4 I The Behrend Beacon Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to It happens on the same By Jennifer ,Juncosa perspcclircs afilot j(1 . 15 1 / 6 I (a Ni \ 111(1111 ha', a theory that there is no e\ cuse to miss a hirthda\ \lndict's andior Father's I/A\ , anni \ ersan, , or Christmas. She sa\ s that if a holiday that Lkser\ es a card. present, or phone call lands on the same da\ ever \ ear. then the excuse that on forgot isn't alid. I personttll ha\ e He\ er mksed any cat Help Wanted Who: Anyone. Students, Faculty, Alumni, etc. What: Write for The Behrend Beacon or train to be a editor for next year. When: Weekly or in your free time. Deadlines are 2 p.m. Thursday afternoons. Where: You can express interest by stopping by the Beacon office in the basement of REED or through email to any one of the editors. Why: Being a part of your school paper says a lot about you. It helps develop your writing skills and is fun. Being a part of the Beacon staff will give you a step ahead when applying for jobs or internships before and after you graduate. Most writers that have worked with us move onto paid positions by their second semester. Not only does working for a college paper look impressive on a resume, but it gives you the opprotunity to meet with, interview, and have special privi leges such as getting into sold out events. The Beacon staff has had the opportunity to write about and/or interview Bill Clinton, Ted Danson, Soledad O'Brian, Tom Ridge, and Lynn Swann. The staff last May went to the Barack Obama rally on campus and the Sarah Palin rally at the Bayfront Convention Center in November of this year. The average guy's guide to I 3 Neil James Peters OA ShON co7\ Cilllol n ir:-)11S1?(11),,t1.cdll There comes ;1 time in ever\ man's lile \\ hen he. (Irk en h\ some uneadh)\ need (possibly to increase his level of sophistication or to pick up chicks). set tles himself into the local coffee house and flips open a hrand new hook of poet ry Upon losing his poetic virginity. he 1), pica!! leafs \er a few pages of work while sipping a fresh mocha frappucci no. Howe v er. the poor man ine\ itahlv looks up. drooling from confusion, with his cerebrum on the \ erge of collapse and utters. "What?" In my opinion: We need some underground tunnels. I live in Rochester, New York, and most schools in the area have underground tunnels for when winter throws wind chill and snow in our face. Out of all the places and schools to not have these tunnels... Beacon Thumbs Up *b. - Syllabus day - A clean slate - Cashmere - New computers these holidays. But there is one thing that needs to he clone even, year at the same time. and e'er \ sear at the same time, I forget. Wh\ tki I forget to stop \\ riting the ()Id \ ear once Ne.\\ Years passes. and \\ h\ Lloes it take a whole month to Lk) it? [ Near, after Christmas. I set an hour or so aside to write thank Note cards to Inv relatives that sent me Christmas gifts, and this year. I had about seven to \\ rite, As I wrote the last one and signed MN name. I re a led that I tOrgot to \‘, rite It happens to every man on his first time. We get a little over cunt - R.lcm he cause we listen to Led Zeppelin and think we can handle an\ tlUng. The fact of the matter is. like eserything else in life. it takes practice and patience. For e\ample. it one wishes to ask a girl out on a date. he does not just go flailing in there, unprepa•ed with his pants around his ankles, blowing bubbles from a plastic pipe. He must approach calm!) and confidently, with gentleness and grace. pull hack its cover and ()kers e the The next time you prepare to read a poem, try to think of it as an attractive woman and tiv . to assess it in the same manner. How big. is it? How tall is it'.' Submission Guidelines. Letters should be limited to 350 words and commentaries 700 words. The .more concise the submission, the less we will be forced to edit it for space concerns and the more likely we are to run it. The Beacon does not publish anonymous letters. Please include your major, faculty or administration position, and semester standing. Deadline for any submission is 3 p.m. Thursday afternoon for inclusion in the Friday issue. The Behrend Beacon reserves the right to edit any submissions prior to publication. Please keep complaints as specific as possible. Email submissions to jdjso6l@psu.edu or drop them off at the Beacon office. PERSPECTIVES The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution assemble and to petition the Go vernment for a redress of grievances 2009 on every siinlle card Nosy. I LIIII a perfectionist when it conies to thank you cards because I know the\ will be put on my grandpar ents' refrigerators. so I try to make sure they are perfect. I wrote each card at least twice and I was not about to redo them all. so I simply \\ rote "I'm sure I meant to write 2009." I know for a fact that I am not the only one who fOrgets to write the new year, because I asked. It's one of those tedious things people lOrget. hut how Why is it an - anged the wa\ it is'? Is it harsh? IS it gentle and Iming? Does it slap you in the face. call you an obscen ity and make you feel had ahout leaving the toilet seat up? If so. then you have just taken the first step in hacking dour \vay through the briar patch that is poet- No \‘.. dm't get too confident. You still have a long v‘ ay to go before you are a full-fledged Liberal Arts major. Shake off those training wheels because it's time to actually read the poem. It is a big world, and there are a lot of poems that you may stumble upon: oats are that the one you randomly flipped to while on the trapper is a bad one that doesn't make any sense. It may even day every year embairassim_2.. In most cases. people go to parties to celebrate the new year. People stand in freezing temperatures and buy glasses with the new year mak ing up the lenses and yet. by the next day, it's like nothing changed. Some might say that if you drink at the party you just might not remember and that's why you forget to write the new year. Well. I'm still not 21, and for the last 20 new years of non-alcoholic parties I have been to. with friend; or with my parents, I wake up the next seem as though the poet simpk threw a fistful of Scrabble tiles against a wall and onk used whichever ones tell into the tray of hash brownies. Don't get discouraged. It is going to happen more often than not. A more astute ready may query. "Why do poets 110 that?" It is a well-known fact that many poets. and artists in gen eral. eventuall suffer from what I like to call Aging Rock Star Syndrome. This sad ailment is caused when an artist puts out a few good albums. compila tions. or hooks and establishes them selves as a recognized person in their particular field. After this establishment occurs, the artist is able to put out mediocre albums with only one decent Friday, January 16, 2009 morning tbrgetting to write the new year. Alcohol has nothing to do with it. In psychology. you learn that it takes up to 20 days to form a habit so it might just be that simple. It's just amazing how you can forget something that hap- pens every year on the same day. Luckily, I wmte my thank you cards in January and caught my mistake early, so in February I am still not writing the wrong year. I guess that's the perk of writing thank you cards in a timely man- poetry song and the rest are tiller. This leaves the devoted fans with nothing but disap pointment and confusion. After reading all of this and seeing how much work can he put into reading poetry, an even more astute reader may think, "What's the point?" The point is that reading poetry will make you smaller. It can maybe give a man some thing more to talk to a woman about than how cool her cell phone is and how it matches her eyes. It also may help a gratuitously macho man seem gentler, or an engineer look well-rounded. Just remember that poetry is not a replace ment for good hygiene. So make sure you remember to shower every day. Just a heads up there. Beacon Thumbs Down rfl . a-t-i -11 ._d_. ... if 1,1, If lb If N. - Negative temperatures - Wind chill - Full classes - Salt rings on jeans
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