thrtub Tollegian Volume XXIII N 0.15 Varied Topics at S.G.A. At the recent S.G.A. meeting discussion dwelt on such varied topics as dorm meetings to be held this week, problems of registration, and teacher evaluation. The Student Government Association will also sponsor Arden Rogers. an Erieite who is running as a candidate for the presidency this year. Instructional Media Committee Reviews Tape Course Quality Commonwealth Campus students and faculty will now have the opportunity to review the quality of tape courses of fered al. the Commonwealth Campuses. according to Dr. Robert G. Quinn, Dean of Academic Instruction for Commonwealth Campuses. Quinn said that the purpose of a committee on instructional media would be to help monitor and supervise the production of television and other media courses offered at the campuses. "But we're not restricting our selves to video tape; we're thinking of various instructional media." Dissatisfaction with video tapes became first evident on a serious scale during University President John W. Oswald's visit to the Worthington Scranton Campus last Spring. Quinn then talked to the assistant deans for resident instruction from the various campuses and consulted student surveys. The committee will be com prised of three facets of the University--professional prod uction staff, faculty and students New Officers For Circle K The Behrend Circle K Club has elected new officers for the winter term. The new president is Ed Neuburger (2-AG-Fairview ) and vice-president is Jim Raf fetto (6-Ed.-Bellefonte). The secretary's position is filled by Steve Geibel (5-LEC.- Bradford) while the treasurer is Craig Johnson (5-Cl.En.-Titusville.) During the past fevi weeks Circle K has been active in various projects around campus. They collected for Multiple Sclerosis, sold plastic meal ticket coverings and are selling popcorn at the movies every Sunday night. The club is planning to par ticipate in community services and _volunteer work in the near future. Meetings are every Wednesday night at 8 p.m. in the Quiet Lounge of the RUB for all those interested. from the campuses and the processor who is the main course lecturer. After the video tape is prepared, it will be sent to one Commonwealth Campus where student and faculty will assess it. and - if necessary, send it back. The end objective, according to Quinn, is "all first-class tape courses." Quinn, an ex-officio member of the committee, has appointed Dr. L.P. Greenhill, Assistant Vice President for Instructional Services, as chairman. In ad dition, the assistant directors for resident instruction will probably supervise the local campus participation. The Scranton Campus will probably be the first campus to review a tape course, when the filming of the Geological Science 20 is completed. "It will require a lot of work on the part of the students" said Quinn. "In effect, they will be going through the course to review it." Quinn also said he feels op- Student• m hose 11) pictures mere taken this summer snag pick them op from the audio % lSlla I department. Pictures taken thi. past term are not et. Your Father's Mustache See Page 3 Published by the Students of the Behrend Campus of the Pennsylvania State University Station Road, Erie, Pa. 16510 Opportunity To Register For the first time in history Pennsylvania has a Presidential primary. This primary, along with local primaries will take place on April 25, and it is ex tremely important that we exercise this right, and vote on April 25. No voter registration will take place at Behrend, but there are opportunities for students to register. K-Mart East, at Buffalo and Nagle roads will be the site of a voter registration this Friday, February 18, from 2 p.m until 8 p.m. A person can also register any weekday, 8:30 a.m. until 5 until March 6 at the Erie County Courthouse, just v, est of 'each street on 6th street. If you have already registered to vote in your hometown, and want an absentee ballot, then write immediately to your local county courthouse and request that they send you an absentee ballot. You should request this ballot because it may not be sent to you otherwise. If you have already registered timistic about the committee. "It's really essential that we have these tapes. . it amounts to the fact that a Commonwealth Campus student would not be able to get a course or would have to transfer earlier if the tapes were not available. "I think it's great that Com monwealth Campus students will be involved in the actual production of a film. We first will have G. Sci. 20 monitored; then we will try Psy. 2." An unofficial target date of two to two-and-a-half years has been set by Quinn for "replacement of bad tapes and introduction of good new ones." "There is no excuse for poor tapes. since they are so essential to the Commonwealth Cam puses." said Quinn. Duo Performs This Weekend Kathy Flaherty and Jonathan Hatch headline the coffee house to be presented this• Thursday. Friday, and Saturday night by the Student Union Board. The coffee house will begin at 9 p.m. in the RUB dining room. Admission is 50c with activity card and 75c without. Kathy Flaherty is 21 years old, and has been playing guitar since she was twelve Hootenanies and folk rallies were among her first performances, until she dropped out at college and began traveling around the country with friends, singing throught the midwest and south. Jonathan Hatch played as a teenager and belonged to a street corner-singing group in New York City. He and two friends released two singles under the name "The Other Voices." After about a year, Jonathan grew dissatisfied and left the group. They met one day in Central Park and spent the day singing in a row boat on the lake. Since then they have sung at almost every coffee house and cafe in the city, as well as a great number of schools on the Coffee House for for in your hometown, yet want to vote in Erie County, then you must cancel your registration in your hometown. This can be done by immediately sending a letter to your local county courthouse stating that you wish to cancel your registration and switch to Erie County. It is imperative that this be done soon because a person cannot register in Erie County until he has cancelled any Rogers Speaks On Presidency Arden Rogers, recently declared candidate for President of the United States, will speak at Behrend on Wednesday, February 23. Rogers, from nearby Fairview, will speak at 9:45 in the RUB Lecture Hall. The Student Government Association is sponsoring Rogers in an at tempt to arouse interest in Behrend students in the Presidential campaign which will take place this year. Rogers. a photo engraver at Kim Kraft Business Forms, believes that the government today in insensitive to the people. He traveled to Washington, D.C., on October 4, 1971, were he deli"ered an open letter to 700 officials, which included the Fresident and every senator and representative in Congress. But none of these 700 officials agreed to talk to Rogers personally. So. out of frustration, Rogers has decided to run for the nation's highest office in hopes of making himself heard. Rogers promises to stage a completely different campaign than that of any other candidate. Ile claims that he will not make concessions to cliques and lob bies. Some of the issues on his platform are: Kathy Flaherty and Jonathan Hatch, both veteran perforfners of the Coffee !louse Circuit and the New York cafes and coffee houses, will perform at Bel►rend this Thursday, Friday and Saturday: Both Jonathan and Kathy have a musical heritage extending back to their youths which includes street corner groups and folk ra!lies. Thursday, February 17, 1972 Students Primaries previous registrations in another county. If you have any further questions, contact the Erie County Courthouse at 456-8851, and ask for the Voter Registration Office. This is a chance for us to be heard, and we must make the effort to make this primary a primary of the people—us! —institution of a national primary instead of the present con vention system of nomination candidates for the presidency --ending the Congressional seniority system —raising the import tax to stimulate business --withdraw' of American NATO troops from Europe Even though Rogers realizes he has little chance of winning the election, he refuses to give up. "I'm not a politician—l'm just people," he says, "and I may lose this battle but I still might win the war." SUB Sponsors Road Rallye The Student Union Board will sponsor a Winter Road Rallye, February 20. at 2 p.m. from Erie Hall. Price of admission is $2 with an activity card and $1.25 without. The above price also includes the navigator. Additional observers are 25c per person. Trophies will be presented to the winners. All entries will receive dash plaques. Registration will take place at 1 p.m. Sunday. Enter at the RUB desk now !
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