National Seagulls get bling According to the Quebec Media Inc. Agency and Sun Media, seagulls have been no ticed and even photographed with what appears to be a col lar around their neck made from beer cans in their area. What look like neck rings, similar to those worn by Kay an women in Burma, except with empty beer cans instead of gold, have been spotted on seagulls in the bays of San Francisco. Wildrescue, an animal res cue organization in the area has been receiving informa tion from birders and the surprised public eye via their blog. Along with the Interna tional Bird Rescue Research Center, a $l,OOO reward has been issued for the "arrest and conviction" of the person responsible; neither group believed it was the bird's own doing, stating that whoever was catching these animals was causing them serious harm and breaking the law. Around the World Naked students clean for cash CZECH REP Crazy Clea ning is a new business, dreamt up by a 21-year-old student in the Czech Republic, Katka Kopecka, who was looking for some extra cash in the bleak economy. The innovation was bred out of the simple idea, which almost always rings tN, liate Vkasan, but lavge a.e•a: is na ked bod Made into a simple reality, Crazy Cleaning now employs 15 students from whom the customer can pick and the rate of pay is $240 an hour (completely naked). The cus tomer can also decide what amount of clothing his clean ing service will wear, rang ing from pants with no shirt, just underwear, panties only, or nothing at all. Kopecka maintains that the service her company provides is not pros titution, but instead a reliable, eye-appealing option for in home cleaing. Car catches fire TOBY KELLER assistant news editor On Oct. 22, at around mid night, Chad McDonough, a junior Plastic Engineering Technology major, and his friends were walking through campus when they saw what they described as "a huge cloud of dark smoke coming from under the hood" of a car parked in the driveway to Senate. "We looked to see if any one was in the car, but there wasn't," McDonough said. "We all could smell gas and immediately backed away. Within seconds of mention ing that the car looked ready to explode, it was engulfed in Though this blaze is brilliant, the incident was handled effectively with no reported injuries USC offers Gaga sociology course AMBER MILLER contributing writer Lady Gaga has made quite the impression in the pop cul ture scene since her debut in 2008 with her award-winning music, suprising performanc es, and unmatched costume designs. However, no one could have guessed that Gaga would soon make her debut in the academic world. Dr. Mathieu Deflem, a pro fessor for the University of South Carolina's sociology department, has garnered some attention of his own with his upcoming course "Lady Gaga and the Sociol ogy of Fame," to be taught for the first time during the College A look at what's up at c niversity flames." The owner of the car, ac cording to Jim Amann, Man ager of Saftey and Security at Behrend, had parked and went up to his room. Mc- Donough and his friends re acted quickly, sending Chris topher Cavi (sophomore - math) down to the police station on foot because he "is in the navy and is incredibly fast." McDonough searched for an Emergency Beacon but was unable to locate one. His two other friends, Mark McDonovich (sopho more - mechanical engineer ing technology) and Eiso Gressian (freshman - ac counting), documented the spring semester of 2011. How, one might ask, can a respectable academic course at the college level & based on a pop star? It is 4nple. "We're going to look at Lady Gaga as a social event," Deflem said. "So it's not the person, and it's not the music. It's more this thing out there in society that has 10 mil lion followers on Facebook and six million on Twitter. I mean, that's a social phenom- enon " The course description, found on Deflem's student pages, says that special atten tion will be designated to the many dimensions of fame, with respect to Lady Gaga as a case study. Dimensions in- mpus Connection The college's board trustees then voted in a port of the administrat looking into university tus requirements in Jam 2010, which led to a mee with the PDE in March. The PDE representat responded positively gave approval to mate appal:ad:km. Soon after this the trustees voted in June prepare the application, and work toward completing the forms has continued since then. The application was com piled by many people across campus, including President Dr. Thomas Gamble, Dr. Hei di Hosey and several other trustees. "It could never have come about, however, without many, many people acron all of our campuses and lo cations, in positions from maintenance to vice presi dent, answering questions and providing information," Danzer said near Senat Hall incident by taking pictures and videos, which can be found at, and calmed the public by singing "Burning Up" by the Jonas Brothers. McDonough called upon his volunteer fire fight ing knowledge when the heat was on. "I was screaming to warn people about the fire and get them away from the vehicle in case of an explosion," Mc- Donough said. "With flames 15 feet high, I knew the im portance of getting people out of the potential danger zone, but it was extremely difficult to persuade students, some of whom were completely intox icated, and a confrontation al most escalated into a brawl." clude, but are not limited to, business and marketing strat egies, the role of old and new media, gay culture, religious and political themes, and sex uality. One will also find that this course is a 300-level class with an abundance of required reading, including three books, nine scholarly articles, and a collection of media sources, as well as a rigorous course schedule. Both positive and negative feedback has presented itself with the introduction