The Collegian Wednesday, March 28,1990 Dream a little Victims of the Sandman: These Behrend students have been caught by our photogapher snoozing away on some of the most popular rest spots on campus PUZZLE SOLUTION Are you an Athlete without a Sport? Erie Rugby has a Position for YOU!! Women call Judy 474-5856 PM Men call George 825-9478 PM a LAST STRAW Fresh flowers for all your floral needs. Bchrend students - 10% discount 898-1879 WE’LL COOK IT’S TIME FOR DOMINO’S PIZZA™ QQQ HQQQ open for lunch 05757“ I 57w\7 11am- lam Sua-Thurs. 4265 Buffalo Rd. 11 am - 2am Fri & Sat. Eastway Plaza ANn YOU’LL AINU SAVE. Cheryl Wa' 4th Semesl Accounting dream photos by Mike Schell r“”-i Get a 16" extra large pizza with EXTRA thick crust, EXTRA cheese, and DOUBLE of your favorite topping for only $10.95! VaM it participating stores only Not valid with any other otter Prices may vary Customer pays sales tax where applicable Oeinery areas krraied to ensure sale driving Our drivers cany less than $2OOO Our drivers are not penalued tor late defrvenes NIGHT SPECIAL! —HI Get a 16" extra large cheese pizza with one item, and four cans of Coke for only $ 8.95! ■ bood only between Bpn and tildnlght each night. ■ Expires : 5/6/90 I ii. ; VaWJ at participating stores only Not yaw. twin any otNer oflet Prices may vary Customer pays sates tax wfter* appfccattt Oefcvery areas armed to ensure sate driving Our drivers carry less ftian S? 000 Our drivers are not penalized tor late detrvenes L J Expires Keith Houser 2nd Semester Biology 5/6/90 ■
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