Page 8 - The Behrend College Beacon - Thursday, March 25, 1999 Trigon’s Caberet is a Behrend student Dakota Dinnen taste-tests a condom placed on a banana atTrigon’s Safer Sex Caberet Tuesday. by Mike Frawley assistant editor On Tuesday, March 23, students filled the Studio Theater for the sec ond annual Safe Sex Cabaret spon sored by Trigon. Trigon put on this night as an “evening devoted to the eroticizing of safer sex” as a way to prevent HIV. In the pamphlet that was passed out at the door, Trigon gives the two basic rules for safer sex: keep your partner’s body fluids out ot your va gina, anus, and mouth, and don’t touch sores that are caused by sexu ally transmitted infections. The pre sentations that were put on show stu dents safe ways to avoid those ac tions. PSU Behrend’s Lion Ambassa dors sponsor Snowball Dance by Will Jordan editor in chief This past Friday, the Lion Ambas- Gressley and Jackie Sanfratello. “[The Lion Ambassadors] worked sadors and Student Activities spon- Trisha Smoosc, 04 Elementary really hard getting everything ready sored the Snowball Dance. Thisonce Education, said, “I thought the Snow- for the Snowball Dance and we were annual event was making its return to ball Dance was a success. I enjoyed happy with the way it turned out. I campus, and organizers hope to stage myself and I think everyone that went think that everyone had a really good it again next next year. The dance was had a great time. The Lion Ambas- time and we hope they come back held in the Reed Union Building Com- sadors and Student Activities did a next year.” Ain - Ain - Ain - Ain - Ain - Ain - Ain cr Delta Sigma Pi Pledge Didn’t like that last test grade? —H < a < Buy a 50 cent chance to throw a pie. On sale from 10 —2 in front of Bruno’s H < Ain - Ain - Ain - Ain - Ain - Ain - Ain The evening was divided into three parts: seduction, combustion, and manifestation. The seduction sec tion included presentations on aph rodisiacs, massage, forbidden fash ion, and romance in the bathtub. This section presented information on foreplay and the build up to combus tion. The combustion section gave the audience a demonstration of the different ways to reach orgasms, in cluding masturbation and sex toys, condoms and dental dams, lubrica tion, lesbian sex, and tantric sex. The final section of the night, called mani festation, included a discussion on AIDS, with refreshments served af terwards. All in all, the niglu was a great tended a entertaining night and a lot success. The Studio Theater was of great information on how to prac filled to capacity, and there was a tice safer sex that everyone should great amount of involvement from the know. mons and was a success. The Snow- great job with the planning and deco ball Dance King and Queen were rations, and I had a wonderful time.” announced and the winners were Karl Becky Hack, 02 English, said, Throw a pie at a professor! until April 2nd. Safer Sex eat success Class ,'i' - ' 1-T / 4 * ' 's\ * v i , %\ v > ' - <• vHy.n* '•■ ig. V s . , . ' it ~ ,f V ’/ ' , irh'yp'*-': - ‘%-' ,' 1 ' '' audience. The presenters were well informed about their topic, and an swered all of the questions put to them. Handouts of different types of condoms and flavored samples of lu brication kept the audience’s’s inter est. Student and faculty presenters both provided an open dialogue for people to present the views. Shimira Williams, 06 BusEc, said after the presentation, “I found the Sex Caba ret very insightful. It taught me a lot about safer sex.” Kim Moses, 06 MET, described the night as, “Freaks with attitude. I Love it.” Trigon should be commended for putting on a presentation of this caliber. They gave everyone who at- Features Website of the Edinburgh Pub Tour, the poor man's interest way to experience Scottish pub cul* vot . ture. You can even make yourself sire Are you interesied in Scottish . , culture? Well, you should be. And to the best place to completely immerse theCtasruyofWh.skeyTenns. u®. , r t *• a if you have Scottish blood run- inf yourself in ihc ways of the land of 3 the Scots is to visit the Thnan Pages, reng through your yetns, you roy find ». a,nick stop on the Clans and Mins land. Clicking on die Am & Entertain- 10 ,T TlTuS™ Li ,hm, ment link will allow you to educate J«tr relauves. Tte EducaMn and aho» tr p u ♦ s, i„„ Business inks can tell you about the visit, yourself on Scottish stones & leg- . , \ .. tf . *■ ends, Scottish music and literature Scotbsh economy and Scottish Dm- ages. and on the ancient Gaelic ianguage. «““* a " d Col Chck on the Events and Venues link Government and Politics is a hbefidsd. to find out what concern and festi- must-see for ».s,tors to the Tartan The vals are going on in various parts of Pages. This hnk shonid preve to be peachy lhoc ' with the' find all' erly. by Jon Stubbs features editor is a met whi NSBE hosts fashion show at Behrend on Thursday, March 25 The National Society of Black Engineers at Penn Stated annual fashion show tonight at 7 p.m. in the Reed Unjp Commons. Tickets for the event are $3 for students aw students. See page 3 under “NSBE hosts fashion shi t> M ai > M a M a ill Page models the simple black dress ~ with the help of the Lions cheerleaders. M a > M Nothing to see here. Just blank space. Why not fill it up with your ad? Contact the Beacon’s Advertising Managers at (814) 898-6488. ifliii >on, Marley, Adewunmt, and Rob adopt a casual look for class and daytime ww- ' ♦"• V s' "s ' * \ . < - -S
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