9 tuesday 8:00-9:00 p.m. - World War II in Re vue. Playing at Studio Theater for $5 a ticket Theta Phi Alpha collecting canned goods for Sapphire Man Pageant outside of Bruno's Promote your event! The Beacon is glad to display any events from any organization. Submissions are due Friday by 5:00 p.m. for publication in the next Tuesday's issue. To submit an item for the calendar, send an e-mail with information or attach ments to editor@psu.edu. While you should include all possible information, submissions may be edited due to space constraints. Please contact the Beacon for special requests. Behrend theatre group launches fall play series JULIE MORRISSEY assistant netts editor As I stepped into the musty theater room, I was welcomed with 1940 s swing music play ing overhead; there were trumpets, swooning women, and lyrics such as "soda pop biggies" encompassing the room as parents and students trudged in. The show began with a small group of female sing ers, dressed in formal and military costumes, addressing the audience with the sorrows of early 20th century inequal ity. Five short skits followed the vocal act, each portraying a different angle of the post war frustrations many Ameri cans faced. The shorts left the audi ence constantly in thought, SGA 3e ,9r e , nc Corner •i:/ what we've been up to lately: In the 10-20 meeting of the SGA, we approved several club constitutions including, The Society of Undergradu ate Economists, The Society of Women Engineers, Ohio Hall Council and The Math Club. We welcomed s( . new senators to the table this week including Bre n Zanella, Justin Wheeler and DJ King. Justin Wheei( has been appointed the new committee director for Communi ty Affairs. All of our Committees now have directors and weekly meeting times which are view able on the Student Activities OrgSync calendar. Any student can participate in SGA commit tees and are encouraged to, visit SGA's OrgSync profile for more information what we're up to soon: SGA's Ad-Hoc committee to modify the smoking policy on campus is working in conjunc tion with Faculty Council to form a survey inquiring on this subject. what's going on at Behrend: 'Revueing'Wor threading each prievous piece together, wondering what these examples of the mis fortune and strength of the blue-collared attitude all re ally meant. For students, the parallel between midterm finals and these over-worked, passion ate 20th century Americans couldn't help but be made. In a way, the six short plays gave one time to reflect, and become inspired by the Important dates Wed. Nov. 10 Elizabeth Kearns, manager of Brunos, will be a guest speaker at SGA. Wed. Nov. 17 Mike Lindner, Director of Housing and Food Services, will be a guest speaker at SGA's weekly meeting. 1 1 thursd 1 0 Iwednesday 8:00-9:00 p.m. - World War II in Re vue. Studio Theater for $5 a ticket 6:30-7:30 p.m. - Christmas Cards for Sailors and Soldiers. Psych lab in Turn bull Hall. Sponsored by Psych Coalition 830 p.m.- Outdoors Club meeting. Reed Theta Phi Alpha collecting canned goods Theta Phi Alpha collecting canned goods for Sapphire Man Pageant by Bruno's for Sapphire Man Pageant outside of Bruno s 13 saturday 8:00-9:00 p.m. - World War II in Revue. Playing at Studio Theater for $5 a ticket 8:00 p.m. - Rock/alternative Evro band performs at Bruno's cafe 10:00 p.m.- Reed 117 $1 ticket, The Other Guys characters' and actors' cour age, who are void of any mi crophone or escapism from the audience. The theater room is only the size of maybe two dorm rooms; however, the actors seemed more excited than nervous before the show. This helped to add to the overall hominess of the play's atmosphere. Jessica Hartman, who is the singer dressed as a nurse Above, left and right: The cast of World War II in revue puts on an excellent show 8:00-9:00 p.m. - World War II in Revue. Playing at Studio Theater for $5 a ticket 12:00-1:00 p.m. - Soup for the Soul event in Smith Chapel living room. Sponsored by CCM and PCM 8:00-11:00 p.m. - Drag Show! McGarvey Commons. Sponsored by Trigon, SGA, and SAE 9:00 p.m.- Reed 117 1$ ticket, The Other Guys 14 sunday 5:30-6:30 p.m. - Campus worship hosted in the Smith Chapel. in the performance, said she wasn't anxious, but rather ex cited to act with the rest of the cast. "Even though the rehears als were separate until the very last few weeks of the show," said Hartman, "we all became good friends. I really enjoyed the cast this year." Even Caitlin Pugliese, who starred as an actor and singer, admitted that after the first show she wasn't at all ner d War "This was my first show, as a freshman," said Pugliese. "Everyone in the play was re ally cool, and by the second night I wasn't nervous, just really excited." As a member of the audi ence, you can sense this corn radery between the perform ers, who are all genuinely enthusiastic on putting on a good show. So go enjoy it. The actors definitely made Weekly Sudoku: 4 5 21 9 6 5 2 9, 8 6 968 2 7 1 4 8 9 3 4 48 1 6 1 2 difficulty 3 / 5 for answers, see page 7. News 12 friday 10:00 a.m.- late drop deadline 8:00-9:00 p.m. - World War II in Revue. Playing at Studio Theater for $5 a ticket 8:00 p.m. - Performance by rock artist Ryan Star in Bruno's cafe. Sponsored by LEB and SAF 10:00 p.m.- Reed 117 $1 ticket, The Other Guys Theta Phi Alpha collecting canned goods for Sapphire Man Pageant outside of Bruno's 15 monday 8 p.m.- McGarvey Commons. Sapphire Man t Pageant. Contest amongst the es men on campus! -casual swim -talent show -Q & A -men MUST wear formal-wear. the best of their small, per sonal space, adding many un expected props, movements, and surprised actions. without giving anything away, be careful where you sit. You're in for an unexpect ed overview of WWII, which has been artfully captured as a protest of human struggle, and genuine friendship be tween the cast members.
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