81 Behrend Beacon () Y\ April 9, 2010 V/ VJ I www.thebehrendbeacon.com SAYS Senseless census So. if you haven't heard, it’s U.S. Census time! That event that comes along about every 10 years or so and enables the U.S. government to waste even more taxpayer dollars than they normally do. The total lifecycle cost of the 2010 census is now expected to top $l5 billion dollars, or ap proximately $4B for each per son counted. It cost only $l6 per person in 2000 and a measly 1 cent for the first cen sus in 1790 (24 cents today, ad justing for inflation). I’m not sure where all of that money is going, but 1 know where some of it went. I received two letters in the mail telling me the census was coming. I then received two census forms (both to the EXACT same address). And a few days later I received two postcards reminding me to fill out my two census forms. Sheesh. And then of course there's all the money we had to pay for those stupid Super Bowl ads and those even stu pider Franco Harris ads. Hey - I don’t mind a former Steeler raking in a little extra cash: 1 just prefer that it not be my cash. Couldn’t we have got ten leky Woods to do it for less? He wasn't nearly as good as Franco. The commercials on TV lead you to believe that we need an accurate count of Americans so that we know how many roads and schools to build. So it seems like we could have saved a lot of money by just sending everyone a postcard that says “write down the number of people in your house with their ages.” Drop it in a mailbox and the job is done. But it’s not that simple. Ap 'jWtferitly the government also 'needs to know mv race and whether or not I’m Hispanic. IVIY VOICE If life was more like a video game Life is tough, tedious and often rather mundane. It's no wonder that video games have become so popular is recent years. But what if life was more like a video game? It wouldn't be nearly as boring, but what other cool things would hap pen? Here are a few ideas. Item I pgrades: Say you started out as a freshman with a lame Tl-.tO calculator. How ever. when you passed your first math test, it got upgraded foraTl-81. The next one would be an 89. then a 9.L Then you could max out the item with a laser cannon! Medkits solve everything: Regardless or the game or genre, medkits ar.vays save the day. h won't rr.a"er if vou need open heart surgery or just had NEIL PETERS This left me a little confused. Is the government planning to build African-American roads and Caucasian roads? Are we going to suddenly have Hispanic schools and non-His panic schools? If not, why do they need this information? Why does it seem that we are always trying to build a color-blind society, ex cept when it comes to anything the government does? Regardless, the government will be disappointed with my form. I did not complete the race section or the Hispanic section. And I did not provide my phone number so that they can call me to verify it. If they stop me in my driveway, I will give them my best “No habla ingles." In all, the U.S. Census Bu reau has sent out over 425 mil lion pieces of mail. They acknowledge that approxi mately 7%, or 28 million pieces, are simply thrown away. Coin cidentally, that is precisely what is also happening with our tax dollars. But then another thought oc curred to me. Why is it that we need a cen sus to decide how many schools to build, but we do not need one to determine how many Wal-Marts, FedEx offices or how many restaurants to build? Why is it that almost every business in this country can an swer these questions without the census, but the government can’t? It seems to me that by look ing at the birth rates in any city, we could determine how many schools we need. And then we could use that $l5 million to buy school supplies, instead of sending out hundreds of mil lions of pieces of paper. a limb crippled, just touch a first aid kit and you’ll be back in top shape. Imagine how this would help our country. We wouldn’t even need universal health care. Hospitals could just install a drive-though “first aid kit pick up window." Everyone’s a “chosen one:” Everybody loves a hero. If life was more like a video game, then everyone could be one! Imagine what an esteem booster it would be if you be came the savior of the entire human race. Level up to Stat Boost: Okay, say that you really can’t wrap you brain around a cer tain subject. Differential Equa tions is just too complicated or that 10 page essay is no coming along well. If college were more like a game, with every problem you worked or sentence you wrote, you would gain some experi ence. Eventually you’d level up and be able to put a bunch of points into your intelligence. Suddenly, you are way smarter and can have a larger pool of AP for your other abilities! Saves/Respawns give us an opportunity to correct our mistakes: Say goodbye to failed exams. From now on, you just get to “Save” before each test, and if you fail, you just get to start over and try again. Saves have nearly infi- nite uses. Let’s say that you are going on a date with that special person who you’ve liked for a long time. You’d never need to worry about say ing the wrong thing or making a fool of yourself. If things went bad, just reload from your last save and try again. Breaking random objects