of this course. However, Deflem is reassured by the support of his collegues and students from around the world. Some of Deflem's favorite com- ses at Erie's other colleges Safe network unveiled ABBY BADACH Editor-in-chief Gannon University is tak ing steps to improve the climate for lesbian, gay, bi sexual, transgendered and transsexual individuals on campus with the introduction of the university's Safe Net work, unveiled at last week's Vigil to End Hatred. "It's a way of saying we will not accept abuse, discrimina tion or harassment of any kind on Gannon's campus," said the Rev. George Strohm eyer, university chaplain and vice president of mission and ministry. "It's more painful; sometimes, when it's aimed at gays and lesbians who are having a difficult time, any way, finding their place. It's pitifully painful." The network connects trained individuals, tailed "allies," with members of the Gannon community who identify themselves in the sexual identities listed above - Or who are questioning their mind identity - to enter into McDonovich was able to calm the more unruly stu dents down before a poten tial fight erupted and before anyone had a chance to be pushed into the fire or to be subdued by the police. Cavi was able to retrieve the police in an relatively short amount of time, before the tires exploded on the car or the drunken witnesses started a riot. The officers attempted to reduce the flames with a fire extinguisher, but the fire overwhelmed them. The fire department arrived shortly after and handled the situa tion with no further complica tions. It was a strange night for McDonough and friends, but thanks to their quick think ing, immediate action and situational intelligence Penn State Behrend was saved from the possibility of a Hol lywood-like car explosion with a real chance of injury. However, with the number of cars on campus, it is likely that this occurrence will not be the last of its kind. "We have so many cars on campus, thousands, so it's not unusual for us to deal with one or two car fires a year," Amann said. "It's not a com pletely unknown occurrence. Usually the owner reports noticing an unfamiliar smell, probably gas or hydraulic flu id that drips onto a hot mani fold, which can ignite." ments can be found in The Harvard Crimson's article about his Lady Gaga course. At one point in their. ar tide "Gaga for Gaga: USC's upcoming course promises to engage students," the writer states, "Ultimately, 'Lady Gaga and the Sociology of Fame' has the potential to be a unique course-the kind of class that students will be ex cited about out of a genuine interest in the subject matter." While there is a small class size limit, future students of USC can rest easy as the professor hopes to teach this sociology course for many fu ture semesters. a non-judgmental, confiden tial and supportive relation ship through dialogue, con versation or other activities. Curren* 20 faculty and staff members have complet ed the training and have cho sen to identify themselves as official program allies. Ward McCracken, dean of student development and a facilita tor of the Safe Network, said there has been a lot of inter est from the Gannon commu nity to hold another training session so more people can become certified. Offidal allies display the Safe . Network logo - an up side-down rainbow triangle in a grey oval - in their offices so interested persons know they are safe and supportive people to talk to about sexual identity issues. Brut McCrack en clarified that the term ap plies to more than just the officially trained faculty and staff members, and also in cludes anyone who supports and stands up for the rights of LGBT people. rata we hope is that ev POLICE REPORTS On Nov. 3, there was a report of theft from a motor vehicle in the F lot on College Drive at 4:00 p.m. A few minutes after midnight on Oct. 30, officers were noti fied of a possibly intoxicated student who was arguing with RAs in Lawrence Hall. The burglar alarm for the Glennhill Farmhouse went off at 6:00 p.m. on Oct. 28. On Oct. 21, officers respond ed to the Burke Center on Jordan Road where a victim reported stolen property. Contact us Our offices are located in the botto floor of the Reed build ing, office 10H, downthe hall from the mailroom. Tel: (814) 899-6488 Fax: (814) 899-6019 The Behrend Beacon 4701 College Drive Erie, Pa 16563 Room 10H If you have a news story for the Beacon or want to submit feedback, e-mail us: Editor: editor(' News: cisso6o(a Opinion: opinionm Sports: sports«' Culture: culture(' Website: editorw Photos: photoeditora psu. edu Advertising and Business behrendbeaconadsw gmail corn Fact of the Week The Popsicle was invented by an 11 year-old, Frank Ep person in 1905. He left his drink outside with a stir stick in it and he noticed that it had frozen. He applied for a patent in 1923 and named it "Epsicle." The name was later changed to Popsicle. ideafindercom eryone is an ally in the end," he said. McCracken added that the Safe Network will serve as an outlet for students to participate in the sexuality arm of Gannon's UFECORE program. McCracken and Strohmeyer both encouraged students, faculty and staff to pick up pledge cards to sign to affirm their commitment to support the healthy discus sion of sexual identity issues on campus and eliminate discriminatory language that promotes hate and violence. "Just to recognize they're here is a form of saying, 'Wel come,'" Strohmeyer said. "'We recognize the beauty of your life, your goals in life. You're a human being. Your soul is beautiful in God's eyes. Welcome - welcome home.' That's very important." Editor's note: Ward Mc- Cracken serves as bust ness adviser to The Gannon Knight, but does not assign, edit, approve or otherwise oversee any of The Knight's editorial content.
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