Former Behrend provost in students still interested by Andrea Zaffino editor in t hief This past semester has been truly a beneficial one for Penn State Behrend. Especially monetarily with the Busi ness School’s endowment of $2O mil lion, and now former administrator Irvin Kochel and his wife Ethel have donated to several different scholar ships to be awarded solely to Behrend students. Irvin H. Kochel is the former Pro vost and Dean of Penn State Behrend. He served the college from 1954 un til 1980 when John Lilley took his place. Lilley expressed his gratitude to the Kochels for their support, “I am grateful to the Kochels for their con tinued support of the Behrend Col lege. Their ongoing involvement in Penn State Behrend, their strong be lief in our mission, their support of our students and faculty, are all re- Behrend graduates showcase communications open house by Dan Riefstahl staff writer On Thursday, April 23rd, 1998 a communications open house was held in the Reed Union Building. Five Behrend graduates spoke about their jobs, career opportunities and what it takes to make it in today's technology based communications market. Lori Royer, a 1993 graduate, started off the evening with a discussion of her present job at Harborcreek Youth Services where she works in Commu nity Relations. She explained what this position consists of and how she reached her goals. Lori stressed the importance of completing an intern ship. Many Behrend graduates must complete an internship or do a final thesis, but choosing the right one can sometimes be difficult. She also stressed how important it is to pay your dues and to work hard. Next Craig Schertzer, a 1995 gradu ate, discussed his position as a videographer with WJET-TV 24. An Professors and students discuss Clinton’s sex scandals by Ayodele Jones staff writer The Human Relations Program ming Council held the last open fo rum of the year “Sex and the Presi dency” on April 28, in Bruno’s Cafe. Behrend professors Robert Chisholm, Diana Hume George, Zachary Irwin and Robert Speel were on hand to answer students’ questions about President Clinton’s legal woes and the current state of morality in America. Dr. Robert Speel began with a brief synopsis of Clinton’s troubles. When Clinton began his campaign for the presidency in 1992, rumors emerged about his affair with Gennifer Flow ers and his alleged financial fleeted in this financial commitment to the College’s future.” The money donated by the Kochels has been split up into approximately three different areas. The first is the Ethel and Irvin H. Kochel Scholarship for International Study which lends financial assistance to students who plan to study abroad. The recipients of this scholarship were honored just recently at the awards convocation. They were Nicholas Bobango, Fran cisco Martin, Nathan Mitchell, An gela Leasure, and Stephan Schmiedlin, all of whom plan to study for a about a month this summer in Trier, Germany. The second scholarship supplied by the Kochels is the Irvin Kochel Lead ership Scholarship, which is meant to provide financial aid to those students enrolled or planning to enroll at Penn State Behrend. Two students were exciting field such as this has allowed Craig to meet many celebrities and do a lot of interesting work. He, as did all of the speakers, followed in Lori’s footsteps of stressing the importance of working hard and paying your dues. Sue Preston, a 1988 graduate, dis cussed her position in the Technical services division at Wheatland Tube Company. She explained how she worked her way up to a supervisory position. David Bruce, a 1989 gradu ate, went over the duties of being a writer. He is currently a staff writer at the Lake Shore Visitor and talked about how communication skills are key to a good writer. Last but not least Marjorie Bruce, a 1989 graduate, talked about her job as an Account Coordinator at Impact Advertising. She stressed the impor tance of being well-rounded and the knowledge of today’s technology. She uses the Internet on a daily basis and stressed the importance of learning misdealings in Whitewater. Two years later, in the Spring of 1994, Paula Jones, a former Arkansas State Employee, accused Clinton of propo sitioning her with a demand for oral sex in an Arkansas hotel room. She then followed with a lawsuit accus ing Clinton of sexual harassment. Re cently, an Arkansas judge dismissed Jones’ suit, stating that her job was not endangered by Clinton’s alleged proposition. Kenneth Starr was appointed as in dependent counsel by Attorney Gen eral Janet Reno to further investigate Clinton’s alleged misdealings in Whitewater. Starr’s investigative powers continued to spread when Religious faith expressed on campus by Ik Chan Kang news editor Religion is something that many deal with throughout their daily lives. Some people attend masses and ser vices every Sunday in order to fulfill their spiritual needs. In Behrend, there are several religious groups that are or ganized by either students or the ad ministration itself in