to find items and money: You’re desperately in need of cash or food. Don’t worry - all you need to do is break every vase or crate you see. MY VOICE /A hard decision for the right reasons With the year quickly wind ing down, I have begun to think back on the first two years of my college education and how much I have learned here at Penn State Behrend. For most of my life, I knew 1 wanted to go to Penn State. My mom, my dad and a number of other family members are Penn State graduates, and I knew it was where I belonged. I wanted to go to University Park right away, but I knew that going to such a large campus after graduating from a small school would make it hard to adjust to college life. After taking some time to think about it, I decided to start my college education at Behrend. I knew that the close Ideation to home and the small campus would help me better prepare myself for University Park. As I prepare to transfer to State College to finish my last two years, I am beginning to re alize how much I have learned and how much Behrend has prepared me to go on to Uni versity Park. My most rewarding experi ence, by far, has been my op- MY VOICE Why I hate bandwagon now s nhlor Have Your Say: Kymberly McClellan freshman biology “I’m too busy to pick up news- “I saw it was the ‘Bare End papers nowadays. I did see Bacon’ and thought it was the front page and thought it funny. It caught my attention.” portunity to work as a sports editor for the Beacon. As a journalism major, I have learned an invaluable amount of skills that will help me in my career as a sports journalist Bandwagon fans come along tort. There’s al that sucked the tn and everyone i’he next season, .m is predicted to best, and their rywhere. People tg all different tparel and acting 'e been fans for .ample, the Pen one cared about years ago. You :o get tickets the or even 10 min -e the game. Not but you were o get tickets for a leap price. 1 still imember when I right behind the paid $75 for my ticket. That was until Sidney Crosby and Evgeni Malkin jfciM THERE Ng&r Rebecca Coombs sophomore MIS I have seen my writing im prove dramatically over the last two years, and I have learned how to edit and layout a news paper. I have started the foun dation I need to have a successful career in the journal ism field. Although the journalism ex perience I have gained is irre placeable, it is the relationships that 1 have made that I will truly remember as ICK BLAKE sports editor came around in 2006. No one watched the games before that or had to sit outside Mellon Arena because they couldn’t get in the Igloo. Now you’re lucky to get tickets, or you have to pay an arm or a leg for a ticket. Even when the Pens have a game, just look around and you basically only see two names on the back of jerseys-Crosby and Malkin. It’s a rare occasion to see any other name, except sometimes you see a Mario Lemieux jersey. One way to tell a true fan and a bandwagon apart: people who can tell you who the Pens beat to win the Stanley Cup, usually they can’t. They don’t necessarily have to know hard facts, but at least know when they play. What’s most frustrating is that the loyal fans who went to every game can barely get a MINE? GOT WI-FI. What were your thoughts on the "Bare End Bacon"? Jeff Keeler freshman undecided “I loved the article on Eugene “I liked the Eugene Cross Cross. You downplayed his article. The rest of it sucked.” beauty, though.” All profile photos taken by Daniel Smith / Behrend Beacon For everyone who knows what it is like to be in the Bea con newsroom on Thursday night, it is hard to believe that it could be missed. Even though some long, sleepless nights were spent in that room, some of my most memorable experiences at Behrend happened there as well. The small group of people that I work with on a weekly basis is easily going to be what I miss the most from Behrend. I have learned so much from the group of editors that I work with, and that is just as valuable as anything else that I have learned. As I go on to University Park, 1 will be diving into the broad cast side of journalism, and there will be a number of new experiences that come with that. I will not forget all the things that I have learned here at Behrend, though, and 1 am very proud to have worked with everyone on the Beacon staff. I am glad that 1 am able to call them my friends, and I could not have imagined working with any other group. fans ticket to see a game One of the most embarrass ing things is when Sidney Crosby played for the Canadian Olympic hockey team. The young athlete ended up scoring the winning goal against the United States, clinching a gold medal win. Instead of cheering for him so called, “Penguin fans” were calling him a traitor and were unhappy with the out come. The point is, who cares. He’s a Penguin. I’m not saying that no one is a true fan. I know many people who have been supporting the Pens, and they wear their jer seys all year long or have old school T-shirts. They talk about the season m come way before others. What kills me the most is that these people are suffer ing because bandwagon fans come in and make it impossible for us to see a game. inion Chris Marchini freshman undecided
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