Page 4 The Behrend Beacon School by Liz Hayes news editor The second of a four-part series on new faculty at Penn State Behrend continues this week with the School of Business. Eight new faculty have been added to the school's roster: Chuck Brown, instructor in accounting; Dr. Philip lobst, lecturer in management; Raymond MacDermott, visiting instructor of economics; Dr. Phylis Mansfield, assistant professor of marketing; Dr. Chris McNeil, assistant professor of finance; Dr. Kathleen Noce, lecturer in management information systems; Dr. Peter Southard, assistant professor of management; and Dr. Alfred Warner, assistant professor of Firm , i 1 i.40... . ... xit- all ; , ® - ' %.. \-:=.4l' • - , . C : , , ',corm. Chuck Brown Position: Instructor in Accounting Classes: Financial and Managerial Accounting Experience: Indiana University of Pennsylvania; Kent State University; 5 years as CPA Office: 9 Turnbull Annex Office hours: TR 2 - 3 p.m.; W 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Phone: 898-6432 Email: Sta Next week, the Beacon will profile the new faculty in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences. Student express Spring Break 2001!!! Student Express is now hiring sales reps. Cancun features FREE meals and parties @ Fat Tuesdays- MTV Beach Headquarters. Acapulco, Mazatlan, Jamaica, Bahamas, South Padre, Florida. Prices from $469, with major airlines. 24,000 travelers in 2001. Call 800-787- 3787 for a FREE brochure or email: of Business boasts eight new faces strategy According to John Magenau, director of the School of Business, the school hired an unprecedented number of new faculty this year, due mainly to the number of new positions approved. There are three remaining openings, two in MIS and one in management. Once all positions are filled, Magenau said the school would have 38 faculty members. Magenau said there were several reasons new faculty were needed. Last year, two faculty in accounting and management left Behrend to accept other positions and another faculty in management retired. The other key reason for the additions was growth in the school. "Two [other faculty] were hired Tuned Next Week... Dr. Philip lobst Position: Lecturer in Management Classes: Legal, Social, and Ethical Environment of Business Experience: Penn State Behrend; Mercyhurst Office: 11 Carriage House South Office hours: TR 10 - 11 a.m.; 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. Phone: 898-6506 Email: pki 1 $12.80 base-appt. Friday, September 28, 2001 because the school has established new and growing majors in finance marketing," Magenau said. "One new position was established in MIS to accommodate growth in that major and two positions were established in management because of the overall growth in School of Business majors, [especially in] economics and management." The new faculty were found through national searches and advertising, Magenau said. Also, existing faculty were sent to national meetings to conduct interviews. "The faculty were chosen because of demonstrated teaching experience and effectiveness, their potential to carry out an active program of research, and their industry experience and ability to Chris McNeil Position: Assistant Professor of Finance Classes: International Financial Management Teaching Experience: Visiting Assistant Professor. University of Miami Office: 4 Turnbull Annex Office hours: MWF - 2:30 p.m. W 4:45 - 5:45 Phone: 898-6256 Email: work with the business community," Magenau said. "We also look for faculty whose research and teaching interests will compliment those of existing faculty and who will make good colleagues and be caring teachers." Magenau expects more hiring in the future, above and beyond the normal amount required to replace leaving or retiring faculty. He said growth in School of Business enrollment would require more faculty. Also, as Behrend becomes more involved in the iMBA program a new master's degree offered through the world campus and combining the strengths of four Penn State colleges, Behrend included more faculty may be required. Dr. Kathleen Noce Position: Lecturer in Management Information Systems Classes: Website Development and Administration Experience: Not Available Office: 12 Carriage House \Vest Office hours: Not Available Phone: 898-6508 Email: kxn9( A ll ' Ph" LARGE i•TOPPING PAN PIZZA I '7.99 Carry-out only iblingl l / 3 1/01 .40 1 0 16 : lit l e=witr ill i o ==inew (gD pOI 1 Isillikomi Carrot. 'oh , I live Not, inc. 1 A THE BIG NEW YORKER I OR STUFFED CRUST 1 '9.99 . . (one topping) . Ne igi vr "A XIL csowetwo AE4 O 4 • 41111* ni aor i °lewilms4:l26o.triiiivitenaisher r i.. t.. I derpwigh, . I rim list Mc. . L iii• I T 1 MEDIUM 3-TOPPING PAN I I OR THIN g N CRISPY PIZZA I I 1 I 1 '7.99 I 1111,2„Vgal on " LUPO • Uve, 11( 114.15 4011110110 P aihimt PK 41 1 1 L 41/011 dier haat on. boa SI Mori I Plot NON. Raymond MacDermott Position: Visiting Instructor of Economics Classes: Introduction to Macreconomic analysis and policy Experience: Rutgers University Office: 11 Carriage House West Office hours: MW 3 - 5 p.m. Phone: 898-6507 Email: Dr. Peter Southard Position: Assistant Professor of Management Classes: Introduction to Statistics for Business: Principles of Operations Management Experience: American Institute of Business, Des Moines, Iowa; University of Nebraska, Lincoln Office: 6 Turnbull Annex Office hours: MWE 4:30 - 6 p.m. Phone: 898-6268 Email: phs// 4402 BUFFALO RD. ERIE 814-899-2313 CALL Us FOR DELIVERY 2 LARGE 1-TOPPING PAN OR THIN 6 N CRISPY PIZZAS + large order of to breadsticks 1 + 2 titer of Coce-Cote '51.9.99 . . No veld ilk crey eded NSW It MtaCt4l7o4 I ON taltiptlilittillat i r s gat elit bira dew edideed. Weed IA Nr. 6 SI deliver{ I dew red tee sedmi. 0 1 Nue Ned let 41 THE BIG NEW YORKER OR STUFFED CRUST WITH 5 BREADSTICKS, 10 WINGS + 2 LITER OF COCA-COLAS I Upires: 12/3) All <2) *I 1111 raiii wiri Imp odor 41.4, (wpm a ovo. doom Ons cum/distai i gt: pt *it bate WNW. livilisi init To iSI delivery l chow WI be diet 1 Rua Ito, Irk il LARGE 3-TOPPING PAN OR THIN 'N CRISPY PIZZA Expires; 12/31/01 lie nil law sikor ilwls aim it ma Wrillitenn i sily par via. kin dims Unary lisp it i = I tins lid, In Dr. Phylis Mansfield Assistant Professor of Marketing Business to Business Marketing: MBA Marketing Experience Andrews University University of Memphis 10 Turnbull Annex Office hours: MWF 9 - 11:30 a.m plum] Dr. Alfred Warner Position: Assistant Professor of Strategy Classes: Strategic Planning Experience: Ohio State University 5 Carriage House West Office hours: MWF 2 - 4 p.m. '16.99 '9.99 Position Classes: Office Phone: 898-6343 Email: Office Phone: 898-6509 Email 41161 POI
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