order to support spiritual needs for our own students. The Behrend Campus Ministry awarded this scholarship, Carrie Nestor, and Kelly Updegraph. The final award given in the name of Irvin and Ethel Kochel is the Irvin Kochel Lion Ambassador Fund. This scholarship is meant to assist an out standing member of the Behrend Lion Ambassadors as well as go toward funding activities put on by the orga nization. This award is especially im portant to the Kochels as Irvin Kochel helped to develop the Lion Ambassa dors program during his tenure as an administrator at University Park in 1981. The Kochels are very pleased to see their donations going to these areas to better the future of the Behrend College. Irvin Kochel said, “Ethel and I are pleased to do this. We give out of gratitude and concern for the students.” and using all of the resources avail able to you. All of the speakers discussed the road that they took to reach their po sition. All of the graduates stressed how important it is to do whatever you can that is related to your field, and offered several bits of advice. Volun teer work can help you gain experi ence. Part of paying your dues is to do what someone else doesn’t want to. It is a fact of life that the new guy will be asked to do the tedious, mo notonous jobs that no one else wants. Instead of being upset, realize that you are gaining valuable information and experience that will help you succeed in the future. Every bit of knowledge that you gain will help you later in life. We all want to succeed and the more we know about our field, the quicker we can move up. If you work hard and pay your dues soon you will be the one assigning the horribly bor ing tasks. President Clinton was accused of hav ing an extramarital affair with former White House intern Monica Lewinsky. Credible allegations were made against the president - he was accused of obstruction of justice and destroying evidence and telling Lewinsky to lie about any relations that did occur between them. So what do Behrend students think of the allegations placed against Clinton? A majority of students present thought that Clinton did do all that he is accused of but only a mi nority believed that action should be taken against him while in office. “Legal action should be taken after the president leaves office, because it News consists of two major religious min istries that are supported by our fac ulty ministers: Protestant Campus Ministry and Catholic Campus Min istry, with support from four student ministries: The Behrend Knights of Columbus (K of C), The Behrend Newman Association (BNA), Intervarsity Christian Fellowship and Jewish Student Organization (JSO). There are several important roles that these ministries play in relation to students’ spiritual needs. Accord ing to Kelly Shrout, who is currently in charge of the Protestant Campus Ministry at Behrend, “We are here to provide clarification on campus to students to meet their spiritual needs. Every Sunday we hold a service where students can worship with peers. We also encourage service projects to help the needy.” Father Michael Allison, who is in charge of the Catholic Campus Min istry stated, “Religion is something where one can communicate a certain way of life. It can help form deci sions.” Their efforts in providing ser vices to the students are evident through many activities that are spon sored by the Campus Ministry. Both ministries have supported and orga nized many important events within the Behrend community throughout the year. These events include an Ice Cream Social, fund raising auctions to raise funds for the program, retreats to of fer students a more mature under standing of their faith and build pride in their religious heritage, and picnics off campus. Every year they hold the Hanging of the Greens, which is a ceremony to honor the Behrend fam ily by placing a Christmas wreath over their family tomb at the Wintergreen Gorge Cemetery Chapel. Through out the years, this has become one of the traditions of the Behrend commu nity. On Monday and Tuesday during the coming finals week, Protestant Campus Ministry is also organizing a little event, cookie break. The minis try will be going around the residence halls and suites where they will be setting cookie tables in the lobbies for students. There will be homemade cookies from the local churches. Shrout commented, “This is to let stu dents know that churches are think ing of them at stressful times.” Regardless of these efforts per formed by the Campus Ministry, there seems to be less student religious in volvement occurring on campus. Shrout states, “I don’t think we touch many of the students on campus and at the same time I don’t think they seek us. The amount of students who are actually involved are not that many compared to the ratio of the whole student body. But students who get involved, they are incredible. They are just unstoppable.” There are currently 70-90 students who regularly have involvement with the Catholic Campus Ministry, and about 30 students in