FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9,2001 A Hiphopera coming to the Studio Theatre by Christopher Buchanan staff writer There is a unique type of perfor mance coming to Penn State- Behrend that will honor Black His tory Month, as well as give infor mation about college life. The National Society of Black Engineers and the Association of Black Collegians here at Penn State- Behrend are joining together to present an educational and musical play called The Hiphopera. The context of the play is similar to the famous hiphop flavored television show that aired on MTV called, The Lyricist Lounge Show. “All the dialouge in the Hiphopera is in the form of hip hop lyrics and poetry, The cast of The Hiphopera. Erie Civic Music Association Presents “Mr. Sax” Boots Randolph, at the Warner Theatre, 8:00 p.m Mercyhurst College Presents the Spirituals of Harry T. Burleigh Celebrating Black History Month, at the Mary D’ Angelo Performing Arts Center, 8:00 p.m. The weekly column which asks if there is intelligent life out there JUST WHAT HE WANTED: The three wives of Lebanese farmer Ghassan Abdel-Al are tired very tired. Between them, they have given birth to 42 children, and judging by Ghassan’s insatiable appetite for ‘Move,” things aren’t about to let up any time soon. He is only 47 years old. So, to take the pressure off themselves, the three gave Abdel-Al what they consider the perfect gift a fourth wife. He is very happy about it. “I can’t live without love, or at least without women,” he said. “That is the way Alh*' created me.” OH LOOK, A KITTY, A BIG KITTY, AIEEE! After his tenant suddenly vacated a rented Omaha, Neb., home due to his arrest for bank robbery, landlord Ray Besore went in to inspect the place and get it ready for a new renter. He opened the door and was met by a lunging six-month-old mountain lion, a pet of the former tenant. Besore immediately retreated. He was unharmed. WHAT’S WRONG WITH THAT DEAL? Eileen Mayfield, a 42-year-old guard at the Montgomery County prison in Pennsylvania, made five male inmates who wanted candy or snacks have sex with her in exchange, police said. She reportedly told one of them ‘’if you don’t do what I want 1 can write you up and you will get another six to nine months added to your time.” Prisoner complaints sparked an investi gation. She is facing charges. Figure out the quote and who said it by figuring out what these letters translate to Your clue: D equals H “DK XDQX WQSSH ZA SGYK OZXD DZTHKSW OZSS DQYK AG UZYQSH.” Last Week’s Answer: “Am I not destroying my enemies when I make friends of them?” accompanied by original music,” said director Jermaine Hardy. This hip-hop musical consists of a combination of a series of skits, both about events in Black history, and events that are based on col lege life. All of the scenes are writ ten, directed, and produced by stu dents, while maintaining a positive message. The purpose of The Hiphopera is to educate through the use of hip hop, which evolved from African traditional music. Although, mainly African-Americans and their viewpoints make up the theme for The Hiphopera, it can relate to anyone. Some of the skits include a “classroom scene” in which students February 9 Erie Otters vs Windsor Spitfires, at Tullio Arena, 7:30 p.m. February 10 Erie Otters vs Peterborough Petes, at Tullio Arena,7:3o p.m February 13 The musical “Chicago,” at the Warner Theatre, 7:30 p.m by Mike Pingree TMS Campus JKARQTZA WUQALSZA AA-/A A AJ IvJL'm and professor converse about the Black Panther Party, and a “going away to college scene,” which tells the story of a freshmen college student, and the struggle he goes through to fit in. Hardy stated, “that this performance will show hip-hop in a new light, instead of talking about violence and drugs, we are giving a positive image while educating.” The Hiphopera is scheduled for February 16, 2001, at 7 p.m., in the Penn State Behrend Studio Theatre. The costs of tickets with college identification are $3 per person, and $5 per person without college identification . NEIL MAKADIA (hfot S Eat N’ Park has two locations, one on Peach Street and one on West 12th Many college students often wonder what has become of the members of their high school graduating class. Well, for those of you that are Erie-ites, you can enjoy a late night class reunion at Eat N' Park, the place for smiles. Eat N’ Park has two Erie locations, West 12th Street and Peach Street. Crossword ACROSS 1 Brag 6 Three Wise Men 10 Singer Domino 14 Change 15 Dershowitzor Greenspan 16 Luxurious 17 Leftovers 19 Curved molding 20 Goneril’s father 21 Conceal 23 Unable to tell one pitch from another 27 Eager desire 28 Gardener, at times 29 Hero or hoagie 31 Donkeys 32 Paris-based inti, org. 35 Perch 37 Pop 38 Kindle anew 40 Hwy. 43 Piece of bric-a brac 44 Recollection 46 Works hard 49 Lead balloon 51 Cupid 52 Satellites' paths 54 Divide 57 Loaded 59 Enticement 60 Car tooter 61 Boneless cuts of meat 66 Landed 67 Name’s Ist letter 68 Boredom 69 Assam and pekoe 70 “Auld Lang 71 Weight-loss schemes DOWN 1 Saloon 2 Bullring cheer 3 Cash dispenser’s letters 4 Tape, glue, etc 5 Made an effort 6 Indian fabric 7 Pub brew ots in (Erie BY KARL BENACCI FEATURES CO-EDITOR 'Eat N' Park' What seemingly would be a quick stop for some burgers or some late night pancakes can easily turn into a two hour stroll down memory lane with your high school pals. Believe it or not, running into a member of your graduating class is almost inevitable when visiting an Eat N’ Park location on a Friday or Saturday night. © 2000 Tribune Media Servlcea, Inc. All rights reserved. 8 Long-nosed fish 9 Map within a map 10 Corsage provider 11 Boring tools 12 African fly 13 Pieces of paper 18 Highland negative 22 Pure 23 Dull sound 24 O’Neill’s daughter 25 Requirement 26 Extremely angry 30 Cranberry milieu 33 Gruff 34 “ the ramparts...’’ 36 Resistance unit 39 Cover 40 Capital of Italia 41 Jogger’s gait 42 Bronte’s “Jane_” 43 Customers Solutions 45 Gin cocktail 55 Chum 46 Astaire film 56 Felt ill 47 Baltimore player 58 Repudiate 48 Portugal’s 62 Loud noise peninsula 63 Small bill 50 Discuss 64 Fanatic 53 Big rigs 65 Bro's sibling Eat N’ Park is also a good place to meet new people including college students from Gannon, Mercy hurst, and even Edinboro. But even if you aren’t an Erie-ite, you can enjoy good food at great prices at Eat N’ Park. Combining good food and high school reunions is always a great match, making Eat N’ Park a defi nite Hot Spot in Erie.
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