The Behrend Beacon New committee by Jenna Dominick staff writer The college experience is very unique. There are many chances to learn and grow, inside and outside the classroom. Memories are made and cherished for a lifetime. Twenty years from now, when students are alumni of Penn State Behrend, wouldn’t it be nice to have a physical representation of at least some HIV/AID leading cause of death. However, newer virus. Using condoms can greatly reduce the risk treatments have cut the AIDS death rate of transmission. It is also important that you significantly.” know your partner and know whom your partner According to the Joint United Nations Program, has been with. Ruling out sex is the best as of the end of this year, there are 38.6 million prevention method when you or your partner is adults and 3.2 million children worldwide living infected with the virus. If you are an intravenous with the AIDS virus. So far this year there have drug user it is very important that you never share been 3.1 million deaths due to the virus. needles, although the healthiest decision in this There are ways to prevent the spread of the HIV situation would be not to use drugs at all. Behrend hosts Tuba Christmas 2002 Amateur, student, and professional tuba and euphoniium players throughout northwestern Pennsylvania and surrounding areas are in vited to perform in Tuba Christmas 2002 on Saturday at Behrend. This national event, first conceived in 1974, takes place at 180 loca tions in all 50 states. ‘This promises to be a unique and delight ful event,” said Dr. Gary A. Viebranz, director of instrumental ensembles at Behrend and a tubist himself. “People who play the tuba are generally enthusiastic, exuberant, and festive, and Tuba Christmas allows them to be all of those things and more.” Viebranz is the organizer of the Erie area’s first Tuba Christmas. The program for the event is traditional Christmas music, including popular tunes and carols: The 1:30 p.m. concert, which will take place in the Reed Wintergarden, is free and open to the public. On Saturday, participating tuba players may register between 8:30 and 9:30 a.m. in Erie X meridian on college avenue ;^\n* Years ! SisnA Leas«BvMarch.3o 2003, and You're | Automatically Entered to Win. Check Out the Fabulous Amenities We have to Offer: Spacious Two Bedroom,Two Full Oath Apartments On Site Fitness Center and Study Lounge 'On Site laundry 'Utilities included 'Parking Available * Convenient Location Meridian on College Avenue 646 East College Avenue .. UMITtbITI/t State College, PA 16861 rid ian of those precious moments? Behrend’s Senior Gift Program gives students the opportunity to create an enduring tribute to these moments. In February 2002, the Flag Pole Memorial was selected as the 2002 Senior Class Gift. A large and highly visible American flag and flagpole will be seen from all over campus as well as the new highway. As Behrend’s Class of 2003 wraps up their credit requirements and fills out intent to gradu- 814-231-9000 Hall. The cost of registration is $l5 and in cludes a book and a Tuba Christmas button. Student players may register for $lO. Re hearsal takes place from 9:30 to 11:45 a.m., and the Merry Tuba Christmas Concert be gins at 1:30 p.m. Guest ensemble for the con cert will be Undercurrents, Erie’s professional tuba quartet. Tuba Christmas is supported by the Harvey Phillips Foundation and by Pennsylvania Part ners in the Arts (PPA), the regional arts fund ing partnership of the Pennsylvania Council of the Arts, a state agency. Additional sup port comes from the Mary Behrend Cultural Fund and Undercurrents. For more information about participating in or attending Tuba Fest, contact Viebranz at x 6289. Information about the local event is on the Web at tubachristmas. Information about the national Tuba Fest is onthe web at jM ■ iridav. December 13. 2002 forming for 2003 Senior Gift ARE -JulN’J FA>T ate forms, another thing to remember is to take part in leaving seniors’ mark in the form of a Senior Gift. Cost is a concern, as students must raise money to build their gift. Gifts are usually under $5OOO, and the University must approve the gift. Kevin Moore, Director of Alumni Relations, hopes many seniors will become more involved in this tradition, as a new committee of seniors is forming to brainstorm ideas and choose the Saturday & Sunday shifts on a temporary basis and earn $9.00* per hour (base rate + weekend shift differential). Regular (non-temporary) positions also available at the base wage of $6.50 per hour. Inquire with Human Resources for more details. Apply Now! Sunday, 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday, 8:30 a.m.-6 p.m Wednesday, 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Please dress professionally and come prepared for an interview. Bring two pieces of identification with you when applying. 200 temporary openings! Teleservices Representatives Provide assistance to callers wanting to place orders for a wide range of products and services offered by Fortune 500 and other large companies Earn more working weekend hours! Work one of our select senior gift of 2003. All are welcome and encouraged to suggest ideas and help to fundraise for the gift. Deana McCandless is a contact for the prized project and can be reached at Let McCandless or Moore,, know your ideas and opinions. After all. this is one of the only ways Behrend seniors can really leave something special behind. <V#\\ W *' Weekend training now available
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