifice at $6. Call Paul at 944-5845. (6E) Bike and Camera for sale. 3-spd, 26” men's Sunbeam (made in Eng.) Lightweight frame. $59.95. Also Yashica Electro-35,35 mm camera, $89.95. Both in exc. cond. Contact Ed Beck, Counseling Center Wll7 or call 533-5393 evenings. Wanted (SF) Wanted: a 2'A square or 214 x 2% camera. Either used or cheap new. Call Earl at 944-5226. (2F) Wanted an AM/FM tuner amplifier in good shape. Should have a phono input, good sensitivity, selectivity. Call 234-8589 and ask for Janet. (2F) Artwork or crafts to sell on consignment of 20%. Creature Comforts 177 East Main St., Middletown. 944-7800. (10F) Wanted: One or two female roommates to share "luxury” apartment at Campus Manor. Included is a dishwasher, garbage disposal, wall to wall carpeting, pation front, large furnished rooms (bedroom suite needed only) and a phone. Please contact Terry or Carol. 944-6748. (3F) Need to rent a garage in Highspire - Middletown area to store a comtemporary automobile. Call 944-0272. Ask for Dave. RESEARCH Thousands of Topics $2.75 per page Send for your up-to-date, 160-page, mail order catalog. Enclose $l.OO to cover postage (delivery time is 1 to 2 days). RESEARCH ASSISTANCE, INC. 11941 WILSHIRE BLVD., SUITE #2 LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90025 (213) 477-8474 or 477-5493 Our research material is sold for research assistance only.
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