The Collegian Wednesday, March 22 SADD - Video from page 1 Van Buren played the role of the girl in the casket. "It feels good, I hope it will be beneficial and cause people to realize the penalties of drunken driving. If it helps one person, then it would of done its job," Van Buren said of her involvement in the video. Officer Todd Allen wrote the script with the intention of spreading awareness to • the students. Allen, a member of the college's Health Advisory Board, explained that the story line is intentionally direct so that viewers understand the dangers of driving under the influence. Allen filed for the grant used to-create the video in the spring of 1987. S.A.D.D. was awarded the grant in September 1987 from the Department of Education's Fund for the Improvement of Post Secondary Education. The grant allowed the advisor to film a video last month on designated drivers as well as the video segments. These segments will also be a Recognition Outstanding by Mark Owens Collegian. Staff Writer Dr. Robert Tauber and Dr. John Gamble are winners of the Sx - milencelin!waidemic. Advising= and Excellence in Teaching Awards, respectively. The Excellence in Teaching Award was initiated in 1969 to recognize the Behrend faculty member who best "fills the roll of an inspired and committed teacher." Any faculty member who has taught full time at Behrend for at least two years is eligible. Gamble, this year's recipient, is a professor of political science. The Guy W. ,Wilson Award for Excellence in Academic Advising.was established in 1982 to reward the Behrend faculty member who has best aided students with their academic advising, helping them to be successful in school and guiding them to appropriate career choices. Tauber is an associate professor of education. "I think we take the importance of teaching very The Collegian welcomes any correspondence whether critical or congratulatory. Let us know what you think. ramommmaimiammilmommemosimmiammomissummumes, I geveimdatii •expires 3/28/891 ITALIAN RESTAURANT 3b12 But alo Road relaJ: Ph 23 1. 1/ We deliver our entire menu to Bchrend Large Cheese & Pepperoni Pizza for part of S.A.D.D.'s program to present the message of the perils individuals face when they choose to drive drunk or let others drive drunk. The videos will be available as national public service spots as well as to the general public. The segments will also be featured in the annual catalog for the National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Abuse. Once the segments have been converted to 16 mm film, the messages will be shown prior to screenings of all movies being shown on campus. Other plans includes the release of a Behavioral Attitude Study triangulating the amounts of referrals, arrests, and dormitory damages due to drunkenness. Behrend's S.A.D.D. chapter plans to present a strong statement against drunk driving that will enable students as well as the surrounding community to rethink any possible involvement in a drunk driving situation. Offered for Faculty seriously both inside and outside the classroom," said Dean Lilley of the awards. Winners are selected by a committee consisting of faculty, students;--and she-previous year's winners. Anyone can nominate an eligible faculty member. The deadline for the applications, which are available in the library, is April 10. Faculty receiving the Excellence in Teaching Award are eligible every other year. Recipients of the Excellence in Academic Advising Award may receive the award only once. 2i,NoNth.Nallottoka.ov..." ;# A LAST STRAW / /Fresh flowers for all your, / floral needs. Behrend / /students - 10% discount/ 0 0 898-1879 e ACROSS 1 Moray 4 Foray 8 Once around track 11 Spindle for wheel 12 Otherwise 13 Anger 14 Greek letter 15 Plunge 17 Expert 19 Ancient 21 Gave food to 23 Decay 24 The sweetsop 26 Conducted 28 Choicest 31 Short sleep 33 Animal's foot 35 Greek letter 36 Pronoun 38 Marches 41 Symbol for Come to the SGA An evening of dinner and dancing March 31st, downtown at the Quality Hotel Plaza Make reservations in the SGA yttrium 42 High mountain 44 Rocky hill 45 Small amount 47 Merry 49 Greek letter 51 Asiatic deers 54 Spanish plural article 56 Pigpen 58 Period of time 59 Platforms 62 Spread for drying 64 Near 65 Torrid 66 Weight of India 68 Actual being 70 Organ of sight 71 Mast 72 Sorrow DOWN 1 Rejoice in triumph Dinner Dance $lO a person $2O a couple Semi formal attire Space is limited office while they last. Weekly CrEssworc Puzzle 7 Loved one 2 Spanish article 8 Stretcher 3 Conducted 9 Exist 4 Repulse 10 Through 5 Indian mulberry 11 Ox of Celebes 6 Doctrine 16 Supposing that 18 Cry 20 Lair 22 Leaves 25 Weaken 27 Parent: colloq. 29 Timid 30 Small child 32 Stroke 34 Spider's trap 36 Move from side to side 37 Cloth measure 39 Fish eggs 40 Title of respect 43 Roof of mouth 46 Pedal digit 48 Canine 50 Essence 52 Expunge 53 Surfeit 55 Deposits 57 Old,pronoun 59 That woman 60 Plaything 61 Soak up 63 Condensed moisture 67 Note of scale 69 Therefore Page 7 The
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