Protestant Cam pus Ministry. Every Sunday, there are two ser- could tarnish the United States’ cred ibility as a world power,” one student commented. On the other hand, Kerry Hinkson, vice president of the Human Relations Programming Council, said “that postponing any legal activity against the president is like telling a daughter who is being abused by her uncle to keep quiet.” As leader of one the greatest pow ers in the world, many felt that Clinton has a responsibility to his constituents and the public at large to maintain a certain decency in a respected office like that of the president of the United States. Dr. Zachary Irwin, Associate Professor of Political Science, noted that he has “never looked to the presi dent of the United States as source of his moral choice.” The question remains, what is the alternative? Those in attendance were unable to offer an answer. Dr. Speel noted that internationally, people wonder why Americans make a such a huge fuss about the sordid sexual escapades of the president. “In The Behrend College Collegian - Thursday, April 30, 1998 - Page folice .A.nd Safety Fv P O R T : 04/21/98 Someone soliciting perfume in residence halls and apartments but we missed him. Checked all residence areas without success 04/22/98 Complainant reported water shooting out at Wilson Grove. Upon checking found pipe broken below shut off. 04/23/98 Found motorcycle tipped over in S-lot 04/23/98 Complainant informed officer of a complaint concerning a chalk line in the shape of a body at the backbone area. Officers found nothing. 04/24/98 Complainant had to warn several individuals at the Spring Fever concert about parading around the quad with opened containers of alcoholic beverages. 04/25/98 Disturbance outside of apartment 403 involving a non-student. Located suspect in F-lot and ID’d him. He was staying in Perry and he was told to go inside and stay in. He was advised not to cause any more trouble. 04/26/98 Resident found a stray dog in the quad. Said she would take it to the Humane Society, which she did. photo by Jason Blake Kelly Shrout, Protestant Campus Ministries Coordinator vices that are being held on our cam pus. The Catholic Mass is given by Father Allison at 7:00 p.m. at Reed 117 on Sundays, 10:00 p.m. at Dob bins Hall on Wednesdays (normally it would be held at the Reed Com mons, but due to construction, they face relocation), and the Protestant service, held by different clergy on Sundays at 7:00 p.m. in Reed 117. One would ask why there are only Christian ministries on our campus. These two major Christian ministries have tried to establish other religious France, President Francois Mitterand had a mistress who lived across the street from him and when Mitterand died, both his wife and mistress at tended the funeral.” Robert Chisholm, Lecturer of Po litical Science, said "that in Brazil politicians were bemused about Clinton’s escapades and they consid ered it as moral immaturity on the part of Americans” to be so engulfed in every alleged sex scandal. “In Sao Paulo, Friday is the traditional night for men to visit their mistresses. There is still a law on the books that states that a man can be charged with justi fiable homicide if he kills his wife and her lover.” Although news of Clinton’s alleged sexual affairs saturate every form of media, an overwhelming majority of those present at the forum believed that the American public should mind its own business about the president’s private affairs. “The president is pondscum, he can’t help himself like the late John F. Kennedy Jr. How ministries such as Islamic or Buddhist on campus in past years, but have been quite unsuccessful due to lack of student and faculty involvement. As Father Allison says, “We have tried and tried to find other religious groups, but it was unsuccessful. We will be happy to see one formed in the future.” Ms. Shrout stated, “Campus Min istry is a service to students. If you have any ideas, come and talk to us”. As Father Allison also added, “Like Jesus said, come and see...” ever, I don't think Paula Jones had a case, and I don’t think any legal ac tion should be taken against him.” said Diana Hume George. Is Clinton capable of retaining his job as United States president? Chisholm said that, “Clinton is tem peramentally unfit to be president, he uses his power to gain personal grati fication. He has an extreme lack of judgement; he drops his drawers in hotel rooms to complete strangers, invites interns to the Oval Office for sexual favors, and he has state troop ers bring him women.” A theme repeated throughout the forum and the American public at large is that despite all of the accusa tions against President Clinton, many could care less about his sexual esca pades, they don’t have a detrimental affect on the economy and quite frankly they feel that it is none of “their” business. A lack of moral lead ership in the Oval Office may leave students at Behrend wondering “who is the nation’s moral compass?”
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