Tl':[':tlttelth Qtaltg-tait Volume XXIII N 0.14 Women's Lib Speaker Claudia Dreifus. leading member in the Women's Liberation Movement and .noted - journalist, will speak February 15 in the RUB. She will discuss what women are fighting for within the limits of the Movement. Press Association Holds Winter Training Session The Press Association of Commonwealtli Campuses will hold a Winter Training Session for Common% ealth Campus newspapers on February 19 and 20. The Conference, which will be held at the University Park campus, v ill cover all facets of newspaper publication. The Cove Applicants To Be Interviewed The interview stage in the placement of the COVE volunteers is now taking place. Forty-five \volunteers will be interviewed at twelve different community agencies this week. These interviews, a preliminary step to placement, give the student a chance to find out what the function of the agency is and what type of volunteer work would be done. The student need not accept placement at any agency which he or she visits. In fact, over half of the volunteers have scheduled more than one interview. Among the agencies at v•hich the interviews will take place are: Exceptional Children's Center The CAME Tutoring-Program The Erie School District's Day Care Centers Sarah Reed Home for the Aged The YMCA Community Country Day School. I lousing and Food Applications Housing and Food Service applications for Behrend Campus Fall Term 1972 are now available in the Housing and Food Service Office in Dobbins Hall. Applications must be submitted with the required advance payment before March 10. Community Affairs Increased formal involvement in community affairs through credit work was the topic of discussion at a meeting of a number of faculty and administrators on February 9. Increased use of in dependent study and interdisciplinary courses are among the possibilities. Any person who has not yet filed an application and is interested in any volunteer work may obtain an application at Student Affairs in the Administration Building. workshop for the busihess staff will include topics such as ad layout and design, ad selling, and general business problems. For the editorial, news and production staffs. there will be clinics on reporting. newswriting, copyediting, headline writing. and page layout. There will also be general "rap sessions" bet- News Shorts Volunteer Work Available Published by the Students of the Behrend Caritpus of the Pennsylvania State University Station Road; Erie, Pa. 16510 Claudia Dreifus Presents Women's Liberation Now Claudia Dreifus who at 25 has emerged as one of the most ar ticulate writers and spokeswomen to come from the women's liberation movement and the underground newspaper world, is scheduled to speak on February 15 at 8 p.m. in the RUB Lecture Hall. Admission is 25c with an ac tivities card. 50c without, and $l. for non-Behrend students. Her subject will be. "Liberation Now- What Are Militant Women Fighting For? Born in New York City, Miss Dreifus has a B.S. from New York University. She is an editor of the country's largest and oldest underground newspaper, the East Village Other. Her articles on feminism and other current topics have appeared in such publications as the Nation. Penthouse. the Ladies Home Journal, Realist, Cavalier. and New York Scenes. In addition to her magazine articles, she writes a Meekly column on political subjects for the East Village Other. A book on "The Feminine Experience" is scheduled for publication in 1971, and a book on "International Feminism" is in work. ween editors and staffs of the campus newspapers where mutual problems can be worked out and solutions derived. Aiding in the clinics will be several off cainpus professional journalists. Ray Geiger. editor-in-chief of the. Behrend Collegian, said, "In the past the Collegian has always made a point of sending some members of the staff to these conferences. The Board of Editors of the Collegian has felt that attendance has been very beneficial to the development of the Behrend Collegian but due to the financial crisis that has hindered not only us but most other student organizations, and a seeming "winter" lull in student participation, we have decided not to attend. Perhaps renewed finances and Collegian spirit will enable us to attend conferences in the near future. Teacher Evaluation The Student Government Association cf the Behrend Campus will conduct teacher evaluations during the 7th or Bth week of Winter Term. Joe Zani, first vice president of the SGA, stated that "since the faculty organization has shirked their responsibilities and have not conducted the faculty evaluations as they orginally were going to. the SGA will conduct an evaluation and we will haVe it published. We'll have it available to all students." The evaluations are conducted in an attempt to instruct students of the qualifications of each professor by obtaining student opinioos of classes, teaching methods. etc. Miss Dreifus has also produced occasional public affairs broadcasts for New York's listener-sponsored radio station WBAI, and it was her work for that station that brought her to Northern Ireland from where she sent back eye-witness reports on the fighting between Catholics and Protestants in that country. Asa leading member of Media Women, Miss Dreifus par ticipates in a women's liberation SUB Activities; Psycho Thriller The Student Union Board will present Alfred Hitchcock's thrilling tale, "Psycho," Sunday. February 13, in the RUB Lecture Hall, at 7 and 9 p.m. Price of admission is 35 cents with an activity card, and $l. without. —Psycho." a study in suspense, is a high voltage shocker, con taining the culmination of Hit chcock's skill in taking the macabre and serving it 'up in large doses. A Victorian style house is the eerie setting in which Janet Leigh steals a large sum of money from her employer and sets off the chain of cir cumstances that leads Anthony Perkins, as a young man too long under the domination of his overbearing mother, down the path of drama, suspense and terror. Winter Weekend Results Here are the results of the thrilling toboggan races held during the Winter Weekend. First place was taken by the team of Ray Reichert, Kevin Petrone, Dave Ragen, and Todd Himine. The second place team consisted of Guy Groenendaal, Jim Donner, ~. , . .-> - : *--: I. - . . y .. ......... ..,,..,. •.. ... 1 .... V ,.. . .... . ' :' 'll—"'''' '''.."-: ' . 11 ' : ' ' • ' - , s ~ ;.-Z. —:", .' - " • Winter Weekend Snow A typical Erie blizzard was welcomed for the outdoor activities of Winter Weekend, which included toboggan races and snow sculpturing. The bitter cold didn't prevent snow-enthusiasts from turning out for the weekend festivities, in full force. Thursday, February 10, 1972 "consciousness raising group." She was one of the leaders of a group of women who invaded the offices of the Ladies Home Journal early in 1970 and demanded that the Journal present a magazine more relevant to the current times. She and her colleagues then put together a special section of women's liberation which was printed in the August. 1970 edition. Dave Schlabach. and Al Bauman. If you missed the race. you're in luck because a rematch will be held this Sunday. February 13 at 2 p.m. at the Ski Slope. This match. sponsored by the SUB, is sane tioned by the lATE ( International Association of Toboggan Enthusiasts). Registration is at the RUB desk 10 cents a team. The race will be organized! For further information see Dianne. the California Casinovis at the RUB desk. The prize? Fun. Mustache Contest A co-ed mustache contest will be held Friday. February 2.5, at 7:30 p.m. in the RUB, in con junction with the arrival of the comedy group "Your Father's Mustache". There will be no discrimination based on sex: any genuine mustache mill be accepted and judged by a panel of faculty members on the basis of general attractiveness. A prize will be awarded to the winning lip. Registration will continue until Wednesday. February 23. at the RUB desk. There is no entrance fee. MIME
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers