THE TIMES, NEW BLOOMFIELL, 1'A., NOVEMHEll 15, 1881. v jljc Ioomfitlb flints. HOUSE, FARM AND GARDEN. How to Sweep a Room. To sweep and dust a room properly la an art, and all flue arts have a method. Well doue It reuovates the entire room, and the occupant takes possession feel ing that ' all things have become new." It Is not merely a performance;, to be done by hands, but a work Into which taste and judgment, in other words brain, must enter. Are there closets opening into the room to be swept? Arrange the shelves drawers or clothing preparatory to sweeping dny; then let this be the first to be swept. Cover the beds with soiled sheets as also heavy arti cles that cannot be removed ; first, how ever, carefully dust and brush them. Remove all the furniture that can be easily set in the hull or the adjoining room, having first dilated it ; then ; tak ing a step-ladder, begin to sweep or brush or wipe the cornice and pictures. Draw the shades to the top of the win dow, or if there are inside blinds, dust them carefully. Open the windows. All the dust is now in the carpet or air ; and the current of the windows will soon settle it. Now commence to sweep ! not toward a door or corner, but from the outer edge of the room toward the center where the dust will be taken up with a small brush and dust pan. Go over the room once more this time with a damp, ened broom ; that removes the last bit of dust and gives the carpet a new, bright appearance. Replace the articles of furniture as soon as the air is entirely free from dust, uncover the rest and the room is new and clean. All this seems an easy thing to do, but there is not one in a hundred will follow out the delalls. Borne will sweep the dust into the hall, or from one room into another, and wonder why their house is so dusty again. Others forget the cornice and pictures ; while a third class will do all but using the damp broom, which is as the finishing touch to a picture. Ensilage, Mr. Mills, the apostle of ensilage, or the preservation of crops in a green state for fodder, the possibilities of which he is illustrating at Arrabeck farm, Pomp, ton, X. J., lays down the following con. ditions as essential to success : Air must be perfectly excluded from the pit or silo by a uniform and continuous pressure of about 250 pounds to the square foot ; the crop should have flowered before being cut, and the knives should be sharp enough not to tear the saccharine sacks. Last year Mr. Mills fed for seven months 140 animals, cows and horses, from ten acres of corn fodder. The past summer he fed for six weeks 100 cattle, mostly milch cows, from five acres of oats sown in the spring,and he believes that during the coming winter and until his corn crop for 1882 is ready be can, in spite of an inferior yield occasioned by the drought, keep 150 cattle on the corn fod der cut from twenty-five acres. Mr. Mills states that one ton of grass preserv ed green in a silo possesses as great feed ing capacity as twenty tons of the best hay. These are startling figures, but if anyone feels disposed to dispute therh Mr. Mills will gladly furnish the proof, and triumphantly point to his sleek and happy cows, whose rich milk brings one cent a quart more than the usual price. N. Y. Tribune. Let every farmer who is not able to fence a large pasture get a few boards, build a few rods of portable fence and make a small enclosure for his hogs and move it around as circumstances require. It will make pork raising more profita ble than to keep hogs confined in pens all the time. 5FCold boiled potatoes used as soap will clean the hands and keep the skin soft and healthy. Those not over boiled are the best. tW Land ploughed after the middle of May will generally yield better crops of corn than if ploughed in April. tWIt is said that a strong tea mada from boiling sassafras roots used as a wash will kill lice on horses and cattle. tSLabels placed in linseed oil and soaked will hold paint marks plain for years. (3TA teaspoonful of turpentine boiled with your white clothes will aid the whiteulng process. .' & American Ladles. The first impression Sara Bernhardt received of the American ladies manl. fested itself thinly : "Oh ! ze ladles, za are so beautiful, such clear complexion I nevare see before," all of which is due to the universal use of Hwayne's Ointment for skin diseases, which insures a clear and clean complexion, and a healthy color. This recalls to mind the divine precept "cleanliness is next to Oodlt.' ness." 46 4t MRS. LYD1A E. PiNKHAM, OF LYNN, MASS., c a E o o M w U O LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEQETABLE COMPOUND. Ih n Poult! vp Onre for nil tlWae PnlnOil dnmplnlnt nwfl WfiVntM iocoinmon to our best renin 1 population. It will cure entirely the worst form of Female Com flBintd, all oTfirinntronblM, Inflammation and Ulcer tlon. Falling and IHaplneementii, and the consequent Bplnal Weakneas, aud la particularly adapted to the Change of Ufo. It will dliflolre and Mpel tumor from the tiiw In an early stage of dfrelopment. The tendency to can cerous humor there li checked Tery uneedlly by lta hm. It remorea falntnesa, flatulency, dertroys all era Tina; f or itlmulanta, and relieves nak neat of the stomach. It curee Itloatlng, Headaches, Nerrouf Prostration, General Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression and Indi gestion. That feeling of hearing down, causing pain, weight and hack ache, Is always permanently cured toy It me. It will at all times and under all clrcurostancts act tn harmony with the laws that govern the female system. For the cure of Kidney Complaint of either sex this Compound Is unsurpassed. rvniA. K. riNKIIAM' TEGETAUXE COM POUND is prepared at ti and WIS Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass, Price $1. Bis bottles for ft. Bent by mall In the form of pills, also In the form of locenges, on receipt of price, 91 per box for either. Mrs, Plnkham freely answers all letters of inquiry. Bend for pamph let. Address aa above. Mention thit Paper. No family should be without LYDIA E. FINK HAM'S LIVER Pi LI A They cure coitstlpXtlon, biliousness and torpidity of the liver, tfl cents per box. AsT Hold by nil Druglste. -fc ft 31 ly THE SPRINGFIELD SEWING MACHINE. Best in tho World. The nnmifacturers of the SPRINfJFfEr.r) an aware that. In order to meet the critical and economical demands ot the times, the machine must possess a combination ot mechanical excel lences, making It superior to any or Its prede cessors, and at the saaie time be offered at a price that will place It within the means of all. Fully realizing the force of these conditions, they olfer the Springfield, contldent that It will flulltll every requirement that can be expected ot a tlrst class family and manufacturing machine, Every Machine Is warranted perfect la construc tion. In case any of the prts prove defective, when machine Is used for family purposes, within five years from date of mirchase. the maniifactiir. ers will replace such defective part without charge. Thisdoes not apply to needles, shuttles. or uuuuius. jtiaue uy THE SPRINGFIELD Sewing Machine Company, 13 6m SPRINGFIELD, MASS. VALUABLE FARMS AT PRIVATE SALE. TH E subscriber offers at Private Rale the fnl. lowing desirable farms : xo. 1. Is a Farm contalalng Sixty -three Acres, All good land. In a good state of cultivation, and having thereon erected a GOOD DWELLING HOUSE, And all necessary Outbuildings, situate three miles south of Hloomneld and seven miles from Duncannon. There Is on Mils nic ..f Choice Fruit of all kinds, good water at the iloor, wiui running water in uearty every Held. Price. 12,300. Terms easy. XO. 2. Is a farm situate In When. field twp., containing about 113 ACRES, having thereon erected a GOOD DWELLIXU HOUSE, with all required Ont-bulldlngs. the Birn helim entirely new. This farm Is situate about six miles mm vuncannou ana lour nines II (Mil Hloomneld. There Is good water near the door, plenty of streams od the land, a .good Annie On'h.u-,1 nn.i other fruit, and will make a desirable home. Price 2, sou. jeiuis easy, XO. 4. Is a Farm situate In Carroll township, about two miles from bhermansdale, containing about One 11 11 ndied Acres, having thereon erected a Good Dwelling, and other Outbuildings, A well of good water at the house and another at the Warn. There Is considerable fruit on the premises, and the land is good and well watered. Price, f.s.uoo, and payments can be arranged to suit purchaser. XO. o. Is a FARM situate In Carroll township, about two miles from Hhermansdale, containing Heventy AcreM, of good land, and having thereon a GOOD D WELLING, and other Out-buildings. There is a good spring near the house, and the Farm Is well watered. There is also a (food Or chard in bearing condition ; this will make a de sirable home. I'rlce, Jl.EW). XO. 7. A TRACT OF LAND containing 8IXTEEN ACKK8. (half cleared) having thereon erected a GOOD TWO BTOKY PLANK. HOUSE. Ill good order. This property is located 2 miles south of Blnomueld. and has on it plenty of FKUIT of all kinds, and will make very desirable home a party wanting a small tract uf laud. There is a running stream of water near I lta house and a well of good water close to the door. Price !(, half to be cash aud the balance In two equal an Uual payments. T- For (m l her Information address the under signed at New Hloomtleld. ferry county, Pa., or call at his residence three miles south ot Bloom Held. C, B. HAKN1SIL August 17, 18S0. T--IIIIO UT XLE 23 ' i n t ' : "dv?5 b i . r . j j . ''. ..-iiw THE CREAT HUJILINGTOX JIOUTE. IVNo other lino runs Three Through Pnm eengor Trains Daily between Chicago, Dps Moines, Council UliilTs. Omnhn, Lincoln, Pt. Joseph, Atchison, Topckn and Kansns City. Direct connections for nil points in Knnsns, Nchrnskn, Colorado, Wyoming. Montnna, Ne vnda. New Mexico, Arizona, Idaho, Oregon and California. The Shortest, Speediest nnd Most Comforta ble llouto via Hnnnlhi'.l to Fort Pcott, Dcnison, Dallas, Houston, Austin, Ban Autonlo, Galves ton and nil points in 'loins. Tho uncqunlcd inducements offered bythld Line to Travelers nnd Tourists, are as follows: Ti-0 celebrated Pullman (ln-whccl) I'ulaco Bleeping Cars, run only on this Lino, C, H. Q. Pnlaco Drnwlng-Uoom Curs, with Morton's Hecllniiig 1'hnirs. No extra chargo for Beats In Kecllnlng Chairs. Tho famous C. It. Sc Q. Palace Dining Cars. Gorgeous Smoking Cars fitted with Elegant High-Hacked Hnttan Re volving ( hairs for the exclusive uso of first class passengers. Bteel Track and Supclnr Equipment, com bined with their O r'eat 1 hrongli Car Arrange ment, makes this, nliove nil others, the favorite Route to the South, South-West, und tho Far West. Try it, nnd yon will find traveling n luxury Instead of a dlsinpifort. Thro.igh Ticket vl i this Celebrated Lino for bfIc ut nil ufllccs in tho I'nited States and Canala. All Information about Dates of Faro. Sleep Inir Car Accommodations, Time Tables, &c, will be cheerfully given bv npplylnp to J. Q. A. BEAN. Gen'l Eastern Agent, UOU Washington St., Rust Mass. and :17 llroadwav, New York. JAMES R. WOOD. Gen. Pass. Agt.. Chicago. T. J. POTTER, Gen. Muimger, Chlciigo. March 15,1881-401 A f" Ontflt sent free to those who wish topnirnfre in the KJ") most pliuHaut ami pruniHlile IhisIiii kh kmiwn. WW Everythiug new. Capital not required. We will furnish you everything. I0 a dny and upwards is easily made without staying away from home over lilifht. No risk whatever. Many new workers wanted at once. Many are niakiug lorlunea at the business. Ladies make aa much ns men, and young boya and gtrla make great pay. Nq one wlio la willing to work fails to make nnre money every day than can lie made in a week at any ordinary employment. Those who engage at once will nml a short road to fortune. Ad dress H. UALLET It CO., Portland, Maine. 1 ly RFATTV'Q ORGANS 1R useful stops. 5 sets I reeds only ii6. Piano tl2 up. Illustrated catalogue free. Address UEATTY, Washington, N . J. 19Aly NEW RICH BLOODI l'arsona' Furgatlrti I'VU make New Rich Hlood, and will completely chango the blood in the entire system In three months. Anvperson who will ta'ko 1 pill each night from 1 to 1 2 weeks may he restored to sound health, if such a tiling be possible. Bent bv mall for 8 lottor stamps. I. H. JOtlXSON CO., lioiton, Must., formerly llanqnr, Mx. AGENTS WANTED the best Fninlly Jintt- tlnv lHltchine ever Invented. Will knit u Dalr of fucinnin, wltli II EEL and TOR complete, in Sdmtnutes. It will alau knit a great variety of fancy work for which there la alwava a ready market. Send for circular ami terms to the Twoiiibly Hnlttlng MaclUueCo.l4U9 WaaUlagtou BU, bualuu tlasi. 19Aly NOTICE ! THE undersigned would respectfully call the attention ol the citizens of Perry county, that he has a large and well selected stock of c HARDWARE, GROCKHIES, DRUGS, WINES & LIQUORS, IRON. NAILS, HORSE and MULE SHOES, STKEL. ., IRON AXLES, SPRINGS, SPOKES. HUBS, FELLOES. SHAFTS. POLES & BOWS, BROOM HANDLES, WIRE. TWINES, &c. ALSO, Paints, Oils, Glass, Haster, and Cement SOLE, CALF, KIP and UPPER LEATHER, FISH. SALT. 8UGARS,8YRUPS.TEA8.BPICES. viitAiM, ana onuilt COAL. John Lucas & Co's., . MIXED PAINTS, (ready for use.) The best Is the CHEAPEST. i i i " imivm goons noi mrniionen, allot which were bought at the Lowest Cash . uhpi. ma snine ro urn futrons at the ery Lowest rrlces for Cash or upproved trade. His motto-Low prlces.and Fair dealings to all. Go and see him. Respectfully. 8. M. 8HULER. Liverpool, Perry Co. Pa. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. It Is sure to cure Spavins, Splints Curb, &a. It removes all unnatural enlargements. Does not blister. Has no equal for any lameness on beast or man. It has cured lilp-ioint lame, liess tu a person who had sulfered 15 Veai'S. AlsOClirerl rhPlilimtlun, nnrnv frost bites. or any bruises, cut or lameness. It has no equal for blemish on horses. Send for Il lustrated circular giving positive proof. Price one dollar. All Druggists t ave It or can get for you Dr. B. J. Kendall & Co., Pros.,Kuosburgh. Falls, Vermont. HARRIS Si EWINO, Agents, Pittsburgh. Pa. For sale by F. Moktimer, New Blooiiilteld, Fa. PLAGG'S INSTANT PAIN RELIEF Is a WONDERFUL and Immediate Cure for -A.cliet-1 itiul l'alnM, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Headache, Earache, Cuts, Bruises, Sprains, &c. Sold b all Druggists. . Wholesale Depot, fi John Street. New York. Bend for Circular. Sept. 2u, 1881, Good and Glorious News ! I Ml .1 I i :i nin in it For Men, for Boys, For Children ! Were Never Sola as Cheap Before I e I). OANSMAN, -AT THE NEW CLOTHING HOUSE, OFFERS INDUCEMETS IN (I Edialile Clol 0' Note Our Sample Prices : Four Dollar Men's Sults.l Five Dollar Men's Buita, Beven Dollar Men's Bulls, Nine Dollar All Wool Bults, Ten Dollar All Wool Buits. BOYS' SUITS AT FROM $2 00 ; $2.50 : $3.00 & $7.00. These Goods are worth nearly double (he money. Remember, these are all NEW, FRE8H GOODS, splendidly made, durable aud Stylish, and will Fit Like Custom-Made Clothing. My Stock of Furnishing Goods Is complete In Neck Wear. TIES, COLLARS BILK HANDKERCHIEFS. HIlIIlA UNDER WEAR, SATCHELS. TRUNKS, UMBRELLAS, and of ' MEN AND BOYS' HATS, I have a full line, and will tell them Cheap. Merchant Tailoring Department. I have an entire new stock ef NICE OOODS for Fall and Wlntor Suits and Overcoatlncs. Will make thein te MEASURE AT LOW fit ICES. Remember we oirer you nothing but Reliable Clothing. Specially Well Made and Stylish Cut. and all New and Fresh for this Fall and Winter's Wear. Money Refunded on all Goods Not Found as Represented ! Please Call, whether you wish to buy or not. Examine and be convinced. D. GANSMAN, New Clothing House! Corner Centre Bquare and Second Sreet, Frank's Old Hardware Store, NEWPORT, PA. September 20, 18R1. iTCW3tf ' THE Chicago & North-Western IXA.I LAVA. Y Is the Oldest, Beat Constructed, Best Equipped, and hence the LEADING RAILWAY -OF THE WEST and SOUTHWEST. It Is the short and best route between Chicago and all points lu Northern Illinois, Iowa, Dekota, Wyoming, Ne braka. California. Oregon. Arizona. Utah, Col orado, Idaho, Monlano, Nevada, and tot Council Bluffs, Omaha, Benver, Leadville, Salt Lake, San FranciECO, Lead wood, Sioux City, Cedar Rapids. Des Moines, Columbus, and all points In the Territories, and the West. Also, for Milwaukee. Green Bay. Oshkosh. Sheboygan, Marquette, Fond do Lao Watertown, Houghton, Neeuah, Menasha. St. Paul, Minneapolis, Huron, Velga, Fargo, Bismarck. Winona. LaCrosse, Owalonna, and all points In Minnesota, Dakota, Wisconsin and the Northwest. At Council Bluffs the Triilns of the Chicago North-Western and the U. Y H'ys depart from, arrive at, aud use the same joint Union Depot. At Chicago, close connecttom are made with the Lakehnore. Michigan Oential, Baltimore Si Ohio, Ft. Wayne and Pennsylvania, and Chicago d Oraud Trunk K'js, aud the Kaukakee and Pan Handle Routes. Close connections made at Junction Points. It is the ONLY LINE running Pullman Hotel Dining Cars BETWEEN CHICAGO and COUNCIL BLUFFS Pullman Sleepers on all Sight Train. Insist upon Ticket Agents Selling you Tickets via this roHd. Examine jour Tickers, and refuse tn buy if they do not read ovei the Chicago at North-Western Railway. If you with the Beft Traveling Accommoda tions you will buv your Tlckels bv this route, AND WILL TAKE NONE OTHER. All Ticket Agents sell Tickets by this Line. 16 MARVIN HUGHJTT, 2d V. P. i Ueu'l Maug'r, C'liioioo, 111. (MA Outfit turnlabid free, with full instructions for H. I M ciinitUftJux thti linwt lmtl!alle huelue Mint yfmt anyone cuu vukuku in. '1 Ue butnuvK. iu euay to h-aru, slid our lii.trurtions so timple and plain, that ttuy unucuu makr ,rrut prnHta from the very mart. No dub run fail wliu it willing t .i work. Wtim-u are a. uo cuhhI ul aa ineu. lloyaaud vfrla can earu lare etinia. Many have made at the luvliicaa tver one huutlred dolluraiuaaiiiKle week. Ni.thinif like it ever kuowu Imlnre. All who f nuue arf aiiri-rmed at the eaa aud ruplilitv with which they are nlile to make money. uu oau eilffae iu this luntiueKH (tiiring' Tour Bure time at Kreat profit. Youdouot have tu litveHt capital in it. We take all the ruk. Thciae wlio neetl natly money, ahould -vrite to ut at nui-e. All furuinUed frtx;. Addrvaa TKl'KtOO. Auwutta, Uaiue. 1 ly ClOtllM nun Newport Advertisements. JEWPORT DRUG STORE. Having on hsnd a complete assortment of (he fol lowing article, the subscriber ask a share of too patronage. Drugs and Medicines, CHEMICALS OF ALL KINDS. Also a full stock of Concentrated Remedies, ESSENTIAL OILS. Brushes, Perfumery IIAIH OIL, AND FANCY ARTICLES Also always on Hand PURE WINES & LIQUOR FOB MEDICINAL and SACRAMENTAL PURPOSES PHYSICIANS ORDERS CareCUy and Promptly Filled B . M . E B Y . Newport, Penn'a. yf R. s. cook & co., Agree to sell all kinds of LUMBER AND SHINGLES, for LESS MONEY than any other dealers In this county. We will also take good Tlmberon the Btump or delivered at our Mill In exchange for Lumber.&c, We use Clearfield Pine and Hem ockouly. W. B. S. COOK & CO., Newport, Perry Co., Pa. October 10, 1876. JONES' BROS, & CO., (Formerly John Jones & Son,) Grain & Produce MERCHANTS, Brick Warehouse, Front St., above Market, Newport, Perry County, Pa. WE would respectfully invite the patronage ol Li HIGHKHT f.'HdIrviet,pub"0. generally" wlllbe'paidfJriuksot6 ma,ket GRAIN, FLOUK, PRODUCE SEEDS AND RAILROAD TIES We have constantly on hand, PISH, SALT, PLASTER, CEMENT COAL, IRON, STEEL, . HOR8E SHOES. So., &o. FOB BALK AT THE LOWEST KATES. . Orders promptly Oiled, Newport, July 20, 1875 tl J B. HARTZELL, Wholesale Tobacco Dealer, Wright's Building, NEWPORT, PA. Sole Agent for Lorilard's Superior Tobacco. .?I0,Jn,tr7.Mercnal,ts Pplled with Goods at Philadelphia prices. r Your orders are solicited . 9 41 g HIMES, Fire Insurance Agent. OFFICE: South Eant Corner Market Sqnare, NEWPORT, PENN'A. FIRE IN8URANCK POLICIES wrftrenjitfnrst. class companies on all kinds of InsurablWrTjper ty, at fair rates, and losses honorably adjusted and promptly paid. Correspondence solicited. Companies Represented: JKtna. of Hartford. Assets, $6,700,0 00 Commercial Union, " l,4'4.0OO. Fire Association, PhU'a., " 3.77S.0U0. B. HIMES, Agent. March 11, 1880 ly TARTLINC DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A viatira of youthful lmpradenoe causing Prema ture Decay, Nervous Debility, Loat Manhood, etc., having tried iu vaiu every known remedy, baa dis covered a simple self cure, which ha will a,-nd FRt'.B to hit fnllow-aunvrers, addraaa J. 11, KtEVLI, 43 llialliaiu tt., Jt. 1. SBly $2 Wcha awmwlniterttisa. Whttemul RuntlovCaM 1. lmlwouu iculilfa. aolidcolatia. ct,MM! Mi,a lM.1 l.rT'W.wi ii. tr,. ur,tt.. .t aluu(rM lUoaraOX A (.., WJ luu St. .w rnrk. m 6Bly JOB PRINTING of every description neatly and promptly executed at Reasonable Kales at the Bl.miulleld Times Steam Job Oftice.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers